Text丨Xitan Zhuque Editor丨Xitan Zhuque Have you ever seen a cute little animal that hunts more than a dozen animals at once? Like cats, the fighting ability of the wildcat family is equally impressive, and their hunting methods are extremely cruel, comparable to Tibetan mastiffs.

text丨Xitan Zhuque

editor丨Xitan Zhuque

Have you ever seen a cute little animal that hunts more than a dozen animals in one breath? Like cats, the fighting power of the wild cat family is equally amazing, and their hunting methods are extremely cruel, comparable to Tibetan Mastiffs .

Here is a list of the ten most ferocious and cruel cats known to in the world. They are active in various extreme environments. They may be "ferocious" cats that we will never see in our lifetime. The last one can be called a wilderness killing. machine. Which ones do you know?

10. Maine Coon cat

This domineering and exposed appearance makes people unable to lift their legs just looking at it. The Maine Coon cat can be said to be the standard equipment of a macho man. If you raise this cat, it can transform from one to a "head".

Although it has a ferocious face, its size and appearance can scare the shit out of others, but underneath its domineering appearance, the Maine Coon cat has a very gentle personality, and many people call it that For the gentle giant.

However, its gentle character cannot be ignored. Its powerful fighting power . Once, a foreign netizen raised a Maine Coon cat at home. One day, the immune cat, which had always been very gentle, suddenly saw a neighbor's house a few days ago. The six cats not only fought with them, but also abandoned their homes to show off to their owners.

At first, Maine Coon cats were widely cultivated for their superb mouse-catching skills. Later, their strong bodies, graceful lines and smooth and thick hair were deeply loved by cat lovers, so most of them are now in a non-wild state. .

At the same time, Maine Coon is also the cat breed with the most Guinness records in the world, including the longest-lived cat with the longest tail in the world. This domineering little cutie can reach a maximum length of 1.2 meters and can live up to 28 years old.

9. The fairy-like rabbit

The rabbit cat is also called Pallas cat . You must not look at the round appearance of the rabbit and think that he is living a very comfortable life. This is just his fur. He just became a fat man.

In fact, their real body length is only 60 centimeters and their weight is four kilograms. To be honest, he may be much thinner than some fat domestic cats. Its thick fur allows the rabbit to survive in many harsh environments.

Generally, rabbits live in deserts, deserts, grasslands or Gobi areas. Their vision and hearing are very developed, they are as light as a swallow, and they can fly over walls and fly over walls. Judging from their appearance, it seems that rabbit cats are not easy to mess with. They give people the impression that they will attack at any time. Their ferocious character also allows them to survive in various polar environments.

In addition, although rabbit cats look like idiots, their brains are very good. Under normal circumstances, they will give priority to hiding when encountering natural enemies. After hiding, they can better hunt in the opposite direction. .

The wildness of wild animals is their greatest weapon for survival in the wild. Friends who want to raise rabbits must give up this idea. Not disturbing them is the best protection for them.

8. leopard cat

The name of the leopard cat may be misleading. The leopard cat here and Bengal leopard cat cannot be confused. They are cats living in the wild, which is what we call wild cats and bobcats.

Leopard cats are slightly larger than Bengal leopard cats in size. Adult leopard cats can weigh one to twenty kilograms. The most prominent feature of their appearance is the black rose leopard pattern on their bodies, which makes them look like a small cheetah. However, they are nocturnal animals and mainly prey on small monkeys, birds, and fish.

Compared with domestic cats, leopard cats are fierce because of their bite force. Their long and well-developed canine teeth are the main weapons of leopard cats. Generally, leopard cats appear in human territory, and ten domestic cats do not dare to provoke them. Nowadays, for raising leopard cats, It is strictly prohibited.

Because of the "social fear" character of ocelots, they are generally sensitive when seeing humans. They are wild and cannot be tamed. So for everyone’s safety, it’s better to take a look.

7. Serval cat

Serval cat is also a medium-sized wild cat that is very similar to a cheetah. It is generally active in Africa and other places. In our country, it is illegal to adopt a serval cat as a pet because serval cats are the most vicious second-level cats in China. Cat protection animal.

Serval has a slender body and is very good at jumping. He can easily jump over two meters high and can jump 3.5 meters horizontally forward. It can also be said to be the most domineering among cats, and it is not timid at all when it sees a snake.

The Serval Cat's fierce offensive does not give the prey any time to react. A few slaps of its claws can break the snake's spine . In Africa, the serval cat is one of the few master snake hunters second only to the flat-headed man.

In addition, the belligerent serval is also very courageous. When he met the cheetah, he was very dissatisfied when he saw the cheetah in front of him who had the same pattern as himself but was much larger than himself. Seeing the cheetah approaching, the serval cat was ready to go, and seemed to want to have an overestimating contest with the cheetah.

