In August 2015, the family of Yuan Fazhong from Zhangzhuang Office in Zhongmu County, Zhengzhou City, has recently become notorious. There is a rumor in the village that Yuan Fazhong’s dog bit a four-year-old child to death, with his head mauled and his body torn apart.

text | Changbai Mountain Diary

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In August 2015, the family of Yuan Fazhong of Zhangzhuang Office, Zhongmu County, Zhengzhou City, has recently completely spread its "notoriety". For the first time, Wang Shuling, Yuan Fazhong's daughter-in-law, experienced what it means to "beat a rat crossing the street."

There was a rumor in the village that Yuan Fazhong's dog bit a four-year-old child to death. His head was bitten and his body was dragged. broken. And the child who was bitten was not an ordinary person, he was the son of Yuan Fazhong’s nephew, Yuan Party Committee!

Party committee member Yuan insisted that the child's death was caused by a dog bite at the uncle's house, while Yuan Fazhong said that the child had a sudden illness and refused to admit it and buried the body early. In this way, both sides insisted on their own opinions and turned against each other. The blood relatives who were originally close relatives turned into extremely jealous enemies in the court.

So, was the child's death due to a dog bite or his own illness? Will the two relatives never interact with each other in the future?

Life after being bitten by a dog

On August 17, 2015, Party Committee Yuan, who was doing business in the county, heard that his 4-year-old son Xiaotao had been bitten by a dog. He immediately closed his shop and headed towards the town health center. Go.

looked at Xiao Tao who was being vaccinated, his face turned pale with fright, and his family members didn’t know the answers to questions. Yuan Party Committee was so angry that he was ready to ask his mother what happened and whose dog bit him. ? But before the words were asked, aunt Wang Shuling was about to pay for Xiaotao's injection.

When Party Committee Yuan saw this situation, he understood instantly. It turned out that the dog that bit Xiao Tao belonged to his aunt's family. Since is like this, I won't ask any more questions, and I won't ask for the more than 200 yuan handed over by my aunt. The child was just bitten by a dog, that is, he was frightened, and he will be fine after getting an injection. If there is trouble over this, the whole family will not see each other again, which is not good.

After the first injection, Party Committee Yuan took Xiaotao home for lunch on a battery car. But Xiaotao still had a drooped face, refusing to open his mouth while eating, and kept humming, as if he was feeling very uncomfortable. However, this situation did not attract the attention of Yuan's party committee and his family. They thought that they were frightened after being bitten by a dog and would recover later.

But what he never expected was that at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Party Committee Yuan's family called again when he was in the store, saying that Xiao Tao felt something was wrong and asked him to come home and take a look. Originally Xiaotao was just listless, but now he passed out and refused to respond to anyone's calls.

Seeing that the situation was urgent, Party Committee Yuan did not think much and hurriedly took Xiaotao to the health center for the second time. The doctor took a look and said it couldn't be cured and sent him to the Minato Hospital immediately.

By taking X-rays at the Minato Hospital, discovered that there was blood in Xiaotao's brain, and that he was still suffering from a high fever. The doctor once again recommended that he be sent to a larger hospital. Therefore, the Hong Kong District Hospital specially arranged an ambulance to send Xiaotao to Zhengzhou People's Hospital in the middle of the night.

After emergency treatment at Zhengzhou People's Hospital, it was diagnosed that Xiaotao's condition was a cerebrovascular rupture, and rescue efforts could only maintain vital signs. In this way, two days later, Xiaotao was sent to Henan Provincial People's Hospital.

Because the operation is risky, the doctor said before the operation that it was unlikely that he would wake up, and even if the child was cured, a big scar would be left on his head. Not wanting to disgrace his child, Party Committee Yuan gritted his teeth and took out all his money, just to have another operation done so as not to leave any scars on the child that would make him look strange.

Although the operation was successful, Xiao Tao never woke up and was transferred to the children's intensive care unit. He could only rely on a ventilator to survive. If is brain-dead and is already dead, there is almost no difference between it and a dead person.

Realistic problems are often cruel. The cost of a day in the pediatric intensive care unit is as high as more than 10,000 yuan. In order to treat Xiaotao, Party Committee Yuan has spent all the money at home. He has no choice but to make a mistake that he will never forgive himself for in his life. Decision - to give up treatment.

html On August 24, after the ventilator was removed, Xiao Tao failed to make it home. He stopped breathing on the way home, and the family cried in the car until the sky fell.From being bitten by a dog to his death, in just 7 days, the cute and sensible Xiao Tao passed away without warning.

After seven days of tossing and turning, I couldn't get the child to open his eyes again, and he couldn't even die at home peacefully. Party Committee Yuan deeply blamed himself and felt sorry for Xiao Tao. In order to let his son reach bliss as early as possible, he was buried on the same day he died.

