A magazine once published a story that everyone is familiar with: a father was criticized by his boss at the company. When he got home, he was so angry that he scolded his child. The child felt aggrieved and kicked the cat next to him. Cat escaped from the house and walked onto t

A magazine once published a familiar story:

A father was criticized by his boss at the company. When he got home, he was so angry that he scolded his child. The child felt aggrieved and kicked the cat next to him. Cat escaped from the house and walked onto the street, where he happened to encounter a truck. In order to avoid the cat, the truck driver accidentally hit and injured the child on the roadside.

The famous "kicking the cat effect" describes the chain reaction that the contagion of bad emotions may cause. When emotions are conveyed to the end, it is always the innocent people who bear the consequences. It is so abominable!

The accumulation of bad emotions

But "bad emotions" sometimes do not occur naturally.

We all know that when some events happen and we feel bad, we just need to vent or talk about it immediately.

But after we become adults, the things we encounter are not always as simple as "laugh when we want to laugh, cry when we want to cry". Normal emotional reactions become the exclusive right of little babies.

The continuation of long-term suppression makes bad emotions accumulate more and more, gradually reaching the critical value of explosion.

Therefore, when we get angry about a small thing, sometimes it is not directed at this one thing, but the sum of the sensitivity and vulnerability superimposed on the continuous stressful environment.

is not just , does it bear the emotions of itself?

Bad emotions put people into a bad state, which has accumulated over many years. It does not arise and develop independently. The entire social atmosphere or collective small environment is under great pressure and will allow bad emotions to grow.

This becomes a kind of "experience compression" - we are burdened with three experiences: the social environment, others' venting, and our own bad emotions, like carrying a heavy mountain on our backs.

In this case, everyone may become the bearer of other people's bad emotions, and everyone also becomes the "iceberg model of anger."

The iceberg that emerges is part of the emotion that people can express, but a larger part of the inner world is hidden deeper, just like the iceberg.

Emotional illness... should not be underestimated

Clinically, emotional abnormalities can easily lead to psychosomatic diseases . Long-term emotional disorders cause a series of changes in the subcortical center of the brain, causing imbalances in the body system, leading to physiological lesions in target organs.

Common emotional diseases include dizziness, headache, palpitations, thoracic obstruction, stomach pain, acid reflux, dry cough, asthma, , anorexia, etc. These are all immediate symptoms.

Long-term emotional illnesses include breast hyperplasia , breast nodules , and even seborrheic dermatitis that we don’t pay much attention to at ordinary times are all related to it.

Emotions Slow-release method

To relieve emotions, you can use the emotional release method. That is, before the negative emotions accumulate and break up, don’t hold them back, see them, speak them out, and slowly let them go. This can be done in three steps.

1. Do "suppression and observation". Being seriously aware of your feelings opens the door to your true self.

2. Recognize and accept your emotions. Emotions, good or bad, are normal and should be accepted.

3. "Release the pent-up feeling" and make consistent expressions. Speak bravely, like a child, without losing the ability to express honestly.

In addition to correctly understanding emotions and releasing them in a timely manner, you should also pay attention to ensuring adequate sleep, eating regularly, and minimizing coffee, tea, carbonated drinks and other drinks that are likely to cause euphoria. You can choose juice or warm boiled drinks.

To drink water every day, you need a Yikai PD4. Drink warm boiled water, you can choose 45℃ with one click. A warm glass of water can relieve your emotions, calm your body and mind, and relax all the cells in your body.