The cheetah looked at such a menacing little thing. He had never seen such a ferocious little thing before, so he tiptoed away. The "courageous" serval cat also once provoked the male lion alone, but the king of the grassland did not tolerate him at all. He slapped the serval cat and fainted directly.

6. Short-tailed cat

Short-tailed cat is also known as the North American Bobcat. This cat can grow up to 1.2 meters in length. They are omnivores and eat whatever they catch. They can live without prey for several days. When eating, they will continue to eat when there is prey. This dietary characteristic gives them a strong ability to adapt to the environment.

When they live in crowded places, they will actively attack humans. Their hunting techniques are relatively sophisticated, and the most commonly used are ambush and tracking methods. They can change tactics at any time when hunting animals that are more than four times larger than themselves.

In addition, bobtail cats are still national second-level protected animals , and it is illegal to trade and raise them at will.

5. Tiger cat

The tiger cat is very similar to the leopard cat in appearance, but the tiger cat is larger than the leopard cat in size. Because of its larger size, he can hunt more targets, and even some primates monkeys are also meals for male ocelots.

The most unlucky ones are snakes . Whether they are poisonous or non-toxic, once they are targeted by tiger cats, it is basically time to explain their funeral arrangements.

4. Caracal cat

This kind of cat is not on the same level as the ones mentioned above. He was once called the "Tianshan Child's Grandmother Flying on Grass".

This feline looks more like a domestic cat at first glance. What is different from a domestic cat is that his two headphones are black and his ears are similar to antennas. This is also the origin of the name Tianshan Tonglao.

Because of the existence of the "antenna", the caracal and other cats do not have the sensitivity. It can feel the sounds of other animals very accurately. The caracal is naturally small in size and weighs a lot, but this does not affect the caracal's hunting speed at all.

When hunting birds, he can jump up to an astonishing four meters, but small birds are just their appetizers. Their favorite thing is to hunt wild sheep, and even drink jackals that are hunting wild wolves. and hyena grabs prey.

It can be seen that the excellent combat effectiveness of the caracal cat is not exaggerated.

3. Asian Golden Cat

This cat can grow up to 1.6 meters in length and is a super killer at the top of the food chain deep in the jungle. Their coat color is changeable, their whereabouts are mysterious and unpredictable, anything flying in the sky or running on the ground can become their meal, even the little buffalo with rough skin and thick flesh, they will not let go.

Humans’ little tiger teeth are cute, but those of golden retrievers are the deadliest hunting tools. Such a ferocious golden cat is known as the domineering "yellow tiger". In a forest without jackals, tigers and leopards, the golden retriever is the top carnivore in the entire forest system.

The number of golden cats distributed in China has been severely reduced. There are stable populations of golden cats only in a few areas such as Qinling Mountains, Minshan Mountains and Ganmu. It is urgent to protect species. Let’s take action. Don’t let these domineering species only exist in legends.

2. Lynx

Lynx is a wolf’s nightmare in the mountains and forests, but in Canada some people even dare to keep it as a pet. Lynx likes the cold and inhabits cold alpine areas all year round. It can lie dormant alone in an area of ​​several hectares for several days without moving, or it can run for dozens of kilometers continuously.

Lynx are good at climbing and swimming. They can go several days without eating and wait quietly in one place for prey. They like to hunt medium and large animals such as roe deer. They have never made a mistake in a one-on-one duel with an adult wild wolf. They are naturally the nemesis of wolves.

However, there are very few wolves who want to fight alone. The wolves generally bully the smaller ones, but when encountering the cunning and cautious lynx, the wolves have no choice, because the lynx will usually flee to the lynx in times of danger. They hide in trees and sometimes lie down on the ground to pretend to be dead to avoid attacks.

1. Black-footed cat

Finally, let’s talk about the most ferocious wild cat on earth, the black-footed cat. The name black-footed cat comes from the black marks on the soles of their feet. However, their average weight is only three pounds, but they are The most ferocious wild cat.

You may find it hard to believe that this little guy is the deadliest wildcat on the planet, and its nickname of "killing machine" is not unfounded. Despite their size and clumsiness, they have the highest hunting success rate among all cats.

You must know that the hunting success rate of the king of the prairie lion is less than 19%, the success rate of leopard is only 38%, and the hunting success rate of black-footed cat is as high as 60%.

During hunting, black-footed cats can even attack lambs that are four times larger than themselves. Their fatal trick is to jump up and bite Xiao Yang's throat until their sharp teeth penetrate it. The hunting methods can be described as extremely cruel.

Their appetite is very high, and they eat 1/5 of their body weight in one night. During tracking observations by scientists, it was discovered that a small black-footed cat can hunt more than ten animals in one night, which is unimaginable.

What would happen to the animal world if black-footed cats were as big as tigers?

Which of the ten wild cat species above is your favorite?