After the incident, not only Wang Dangwei and his wife could not accept it, but the grandparents who had taken care of Xiaotao since he was a child even cried to death. Grandpa was so shocked that he lost 20 pounds in a month and looked inhuman. And grandma I cried my eyes out straight away.

Party committee member Yuan said: The family's sadness is filled with grievances and unspeakable anger. If it were someone else's dog, the whole family would desperately want justice, but this biting dog happened to belong to the uncle's family. , how to vent your inner resentment?

After much thought, Party Committee Yuan decided to put aside their hatred. As long as the uncle's family could use the money for Xiaotao's treatment, they would give up and never mention this sad past again.

Originally, out of guilt, Yuan Fazhong's family agreed to their nephew's request, but unexpectedly, after hearing the amount of the medical expenses, they became unhappy again. felt that the lion asked for 130,000 yuan, but he only prepared 50,000 yuan.

In this way, the first negotiation between Yuan Party Committee and Yuan Fazhong ended in failure.

Was it a sudden illness after being bitten by a dog?

After Party Committee Yuan and his family requested compensation of 130,000 yuan for treatment, Wang Shuling, the eldest aunt of Party Committee Yuan, said that not only would she refuse to compensate the 50,000 yuan she was previously willing to pay, but she even complained about Xiao Tao being killed by her family dog. The bite raised suspicion.

Talking about whether Xiao Tao was bitten by a dog, Xiao Tao's grandmother Liu Songai will never forget that scene, nor will she forget her own confusion.

html At about 10 o'clock in the morning on August 17, after breakfast, Liu Songai took his grandson Xiaotao to his vegetable garden. The grandson and grandson each held a cabbage and were about to go back. When Xiaotao walked to the door of Yuan Fazhong's house , stopped in his tracks, and said to Liu Songai in a milky voice:

"Grandma, wait for me here. I'm going to grandpa's house to see the newborn chicken babies."

A few days ago, Yuan Fazhong's hens A nest of chicks was hatched. Xiao Tao was very curious about the baby chickens he had never seen before, so he had to go and see them. Liu Songai didn't want to stop him at first, but he thought that Yuan Fazhong's family had a big dog, so he wanted to hold his grandson. But Xiaotao ran too fast, and she didn't stop him.

However, before Xiao Tao could open the door and enter the chicken coop, the big dog rushed out. threw Xiao Tao down and grabbed Xiao Tao's butt with his claws. There were holes in the jeans I was wearing outside.

As soon as Liu Songai saw her grandson, she was pinned to the ground by the dog. She ran away with her weak legs and drove away the big dog. But when he looked back at Xiao Tao, he had fainted from fright, and his face was covered in bruises!

"Xiao Tao, Xiao Tao, Xiao Tao..."

Liu Songai

Looking at Xiao Tao, he just couldn't wake up. Liu Songai didn't dare to walk by himself, fearing that the big dog would come again. It wasn't until she called her grandson for half an hour that Xiao Tao woke up from crying.

Because it was a dog raised by his relatives, Liu Songai did not say anything and just pulled his grandson home. However, all this was seen by Wang Shuling, Yuan Fazhong's daughter-in-law.

Seeing Xiao Tao being bitten by her own dog, Wang Shuling did not turn a blind eye and pretend to be confused. She took Liu Songai and Xiao Tao to the town hospital to get rabies vaccine . But because Party Committee Yuan came and didn't ask for his own money, the matter was dropped. What

never expected was that Xiao Tao died 7 days after being bitten by the dog! Wang Shuling couldn't figure it out. If a dog bites a person, will the person die after being vaccinated against rabies? Originally out of guilt, she wanted to compensate Party Committee Yuan 50,000 yuan, but the other party asked for 130,000 yuan. This made Wang Shuling furious. She couldn't help but wonder, Party Committee Yuan was here to seek justice, or was she using her child? Are you here to extort money?

Wang Shuling

Wang Shuling said: Although she was present that day, the scene she saw was different from what Liu Songai said.

The first thing is about being bitten by a dog. It was right for Xiao Tao to come see the chickens that day, and it was also right for his own dog to lie at the gate. But when Xiao Tao entered the house, he pushed the iron door, and the iron door was pushed. The door was too loud and scared the dog.

So, Xiao Tao squeezed in, and the dog pushed out. Xiao Tao's body was too small and his strength was not as strong as the dog's, so he was eventually squeezed to the ground. But he didn't suffer any injuries, except for a bruise on the back of his buttocks and a bruise on the back of his hand. There were no wounds on the rest of his body, and the dog didn't bite Xiaotao either.

Then there was the matter of the rabies vaccine. Wang Shuling said that it was not her initiative to give Xiaotao the rabies vaccine, but Liu Songai's request. She didn't want to cause trouble, so she went to the health center.

