Dogs vomiting white foam is a situation that pet owners are more worried about, but it is also a relatively common situation. There are many reasons. It needs to be carefully analyzed. Only after the cause is clear can we help the dog to deal with it in a targeted manner. Dogs ca

Dogs vomiting white foam is a situation that pet owners are more worried about, but it is also a relatively common situation. There are many reasons. It needs to be carefully analyzed. Only after the cause is clear can we help the dog to deal with it in a targeted manner. Do not give the dog random food. Human drugs to avoid improper use of drugs causing harm to the dog's body.

1. Indigestion

If a dog vomits and foams, it is likely to be indigestion or gastrointestinal discomfort, especially after eating hard-to-digest foods such as bones and milk. The dog's gastrointestinal intolerance may cause vomiting. . If the dog has eaten too much before and has not digested it well, it is necessary to fast and observe it for half a day or a day, and appropriately feed it some Wangxiang Xiaoshi tablets to help it digest food and reduce the digestive burden on the gastrointestinal tract.

2. Gastroenteritis

Dogs often vomit foam or clear liquid, become thin, and have poor appetite, which reflects gastrointestinal problems. Pet owners need to pay attention to their diet, take good care of their dogs' gastrointestinal tracts, and provide appropriate treatment for those suffering from gastroenteritis. Dogs that frequently vomit are fed Tulik to help prevent vomiting, protect the stomach, inhibit the secretion of gastric acid, and prevent persistent vomiting from increasing damage to the dog's gastrointestinal tract.

If your dog has problems such as diarrhea and fishy odor, you can also feed neomycin tablets specially designed for cats and dogs like Changlefu to reduce inflammation and fight infection in the dog’s gastrointestinal tract.

3. Poisoning or canine distemper parvovirus

When a dog accidentally eats poisonous items, the gastrointestinal tract will be irritated and it will also cause vomiting and foaming, such as rat poison, cockroach poison, toilet cleaner, etc., and it needs to be sent to the doctor for help as soon as possible.

Some dogs that have never been vaccinated are infected with canine distemper and parvo. They may also experience vomiting, foaming, fever, depression, convulsions, diarrhea, blood in the stool, etc. They also need to be sent to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible. , can't delay any longer.