Insects originated about 400 million years ago. After evolving step by step and tempering themselves, they can survive in the complex and changeable natural environment for hundreds of millions of years and reach where they are today. There are many kinds of insects with differen

2024/06/0923:06:33 housepet 1520

Insects originated about 400 million years ago. After evolving step by step and tempering themselves, they can survive in the complex and changeable natural environment for hundreds of millions of years and reach today.

There are many kinds of insects with different shapes. They belong to arthropods among invertebrates. They are the largest group of animals on the earth. Their traces can be found in almost every corner of the world. Insects are also the most fragile creatures in nature. Their bodies are composed of three parts: head, thorax and abdomen. They are small in size and have no internal skeleton support. They are covered with a shell made of chitin. Their individual strength is very small and they often There are sayings such as "molly ants" and "a cricket is so big that it shakes a tree, it's ridiculous to overestimate it".

In nature, we can see all kinds of insects: colorful butterflies, bees that visit flowers and make nectar, silkworms that spin silk and cocoons, cicadas that sing loudly, aggressive crickets, The starry firefly , the agile dragonfly that looks like an airplane, the simple and cute little ladybug , the angry-eyed mantis holding a pair of big knives, the annoying flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches and so on. Below I choose several common insects to explore their survival methods.

1. A symbol of freedom, beauty, transformation and rebirth: Butterfly

Insects originated about 400 million years ago. After evolving step by step and tempering themselves, they can survive in the complex and changeable natural environment for hundreds of millions of years and reach where they are today. There are many kinds of insects with differen - DayDayNews

Butterfly, commonly known as "butterfly", is a very common insect in nature. Butterflies are generally brightly colored, with many stripes on their bodies, rich colors, and various spots on their wings and body. When dancing among the flowers, they look like a beautiful elf.

The beauty of the butterfly seems to have arisen at the right moment, but in fact it is the result of untold hardships in cultivation. It is a completely metamorphosed insect that goes through four stages in its life: egg, larvae, pupa and adult. From an insect to a butterfly, it requires the courage to risk death and fight with all its strength in order to emerge from the cocoon and transform into a butterfly, achieve an elegant transformation like an ugly duckling, gain new life, and pursue the sky of its dreams. After

emerged from the cocoon and became a butterfly, it had wings and a wonderful life. They may be at home all over the world. Wherever there are flowers and plants, there will be their beautiful dancing postures. They may seem docile but have wild personalities. Due to their body instincts and the needs of life, they cannot stop. They bloom with passion like flowers. Flying up and down, they seem to be doing nothing because of their beauty. In fact, they are gentle workers, relying on the warmth of the sun to suck out the needs of life. As long as there are flowers blooming, there is no hiding, only caution. An elegant pick.

Human growth, human life journey, and the development of human society are essentially similar to the growth and transformation of butterflies. From infancy, childhood, adolescence to middle-aged and elderly people, they also experience growth breakthroughs and life transformation, and they also pursue the freedom and rebirth of life. Only by experiencing transformation and rebirth in constant pursuit can we continue to move forward and create brilliance.

2. Representatives of hard work, pragmatism, unity and cooperation: ants

Insects originated about 400 million years ago. After evolving step by step and tempering themselves, they can survive in the complex and changeable natural environment for hundreds of millions of years and reach where they are today. There are many kinds of insects with differen - DayDayNews

Speaking of ants, I believe there is no one who has not seen them. When we were children, we may have carefully observed and teased them. Since ancient times, humans have admired ants. The ancient sages once wrote in the " Old Testament ": "Observe the movements of ants, and you can gain wisdom." These little "elves" are only one millionth of our human body, and they exist The number of them is millions of times that of humans, and they can be found almost everywhere inhabited by humans.

Ants are one of the most survivable creatures on earth. Human beings have only existed on the earth for two to three million years, but ants have survived tenaciously for 120 million years; they have withstood the disaster of dinosaurs , and have also gone through countless eras of biological extinction.

So, what ability do ants rely on to survive for a long time, and what do they rely on to become the most tenacious group in the ecosystem?

Of course it is their hardworking quality and spirit of unity.

Ants plan for winter in summer. They never naively think that summer will last forever, so even in midsummer, they will do their job and actively store food for winter.In life, one ant may not seem like much to us, but a group of ants can exert extraordinary power. They can defeat things that are several times, dozens of times, hundreds of times, or even thousands of times more powerful. Therefore, there is a saying that ants bite elephants to death, and this is precisely because they have a strong spirit of unity and cooperation.

In the modern ecosystem, it is precisely because of the hard work of many sages that humans have gradually become stronger and entered a civilized society. But humans are not omnipotent. In this complex and ever-changing era where challenges and opportunities coexist, we sometimes face forces that cannot be defeated by individual strength. Therefore, if we learn from the ants’ spirit of unity and cooperation and work together, we can often achieve success. Unexpected effect.

