Longhorn beetles, a kind of Coleoptera insect, the common ones are star beetles and brown beetles. The longhorned beetle is also known as the sky buffalo, star antler, and hornworm. It has very long tentacles on its head, often longer than its body, like two large buffalo horns.

Longhorn beetle, a kind of Coleoptera insect, the common ones are Star longhorned and Brown longhorned beetle. The beetle is also known as the sky buffalo, star antler, and hornworm. It has very long tentacles on its head, often longer than its body, just like two large buffalo horns. At the same time, because it can fly, it is called the beetle (flying cow). ). "There are two common ones: one has a smaller body, black and shiny, with white stars on its wings, which is called star beetle; the other has a larger body, dark brown, densely covered with gray-yellow hairs, which is called brown. "Tianniu " (" Chinese Dictionary ").


The horn box puffer . There is a sharp protrusion in front of each of its two eyes, which looks like a pair of horns. And because the body is in the shape of a square box, it is named the horn box puffer. There is this passage in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas - Nanshan Jing": " There is a fish Yan, whose shape is like an ox, living in a mausoleum, with a snake tail with wings, its feathers under the falcon, and its sound is like a ox, its name is Yan, and it dies in winter. "Summer-born, no swelling or disease when eaten. " Some people think that this cow-like fish actually refers to the horn box puffer. The so-called mausoleum means that it lives near the reef. It dies in winter and summer-born means that it hibernates. It has wings. Its small fins and snake's tail refer to its elongated tail.