It is a very common phenomenon for a cat to lightly bite its owner. But do you know what it means? If you have raised cats for many years, you may not know the meaning of a cat nibbling its owner. Cats say: I love you very much. In fact, cats are light bites. Biting the owner is

It is a very common phenomenon for a cat to bite its owner lightly.

But do you know what it means?

The meaning of a cat nibbling its owner. If you have raised cats for many years, you may not know it.

Cats: I love those who shovel poop. You

In fact, a cat nibbling its owner is one of the ways to express love

A cat nibbling its owner can leave a mark and its own scent on the owner

This means that you belong to it

The cat will only love you Only the one you love will "occupy" you like this.

Cat: Shovelling, I want to know you better

Cats' sense of smell is very sensitive. They understand the world through smell

They also rely on smell to understand the people and people around them. Things

When you come home, the cat will always come close to you, smell you, lick you, and bite you gently.

This way the cat can know where you went and what you did.

So the cat gently By biting you, I actually want to say to you, "Poop shoveler, I want to know you better."

People who have raised cats for many years may not know this.

Cat: "Poop shoveler, have you gone out to "play with women"?

Cats are very jealous. They hope that their owners can pamper them alone.

When a cat bites you gently, it actually wants to see if you have the smell of other animals.

This is the cat's way of "checking the guard". It I want to know if you have been "playing with women" outside.

Cat: Shoveling, are you going to fight?

Cats are not very patient. They will not play with their owners for a long time, and they will not let their owners lick them all the time.

If If you keep petting the cat, the cat will feel impatient and will bite you lightly.

This is to remind you to stop in moderation.

If you continue to pet the cat, the cat may become serious and bite you hard. After a mouthful of

, he will even look at you with a look like "Shovel shovel, are you going to fight?"

Cat: Shovel shovel, let me lend you your hand to grind its teeth.

If your cat is 3-6 months old, If it bites you lightly

often, it may mean, "Poop shoveler, let me lend you your hand to grind its teeth."

The cat may not only bite you, but also bite the legs of stools, sofas, etc. This is to alleviate the problems caused by teething. If the gums are uncomfortable

then the pet owner can prepare some teething toys or teething snacks with moderate hardness for him

Cat: I want to eat the food on your hand

Cats are relatively greedy, every time they see their owners If there is food on your hand, it will beg for food.

If you don't give it food, it will pull you with its paws, or even bite your hand.

This behavior is obviously telling you, "I'm the one who shovels shit." Wants to eat food from your hands”

Conclusion: Does your cat often bite your hands?

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