The word "姥" has two pronunciations, mŭ1. Po, husband's mother. 2. A common name for an old woman. lăoGrandma, grandmother. (See "Chinese Dictionary") So what is the pronunciation of the word "basking shark"? There is a saying that the basking shark's gram should be pronounced lă

Lao has two pronunciations, mŭ1. Po, husband’s mother. 2. A common name for an old woman. lăoGrandma, grandmother. (See " Chinese Dictionary ") So what is the pronunciation of basking in and ?

There is a saying that the grandma of basking shark should be read lăo, because the basking shark is huge and swims very slowly, just like an old man moving slowly, so it should be read lăo.

This article believes that the basking shark's name should be read . The basking shark is a large shark, second only to the whale shark among sharks, and the so-called basking means big. Lao means mother, mother is pregnant, so it has a great meaning. For example, porcelain mother is a porcelain vase that brings together various porcelain firing techniques. So basking also has the meaning of big in it. The basking shark is a large shark. The basking shark is also called the elephant shark, which means it is the elephant among sharks (the elephant is the largest animal on land). The basking shark's species nickname also means "biggest" in Latin.

Similarly, Laoshan Island , Hefei City, Anhui Province An island in Chaohu Lake, it is also the largest island in Chaohu Lake (mountain here means island, the island is relatively high), Lao means "the largest "(also called mother mountain locally). Later, there was a legend that it was transformed by Jiao Lao, which was probably the result of the interpretation of the character Lao in the name of the island.
