On June 30, 2022, according to a reporter from West China Network·Shaanxi Toutiao, it was learned from the Qianhu Wetland Provincial Nature Reserve in Baoji City that 7 crested ibis babies have been hatched this year. Unexpectedly, two pairs of crested ibises have returned. The h

On June 30, 2022, according to Western Network ·Shaanxi Toutiao reporter, it was learned from the Qianhu Wetland Provincial Nature Reserve in Baoji City that 7 Crested Ibis babies have been hatched this year. Unexpectedly, there are Two pairs of crested ibises also hatched "triplets", which was unexpected and truly surprising.

It is reported that staff of the Qianhu Wetland Provincial Nature Reserve in Baoji City, Shaanxi Province have detected three pairs of crested ibis breeding in the wild this year. The first baby crested ibis hatched on May 22. So far, 3 pairs of crested ibises have hatched. Seven crested ibis babies were born. They are in the and stages of brooding and are expected to fly to nature around the beginning of July. This means that the rare crested ibis group has several new members.

The crested ibis is a first-level protected animal in my country, and is considered another national treasure of our country after the giant panda. The crested ibis is a bird that was almost extinct, but was brought back from the brink of extinction by our country. It is said that the Crested Ibis was the smallest bird in the world. There were only 7 in the world. It was really pitiful and it once became a critically endangered animal. Fortunately, my country's proper protection measures prevented the extinction of this rare animal.

Crested ibis is also called flamingo and ibis. Its lifespan is generally about 16 years. It is mainly distributed in Hanzhong and surrounding areas in Shaanxi Province, China. The living environment of crested ibis is mainly in temperate mountain forests and hilly areas, mostly near rice fields and river beaches. , ponds, streams and wetlands such as swamps.

In May 2021, according to incomplete statistics, there were more than 5,000 crested ibises in Shaanxi, of which there were approximately 3,000 in the Hanzhong area. This is a number worthy of applause. This is not only the number of crested ibises. The growth is also a testimony of our country's efforts to protect the crested ibis, which includes the hard work of many staff.

In recent years, our country has made great efforts to protect the environment, with remarkable results. The natural environment has been significantly improved. Many previously rare wild animals have frequently appeared in people's sights. This is a good sign and should be celebrated.