If given a choice, I believe that poop owners would hope that their dogs can stay with them for a long, long time. However, the life span of dogs is very short, and more than ten years pass by in a flash. In fact, dogs are also very reluctant to part with their owners. Before the

If given the choice, I believe all dog owners would like their dogs to stay with them for a long, long time. However, the life span of dogs is very short, and more than ten years pass by in a flash.

In fact, dogs are also very reluctant to part with their owners. Before they die, they usually take some actions to express their reluctance to their owners, but their owners don't understand. Below, I will tell you what the dog will do before leaving. If the owner understands, he must cherish the last time with the dog.

1) Look at you blankly for a long time

Dogs have a strong ability to predict life. When it is about to leave, it has feelings

It will look at you a few more times in the short time left. , as if trying to engrave the image of the owner in his mind

You can see that the dog’s eyes are full of reluctance, and it seems to be very afraid of never seeing the owner again

2) Extremely clingy

If the dog is usually very clingy People, this may not be so profound.

Some dogs that are usually relatively independent will become particularly clingy before they die.

Like to rely on their owners and follow their footsteps. In the past, they would not have been like this.

This is because the dog knows that he has little time. If he doesn't stick to you, he will have no chance.

3) He grunted and crawled towards the door.

In the past, the old people would say: A good dog never dies at home. Although the dog has a deep affection for its owner

, it also knows that the owner will be very sad if he sees its body

, so it wants to leave the home and find a quiet place to wait for death.

At the very least, the owner will In my impression, the last time I saw the dog, it was still alive.

I would rather believe that it was lost than admit where it hid and passed away.

4) Organize the toys.

Some dogs, before they die, It will use its last efforts to organize the toys

given to it by its owner, as if it is explaining the funeral arrangements. Even if these toys cannot be taken away

, the dog also hopes to leave a memory for its owner and give its beloved toys to someone it trusts. People

5) Rub around at home

Some dogs will rub around in every corner of the house before leaving, leaving their scent

This is the dog’s mark that it has lived in this home

Maybe the owner will never I don’t know how deep a dog’s affection for you is.

It’s even many, many times deeper than your affection for it.

A dog’s life is very short. I hope the owner can take better care of the dog when it enters old age. Dogs, I believe it will be helpful to extend the life of dogs.

So, at what age does a dog reach old age?

Generally speaking, small dogs enter old age at the age of 8-10, while medium and large dogs start to show signs of aging earlier, at the age of 5-8.

How should we take better care of elderly dogs?

. Let the elderly dog ​​maintain proper exercise and go out for a walk every day.

. Elderly dogs have degraded digestive function, poor teeth, and are prone to indigestion. They should be replaced with dog food that is more suitable for elderly dogs, such as the ones in the picture below.

. Older dogs lose calcium quickly and need to supplement calcium. You can feed the dog calcium tablets regularly.

. Elderly dogs will sleep longer and longer. The dog owner can prepare a quiet and comfortable place for the dog to rest better and maintain physical strength.

Conclusion: What kind of dog does your family have? How old is it this year?
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