3. Mantis: the incarnation of perseverance and bravery

Insects originated about 400 million years ago. After evolving step by step and tempering themselves, they can survive in the complex and changeable natural environment for hundreds of millions of years and reach where they are today. There are many kinds of insects with differen - DayDayNews

Mantis, also known as the knife mantis, is an invertebrate and a carnivorous insect. In ancient Greece , people regarded the praying mantis as a prophet. Because the mantis raised its forearms like a praying girl, it was also called the prayer bug.

Mantises are naturally bold and are not afraid of strong enemies. Generally, small animals will run away when they see people for fear of hiding. But mantises are not afraid of people. When you get close to them, they will look at you with their bright little eyes without any trace of them. Not afraid.

" Han Shi Wai Zhuan " says: Qi Zhuanggong was out hunting, and an insect moved up, and it was about to fight its wheel. He asked the emperor, "What kind of insect is this?" He replied, "This is the so-called mantis. It is an insect. It knows how to advance but not how to stop. It underestimates the enemy without considering its capabilities." Zhuang Gong said: "This is a human being, and it will serve the world. Be brave. "Enter the car and avoid it.

In fact, it’s not that Mantis doesn’t understand the power of the car, it’s just that it believes that it can’t escape and would rather die than become a coward. This is Mantis’ philosophy of life. The deeper philosophical meaning is that no matter when, we must have the courage and determination to dare to face difficulties, and the spirit of sword-sharpening to dare to duel powerful enemies!

4. Bees: Elves who work tirelessly and are willing to give.

Insects originated about 400 million years ago. After evolving step by step and tempering themselves, they can survive in the complex and changeable natural environment for hundreds of millions of years and reach where they are today. There are many kinds of insects with differen - DayDayNews

Bees are a kind of flying social insect, belonging to the order Hymenoptera and the family Apidae . It is a type of pollinating insect that plays a vital role in the process of pollination. 76% of the world's food crops and 84% of the plants rely on them for pollination. Declining bee populations mean reduced production of food crops, fruits, nuts and flowers. Einstein once predicted: "If bees disappear from the earth, humans will only live for another 4 years." We don't care whether Einstein really said this, but the importance of bees to humans It's self-evident.

Bees feed on pollen and nectar. Collecting nectar is a very hard work. Bees need to collect pollen from 1100-1446 flowers to obtain 1 honey sacs nectar. The nectar is sucked into the honey sacs by bees and goes through a series of complex processes. During the honey flow period, a bee collects an average of 10 times a day, carrying an average of half of its body weight each time, and can only provide 0.6 grams of honey to humans in its lifetime.

"After collecting hundreds of flowers into honey, for whom it is sweet for whom you work hard?" This poem by Luo Yin of the Tang Dynasty demonstrates the dedication and hard work of bees. From spring to late autumn, as long as it is in the flowering season, bees eat the wind and drink the dew every day, collect flowers and make honey, taking pleasure in suffering, working non-stop, and making silent contributions.

As an individual, if you want your own value to be recognized, no matter what your identity is or what the nature of your work is, what matters is whether you can do your job well and whether you have a strong sense of dedication. Being on the job for one day means taking responsibility. Since we have chosen to work, we must be loyal to our work and cannot give up the responsibilities on our shoulders. Work not only for yourself, but also for others and the collective. Our work is interconnected, and everyone's work is one of them. If one link is broken, other links will be affected, and the whole will be affected. Therefore, employees are like bees, they must have A strong spirit of dedication will give us the motivation to move forward in our work. We will not care about the gains and losses of our work, enjoy the hardships, and dedicate our youth to this without hesitation.

5. Cockroach: The invincible Xiaoqiang

cockroach generally refers to insects belonging to the " Blattales ".In most people's eyes, cockroaches are annoying, but we all misunderstand this animal. In fact, most of them are not pests, and only about 50 species are pests. Among them, cockroaches, one of the four pests in human life, make many people worry. The more they want to get rid of them, the faster they reproduce. This ability to be beaten to death is considered to be the best in the world. This valuable spirit is exactly what we need to learn - the "little strong" spirit.

The spirit of "Xiao Qiang" (cockroach) represents strength, the spirit that wildfires cannot burn out and spring breezes revive. If you think about it carefully, don’t every successful person have a strong spirit?

In fact, we all know that the richest people in the world are the ones who fall the most; the bravest people in the world are the ones who stand up every time they fall. People who get up; and the most successful people in the world are those who not only stand up every time they fall, but also keep walking! The reason why people are successful is to persist in learning, change themselves, persevere, and never give up!

There is a saying in Buddhism: one flower, one world, one leaf, one bodhi. The existence of many things in nature has its own reason and value. We should maintain a humble heart and explore seriously. The world of insects and the world of humans actually have a lot in common. They both pursue truth, goodness, and beauty. Sometimes insects even do better than humans. Therefore, only by humbly asking for advice and learning their excellent qualities can we go forward. Go higher and farther and realize your own value.

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