# funny humorous anecdotes# #story# #history# #knowledge# Giant pandas have big dark circles, thick fur, round faces, and a naive, cute and cute appearance, and they have captured a large number of people. "Loyal fans" have gained popularity in the zoo just by being cute and eati

Don’t think that because the giant panda looks docile and kind, it doesn’t treat it as a ferocious beast. The giant panda is a "bear", not a "cat". It is more appropriate to call it a panda. It is "relative" to the famous polar bear and brown bear . In ancient times, people ranked giant pandas as ferocious as tigers and called them "iron-eating beasts."

During the Battle of Zhuolu, Huang Di joined forces with Emperor Yan to fight with Chi You. In the end, Chi You, who was riding a panda, was defeated. It is said that Chi You kept two pandas, one as a mount and the other as a pet. Maybe the national treasure panda is only cute in the eyes of many people and has very weak fighting power. In fact, this is all an illusion. Pandas can also be extremely destructive when they go crazy. And thousands of years ago, the panda was a very ferocious carnivore, so it made sense to fight with the tribal leader Chi You.