Recently, a Chinese fishery administration vessel was performing a mission in the Beiji waters of Wenzhou. Law enforcement officers discovered that there were more than two hundred dolphins surrounding the fishery administration vessel, sometimes racing and chasing, sometimes jum

Recently, a Chinese fishery administration vessel was performing a mission in the Beiji waters of Wenzhou. Law enforcement officers discovered more than two hundred dolphins surrounding the fishery administration vessel, sometimes racing and chasing, sometimes jumping joyfully on the sea, having a great time. Wow, the scene is quite spectacular. The blue sea, the happy dolphins, nature is really amazing.

Wenzhou fishery law enforcement officials said that they had encountered dolphins when performing tasks at sea in the past, but the number was not large, only one or two. This was the first time they encountered a group of dolphins chasing the wind and waves.

Dolphins are elves-like existences in the ocean. They are slender and strong, and they show off their charming dancing postures in the rough waves from time to time. Dolphins are very friendly to humans, and fishermen from all over the world coexist peacefully with dolphins, so they can be seen everywhere, whether in the depths of the ocean or in harbors everywhere.

Some netizens said that exports have dropped, ship sailings have decreased, and sea creatures have had a chance to breathe. The marine environment has improved, but it must be maintained. During the fishing moratorium, fishing boats that secretly go out to sea must be strictly inspected to at least allow the fish schools to have time to breathe and reproduce. It's really sad every time I see little fish fry sold cheaply in the vegetable market.

These dolphins are so beautiful. We are so lucky to meet them. Humanity's hard work has finally paid off. Let us work together to protect the beautiful ocean. I hope that I can leave more food for them, so that humans don’t kill all the fish in the coastal waters. Only when the marine environment improves can the human living environment improve. I hope everyone can do their part to protect the environment around us.

The ecology is getting better and better, and it will get better and better as long as humans do not catch them arbitrarily. Dolphins have high IQ and spirituality. Like flowers, plants and trees, they are meant to balance the earth's ecology, so we humans must love and protect these elves. The earth not only belongs to humans, it is also the common home for all living creatures living here!