However, this kitten from a netizen’s home seemed too young and had not yet experienced the magical taste of meat paste. The owner’s hand holding the meat paste was slapped away with a beautiful palm. It was unbelievable and he shouted: “This is not a cat!”


无论猫咪是否贪吃,对于肉泥They all have the same attitude, "Lick well and lick full"! But this kitten from a netizen's home seemed too young and had not yet experienced the magical taste of meat paste. It slapped the owner's hand holding the meat paste away with a beautiful palm. It was unbelievable and he shouted: "This is not a cat!"

This netizen has a cat and a dog at home (Picture/Douyin account 773201289)

html The protagonist of 0 days is this tabby cat (Picture/Douyin account 773201289)

This tabby cat is still young and is the smaller one in the family. New sister member. That day, the owner held up the meat paste that made all the cats crazy, and brought it to his mouth to get close to him. However, as seen in the video , the kittens showed no appreciation for the meat paste strips and knocked each one away with one palm. The cat's "top snack", this action made the owner dumbfounded on the spot: "This is not a cat, is it?"

The owner handed the cat meat paste (Picture / Douyin account 773201289)

It actually slapped the cat Shoot away! ! It’s so disrespectful (Picture/Douyin account 773201289)

The video received hundreds of thousands of likes on Twitter . Netizens replied: “The cat thinks you are going to hit it with a stick”, “I haven’t experienced it yet. "The meat is so good", "You will love it enough to hold it in your arms", "Boxing cats".