Guona Technology Jiang believes that this may be a reminder, so how should we respond to special times? The findings of the Thai research team were published in "Emerging Infectious Diseases" on June 6. One of the team members, Sa Lunyuchusri is an infectious disease researcher a

"Nature" magazine wrote an article on June 29, 2022, reporting a case of humans being infected by a sneezing cat, which was the first confirmed case. It started with a sneezing hamster (

Cats can infect humans, the picture is taken from the official website of Nature magazine

The discovery process

The discovery of the Thai research team was published in "Emerging Infectious Diseases" on June 6 On the forum, Sarunyou Chusri, one of the team members, is an infectious disease researcher and doctor at a university in southern Thailand. He said that this was a very accidental discovery, and the process was clear and organized as follows:

cat Can be infected and spread the new coronavirus, picture from "Nature" magazine

  1. In August last year, a father and son who tested positive for the new coronavirus were transferred to the isolation ward of the university hospital. At the same time, they reported that their 10-year-old cat was also tested positive. Positive;
  2. The key is that during the test, the cat sneezed at a veterinarian. The veterinarian was wearing a mask and gloves, but did not have goggles ;
  3. Then just 3 days later, the veterinarian She developed fever, runny nose and cough, and later tested positive;
  4. None of her close contacts were infected with the new coronavirus, indicating that the source of her infection came from the cat;
  5. Further genetic analysis confirmed that the veterinarian was infected with the new coronavirus Cats and their owners have the same variant, and the virus genome sequence is exactly the same.

The Thai research team’s report provides the first conclusive evidence that a pet cat was infected with the new coronavirus and then transmitted the new coronavirus to others. People.

Convincing results

Early in the coronavirus pandemic, scientists found that cats secrete infectious virus particles that can infect other cats, and countries have reported dozens of them during the pandemic. Pet cats are infected with the new coronavirus. But determining the direction of the virus's spread - from cats to people or from people to cats - is tricky.

Cats in the new coronavirus epidemic, pictures from the Internet

For this incident. Scientists believe the findings are compelling and surprising given the global pandemic, the ability of the virus to spread between animal species, and the close contact between cats and humans. In fact, it took us so long to establish that transmission between cats and humans was possible, says Angela Bosco Lauth, an infectious disease researcher at Colorado State University in Fort Collins. Know it's possible." However, scientists have not scientifically confirmed its existence until today.

Some experts believe that the new coronavirus may be the most difficult virus for humans to deal with. The picture comes from the Internet

Guona Technology Jiang believes that this incident means that in addition to the hamsters you have seen before, cats can also spread the virus to humans. Regarding the incident of hamsters infecting humans, Guona Technology Sauce’s article on January 17, 2022 "What does it mean if hamsters imported from pet shops are infected with the new coronavirus?" "It was mentioned in the article that because an employee of a pet store in Hong Kong tested positive, and several hamsters imported by the store from the Netherlands also tested positive, the Hong Kong authorities slaughtered nearly 2,000 small animals. How to deal with


Regarding the first confirmed incident of cat-to-human transmission, some researchers said that this case of cat-to-human transmission may not be very common. Virologist Leo Poon of the University of Hong Kong said that experimental studies have shown that infected cats generally do not spread too much virus and only spread it for a few days.

North American white-tailed deer in the new coronavirus epidemic, the picture comes from the Internet

Despite this, Guona Technology Jiang believes that the spread of the new coronavirus in some animal populations is an indisputable fact, and we need to attach great importance to it.On April 29, 2022, Cona Technology Jiang reported evidence of the spread of the new coronavirus in populations including North American white-tailed deer, mink, captive gorillas, pet dogs and cats. For details, see "

The new coronavirus is still prevalent around the world, picture Originated from the Internet

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Important statement: The articles published here by are original works of the author Guona Technology Sauce. The copyright belongs to Guona Technology Sauce. The pictures are from the Internet. Please indicate the original author and source when reprinting!