"Daily updates on daily cat feeding knowledge, cat breeding guidance, and disease prevention and treatment manuals." Cat daddy is usually brown. You may have seen black, or brown with a little blood, or yellowish when diarrhea, but you guys Have you ever seen a green cat daddy?

"Daily updates on daily cat feeding knowledge, cat breeding guidance, and disease prevention and treatment manuals."

Cat poop is generally brown. At most, you may have seen black, or brown with a little blood, or yellowish when diarrhea.

But have you ever seen a green cat daddy?

It is a matter of concern when the cat’s poop changes from normal brown to obvious green

Let’s talk about it today

① Common causes of green feces

② What kind of poop is normal

③ What kind of daddy needs attention?

5 common reasons why your poop turns green

There are 5 common reasons:

Reason 1: Diet-induced

The food your cat eats can have a very big impact on the overall appearance of their feces. influence.

Sometimes, a sudden green color in stool may be caused by your cat eating grass, or vegetables that contain a lot of chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll is the pigment that makes many different plants and foods green. It is found in vegetables we commonly eat, such as spinach, broccoli, kale, and asparagus.

A very light green to yellow color is usually seen in the feces of cats on a high fiber diet.

Second reason: Parasitic or bacterial infection

Infection with parasites, such as coccidiosis (coccidiosis) and Giardia (giardiasis), is a common cause of green cat feces.

These stools often also have mucus present and may even have a slimy or slippery appearance, have an unusual consistency, or have watery diarrhea that lasts for days.

Some cats may also experience vomiting, weight loss, and fever.

Salmonella may also be the cause of green stool.

This bacteria can wreak havoc on your cat’s digestive tract, causing severe diarrhea and green poop.

The third reason: Taking medications that cause

Medications, whether they are vitamins, antibiotics, or any kind of synthetic drug, can cause changes in the color and appearance of your cat's feces.

Many common prescription drugs, such as anti-inflammatories and even antibiotics, are known to turn cat poop green.

If your cat has recently taken deworming medication, it is possible that it may also cause your cat's brown poop to turn green in a short period of time. .

The fourth reason: the cat has liver or bile duct problems

Stomach acid or bile is usually yellow, yellow-green, or green.

In a normal intestine, bile is absorbed slowly and deteriorates as food is digested and stool is formed.

When there are underlying liver and bile problems, the bile does not have enough time to spoil during digestion, resulting in green stools that are often soft or have a diarrhea consistency.

Due to this dysfunction of the digestive tract, there is a lack of proper digestion and absorption of nutrients.

This will eventually lead to changes in their physical appearance, such as dull coat color, weight loss, changes in appetite, vomiting, yellowing of the skin (jaundice) and pale or green stools.

Sometimes pancreatic dysfunction can also cause green poop in cats.

Fifth Cause: Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Cats with inflammatory bowel disease are known to be prone to small intestinal diarrhea, another common cause of green poop.

When is green poop a cause for concern?

So, when is green poop cause for concern?

If your cat has been eating a consistent diet for years without problems and suddenly has green poop, you should start to wonder if there is something going on, such as a potential liver and gallbladder problem or parasites.

This is especially true if their poop also starts to become unusually sticky.

Any of the following changes in your cat’s feces should cause concern:

  • ① Abnormal feces color: light green, yellow, greenish brown.

  • ② Soft or loose stools

  • ③ Mucus stools, or stools that look greasy, slippery, or slimy.

  • ④ Bright red blood

PS: If diarrhea lasts for 3 days or more, it may lead to potentially life-threatening dehydration.

However, it is extremely important to understand what your cat's "normal" stool is. If your cat is on a high-fiber diet or likes to eat a lot of grass or vegetables, then they may have poop that appears yellow or green naturally.

However, green cat poop is never really normal, so any time this happens, you might consider checking it out

What does a normal cat poop look like?

What does a normal cat poop look like?

Normal cat poop should be shaped, brown, and cylindrical.

-1.5 means the cake is hard, indicating the possibility of constipation

-3 is normal stool

.5-5 soft stool and diarrhea

How to keep the cake healthy, there are several suggestions:

  • ① Eat nutritionally balanced, high-quality cat food and canned food and freeze-dried

This includes a diet that contains the appropriate amounts of protein, fat, carbohydrates , essential vitamins, fatty acids and minerals that cats need to stay nutritionally complete and healthy.

  • ② Regular physical examination and deworming, including internal and external deworming, And even if you deworm regularly, have your cat's feces checked by a veterinarian every year for intestinal parasites.

  • ③ Keep the food hygienic and clean, Especially in summer when the temperature is high, food is easy to spoil, remember to change it frequently, and the cat bowl should be cleaned regularly to avoid bacterial growth

  • ④ Provide a stable and comfortable living environment for cats to avoid stress and chronic stress, many Cat diseases are all caused by long-term stress.

Finally, that’s it for today’s article~

Today’s small interaction

Do a small survey: #Do you pay attention to cat feces when you shovel poop? #

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