Teddy is cute and well-behaved. It is one of the more popular dog breeds in recent years. Many people like to keep one at home to comfort their souls. However, most people have a problem, that is, it fades easily. In fact, we can understand it. The cause of fading is the right re

Teddy is cute and well-behaved. It is one of the more popular dog breeds in recent years. Many people like to keep one at home to comfort their souls. However, most people have a problem, that is, it fades easily. In fact, we can Understand the reason for its fading and take appropriate treatment.

Reasons why Teddy fades

. Bathing Teddy frequently

Frequent bathing of Teddy will damage Teddy's skin and weaken its metabolism. Then the pigment produced by the pigment cells will be insufficient, and Teddy will fade.

suggestion: Teddy is a kind of dog with little body odor. In summer, you can bathe it once every 20 days, and in winter, you can bathe it once every 35 days.

. Use human shower gel for bathing.

Dogs cannot adapt to the pH in human shower gel. Bathing Teddy with human shower gel for a long time will cause damage to Teddy's hair follicles. Not only will it fade, but it will also fade over time. Problems with rough and knotted hair occur.

suggestion: Therefore, when bathing Teddy, be sure to choose those pet-specific shower gels, which can protect Teddy's hair to a certain extent.

. Not enough time to go out

Some owners are quite busy, so they don’t have time to take Teddy out for exercise and sun walks. If Teddy does not have enough time to bask in the sun, it is more likely to suffer from low mood, depression, and even hair fading and roughness.

Recommendation: Whether it is a human or an animal, a certain amount of exercise is good for the body. It is recommended that the owner take Teddy to exercise every day,

. Physical disease

When Teddy suffers from skin diseases, the condition of Teddy’s skin Metabolism and some functions will decline, and if Teddy becomes sick and all body functions begin to decline, then the ability of pigment cells will decline, and Teddy will naturally fade.

Suggestion: You can give Teddy some potion. If it is serious, seek medical attention in time.

. Age problem

As Teddy ages, all functions of Teddy’s body decline, and the metabolism of pigment cells decreases. Teddy Fading may also occur.

suggests: can feed Teddy some egg yolks. Egg yolks are rich in egg lecithin, which can moisturize the hair, fix the color and moisturize the hair.

6. Improper diet

Teddy’s gastrointestinal tract is relatively sensitive. If you eat some greasy and heavy salty food, it will also aggravate the discoloration problem of Teddy. Therefore, it is recommended that the owner adjust the diet structure and not feed greasy and heavy salty food first. It ate.

suggestion: choose a light and beautiful dog food as the main food. After all, the ingredients of dog food are scientifically matched and can better manage Teddy's hair. But the article is coming to an end, so I won’t say more. The following brands of dog food are quite suitable. Interested pet owners can pay attention to them.


Is your Teddy fading?