"Daily updates on daily cat feeding knowledge, cat breeding guidance, and disease prevention and treatment manuals." "My cat vomits from time to time. Is this chronic vomiting?"

"Daily updates on daily cat feeding knowledge, cat breeding guidance, and disease prevention and treatment manuals."

"My cat vomits from time to time. Is this chronic vomiting?"

Chronic vomiting refers to: vomiting twice or more per month

Let’s talk about chronic vomiting in cats today.

Generally speaking, most cats vomiting are due to one of the following reasons:

Hair balls + constipation

The first reason is: because of hair balls

hair ball is not a real ball , but the swallowed hair and undigested food fragments stick together to form a cylindrical hair ball.

In addition, cats mainly eat dry cat food and do not like to drink water, so they often suffer from mild dehydration for a long time. Mild dehydration will aggravate the cat's constipation, making it even more difficult to pull out the hairballs smoothly.

To make matters worse, if the food lacks ω-3 fatty acid , it will cause excessive hair loss, and the cat will lick more hair into its belly.

So, in order to prevent your cat from swallowing too much hair, in Hair balls form in the gastrointestinal tract, and you need to comb her regularly, especially when there is a lot of hair loss in the season.

Poor diet + food intolerance

Cats may vomit due to poor quality diet.

Some low-quality cat food uses scraps from the human food industry, such as animal feathers, snouts, beaks, eyes, hooves and nails. These extremely low-quality ingredients with poor bioavailability are difficult for cats to digest, causing Gastrointestinal upset.

A poor-quality diet leads to chronic microbiota disruption and intestinal dysbiosis, which in turn leads to the development of various chronic reactions, including food intolerances and allergies - a very common cause of intermittent vomiting over months or years. reason.

If your cat is of normal weight and in normal spirits, but only vomits occasionally, food allergies may be the culprit.

In addition, if you feed the same protein for a long time, even if it is a human-level high-quality protein, it can cause gastrointestinal inflammation and food allergies over time.

Therefore, we need to feed not only high-quality protein but also nutritional diversity, which is important for developing and maintaining a diverse microbiome.

But it is not recommended to change food frequently. We can give cats different meats to ensure protein diversity

Eating too fast

Another common cause of cat vomiting is eating too fast.

If the cat has the habit of gobbling up food, the food will accumulate in the esophagus before it enters the stomach, squeezing the sphincter at the lower end of the esophagus, causing vomiting.

In addition, if the cat eats too fast, the dry food entering the stomach will gradually expand and the volume will Becoming larger than the stomach capacity can also easily lead to vomiting

This behavior is most common in multi-cat households, where each cat eats in the same area at the same time, which may trigger competitive eating

You Feed your cats in separate locations and give each cat 20 minutes alone so they can eat slowly and undisturbed

If you only have one cat and she eats very quickly , you may need to divide her food into smaller portions and feed her more frequently

Enzyme Deficiency

Sometimes the pancreas does not produce enough digestive enzymes , such as lipase , protease , and amylase , This can lead to acute or chronic pancreatitis.

Pancreatic inflammation is very common in cats and may be an underlying cause of intermittent vomiting even in the absence of other obvious symptoms.

The recent death of Internet celebrity cat Dundun is related to pancreatitis

If you are interested in pancreatitis, you can click

Toxin intake

Although rare, poisoning may also be caused by acute vomiting in kittens. reason.

If you have a perfectly healthy cat and he suddenly starts vomiting, you should be concerned that he has ingested something toxic.

Many domestic plants are poisonous to cats, such as: lily, hydrangea, daisy, tulip, lily of the valley, periwinkle, lavender, tulip, gardenia, peony Flowers, Narcissus , Rhododendron , Pothos, Lucky bamboo , Aloe , Asparagus , Dripping Guanyin , etc.

In addition, various detergents we commonly use are also toxic to cats, such as laundry detergent, Laundry detergent, shower gel, etc.

There are many common disinfectants that are harmful to cats:


A 2013 study published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association took a critical look at chronic vomiting in cats and revealed some Important findings:

Chronic vomiting is usually due to disease of the small intestine, not the stomach.

Chronic small bowel disease (CSBD) involves not only frequent vomiting but also weight loss and/or chronic diarrhea

It causes thickening of the wall of the small intestine. Thickening of the wall of the small intestine causes the muscles in the wall of the small intestine to have a reduced ability to contract normally.

This causes food and hair to pass downstream much more slowly.

When a cat eats, the small intestine is usually still full of food from the previous meal, thus causing vomiting.

As the intestinal wall thickens further, cats lose the ability to absorb nutrients. This results in weight loss and a compensatory increase in appetite as the body attempts to compensate for the weight loss. Undigested food remaining in the small intestine can cause chronic diarrhea.

Therefore, chronic vomiting is actually not that normal. If the cat vomits every month for a long time when it is not the molting season, and is accompanied by chronic diarrhea, it is likely to be a manifestation of small intestinal disease.

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