Furthermore, when she went to the health center for an injection, Wang Shuling did not see the doctor bandaging the child's wound. Normally, if you are bitten by a dog and there is bleeding and broken skin, the doctor will bandage it, but Xiaotao was not bandaged that day and was only given an injection. She was present throughout the entire process that day and saw everything going on.

Finally, the most important point. Wang Shuling insisted that her dog did not bite Xiao Tao, and that Xiao Tao was not bitten by her dog and was not unlucky. The reason why Xiaotao died was because he had congenital cerebrovascular disease! The reason why the Yuan Party Committee buried Xiao Tao early was because they were afraid that the truth would be found out during the autopsy.

The truth about death

Regarding Xiao Tao’s death and whether he was bitten by a dog, Party Committee Yuan and Wang Shuling each held their own opinions. Neither party wanted to give in on the issue of compensation.

In this way, Party Committee Yuan submitted an application requesting the court to investigate and hear the case of Xiao Tao being bitten to death by a dog. This time he didn't want 130,000 yuan, but wanted to include medical expenses, nursing expenses, transportation expenses, death compensation, etc., which totaled 350,000 yuan!

Party committee member Yuan said that since the aunt's family insisted on making the matter bigger and distorting the facts, then he must pursue this lawsuit. Not only did he remain unchanged in his statement that his aunt's dog bit his son, he was also able to provide evidence one by one.

A medical certificate for Xiaotao's treatment from the town health center clearly stated: "dog bite" . This medical certificate was also personally confirmed by the doctors at the health center. They had specific information on patients who received rabies vaccines. They also stated that they would not have given the injection casually if the patient's mucous membrane had not been damaged by the dog bite.

The doctor said that he had Xiao Tao’s injection records, which showed that Xiao Tao must have been bitten by a dog at that time.

Of course, in addition to witness evidence, Party Committee Yuan can also produce physical evidence, which are photos of Xiaotao’s wounds taken by his family before he was buried. The traces of the dog bite on the buttocks were clearly visible in the photo, and they were not removed until the 7th day after the bite. It is conceivable that Xiao Tao was bitten quite seriously by the dog.

Then there is the aunt's statement that she was forced to go to the hospital with her to give Xiaotao an injection. The injection fee of 268 yuan was paid by Xiaotao's grandma herself and she did not ask for a single cent from Wang Shuling. If it is really forced, then why do you have to pay for it yourself? Obviously this statement is inconsistent with common sense.

After the presentation of evidence, it has become an undoubted fact that Xiao Tao was bitten by a dog raised in Yuan Fazhong's home. However, whether Xiao Tao's death was due to a dog bite requires further confirmation.

According to the hospitalization certificate from Henan Provincial People's Hospital: Xiaotao suffered from anterior communicating artery aneurysm.

The attending doctor who initially treated Xiao Tao said: It is true that Xiao Tao suffered from an anterior communicating artery aneurysm, but he could not determine whether it was congenital or acquired. Because this disease is only common in adults, there are few cases in the country where 4-year-old children have died from it, and the probability is very low.

The reason why Xiaotao was in deep coma was indeed due to the massive bleeding after the bursting of the anterior communicating artery aneurysm, which compressed the cranial nerves. But there is no definite certainty about this disease. If it stays in people's brains, it may break out immediately, or it may not break out until old age and death. However, it almost never happens when Xiao Tao gets sick at his age.

One of the key factors that determines the bursting of an aneurysm is whether it is stimulated. You must know that when Xiaotao was bitten by a dog, he was strongly stimulated and was unconscious for almost an hour. Therefore, being bitten by a dog should be a cause of Xiaotao's death.

At this point, everything about Xiao Tao's death has been made clear. It is a fact that he was bitten by his grandfather's dog, and it is also a fact that he died from a ruptured anterior communicating artery aneurysm. But if you put aside any of these and talk about death, it will not be valid.

Doctor at Henan Provincial People's Hospital

In addition, because Liu Songai failed to fulfill his duty as a guardian, he was also partly responsible for Xiao Tao being bitten by a dog.

Finally, on November 21, 2015, the People’s Court of Zhongmou County, Henan Province made a judgment on this case in accordance with the law. Regarding the compensation of 350,000 yuan proposed by Party Committee Yuan, the original and defendant parties each bear part of the responsibility. Yuan Fazhong and Wang Shuling's family have to compensate Yuan Party Committee and his family more than 165,000 yuan.


Originally a close relative, a big family fell apart into two families due to dog bites, which also resulted in the death of a relative, which made people sigh and sigh.

At the same time, it also taught people a bloody lesson. For parents with young children at home, they must fulfill their responsibilities as guardians and not cause death or injury due to the children's ignorant behavior, destroying the happiness of one or even multiple families.

For families with pets and animals at home, they must take safety protection measures to avoid causing unnecessary harm to others and endless trouble to themselves.