The weather is slowly getting hotter, and even dogs will feel the heat. Are golden retrievers afraid of heat? 5 major signs of golden retriever heatstroke! Shit shovelers should pay attention! When your dog has these symptoms, cool it down quickly! Are dogs afraid of heat? The an

The weather is slowly getting hotter, and even dogs will feel the heat. Are golden retrievers afraid of heat? Golden Retriever 5 major signs of heat stroke! Shit shovelers should pay attention! When your dog has these symptoms, cool it down quickly!

Are dogs afraid of heat?

The answer is: Dogs are really afraid of heat, and it can be said that the degree of heat stroke is not low!

Five major signs of heat stroke in golden retrievers:

. Excessive drooling

Golden retrievers may drool in hot weather, and the amount is large, because they have to stick out their tongues to dissipate heat, so they will drool. If your Golden Retriever drools more than before, you should consider whether it is too hot and suffering from heat stroke.

. Stick out the tongue and pant.

If the golden retriever feels too hot, it will keep sticking out its tongue and panting in order to dissipate heat. It will also be very impatient. In fact, it is breathing to dissipate heat. The owner should pay attention to whether he has heat stroke.

. Love to stay in the shade

When the weather is hot, Golden Retrievers will definitely look for shady places to stay. Just like you will see dogs lying down under trees to enjoy the shade in rural areas. They stay wherever it is cool. The same goes for Golden Retrievers. When it’s hot, love staying in the shade!

. The dog’s meat pads are soaked with sweat.

If you find that the golden retriever’s meat pads are soaked with sweat, the paws are the same. The sweat glands are distributed on the paws. If the paws are very hot, they may feel wet. Please remember to pay attention to the owner. , if the temperature is too high, lower the temperature, be careful of heatstroke!

. Drink a lot of water

When the weather is hot, golden retrievers may feel thirsty because they keep sweating. Replenish water and drink a lot of water. If your golden retriever keeps drinking water, it means it is very hot. One of the performances!

How to take care of golden retrievers in summer?

1. The owner can choose some cooler mats for the golden retriever and replace the previous thick blankets to be careful of getting sick from boredom. Of course, do not let the golden retriever sleep directly on the ground to avoid catching cold.

2. Golden retrievers need exercise every day. The owner can choose morning or evening appropriately, not at noon, otherwise they will also get sunburned!

3. Do not give your Golden Retriever iced fruits, ice cream, etc., as this can easily irritate the Golden Retriever’s stomach and cause diarrhea and vomiting!

4. You can choose to shave the golden retriever's hair short, which can make the dog less hot. However, it is not recommended to shave all the hair, otherwise it will be easy to sunburn the skin.

5. Observe the dog's condition more every day. After all, the weather is really starting to get hot, and the dog will not adapt to it!

6. Pay attention to changing the water in the water basin, do not use it overnight, and replenish water for the dog. If your golden retriever does not like to drink water, you can choose a snack to mix into the water to lure the golden retriever. Dogs drink water.

7. When the weather is hot, people have no appetite. The same applies to dogs. The appetite may be affected. In addition to paying attention to disposing of uneaten dog food of golden retrievers as soon as possible, it is also recommended that pet owners choose a good palatability for their dogs. Dog food, and some goat milk powder are fed daily, which can effectively increase the appetite of golden retrievers. You can try the following ones.

Conclusion: Is your golden retriever usually afraid of heat?