Nowadays, many people raise Bichons and hope that their dogs will live longer. To tell you the truth, raising a Bichon requires these 6 things. It will thank you! If you want a Bichon to live a long and healthy life, in fact, in addition to taking care of its daily life In additi

Nowadays, many people raise Bichon Frize, hoping that the dog will live longer. To be honest, raising a Bichon Frize requires these 6 things, and it will thank you!

① Take your Bichon for regular physical examinations

If you want your Bichon to be healthy and live a long life, in fact, in addition to taking care of its daily routine, a physical examination is also one of the essential items. An annual full physical examination can effectively prevent some diseases. If it worsens, it is easier to cure if it is treated in advance. For elderly Bichons, it should be done once every six months. After all, as dogs get older, their body functions become much weaker. None of us know what will happen.

② Vaccination and deworming cannot be spared

If you raise a Bichon Frize, deworming and vaccination cannot be spared. Dogs are easily infected with parasites, so it is best to take preventive measures. Once infected, not only the Bichon Frize will be affected, not just the Bichon Frize's body. It's uncomfortable, and the bugs on it will also run into the house, which is very dirty. Do this well and Bichon Frize will thank you.

③ Keep the Bichon Frize in a good mood every day

A dog, if it is in a happy mood every day, then it will be mentally healthy and physically better. The Bichon Frize looks very optimistic, and it also needs an owner They are caring and clingy. If the owner can play with them every day, they will be super happy.

④ Give it some fruits and vegetables occasionally

In addition to daily staple food, Bichon Frize should also pay attention to the combination of fruits and vegetables. Occasionally give it some fresh fruits and vegetables, and it will be very happy. It will not only satisfy its taste, but also supplement vitamins. Some Bichons For those with constipation problems, it can also promote intestinal peristalsis, which can be said to serve multiple purposes.

⑤ Staple food should be of high quality

Bichon Frize All the energy and nutritional sources are inseparable from staple food. After all, no one has time to cook dog food for dogs every day, and if you mix it yourself, it will not be as comprehensive as dog food . When choosing staple food, it is best to have high meat content so that the protein will be sufficient. If you don’t know how to choose, you can read the following blue article

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⑥ Regular exercise

In fact, I want a Bichon Frize body To be healthy, regular exercise is definitely indispensable. They are not big and do not need much exercise. The owner occasionally plays Frisbee throwing games with them to exercise their physical fitness. When they successfully catch the Frisbee, they can also be rewarded with snacks. They will be happier.

Conclusion: Have you done all these things?