Such an incident happened in a zoo in Yunnan. The originally docile and lovely golden python suddenly attacked its keeper. You must know that the keeper is the best friend of the golden python. They used to eat and live together without danger. Is it possible? Is the snake really

Do you believe that snakes can be raised to maturity? If a snake is raised from a young age, will it come to know its owner like a puppy? Such an incident happened in a zoo in Yunnan. The originally docile and lovely golden python suddenly attacked its keeper. You must know that the keeper is the best friend of the golden python, and he never even ate or lived with him. Danger, is the snake really cold-blooded and ruthless with a heart made of stone?

Yang Jie, who likes to raise pythons

Yang Jie is an ordinary bus driver. He comes to work on time every day. He looks like a gentle young man, but few people know that Yang Jie also has a very scary person. My favorite hobby is raising snakes. Not only that, he is not raising a small snake, but the largest python among the snakes . Most people may be too frightened to walk when encountering a snake as thick as a finger, but Yang Jie is different. He loves snakes to his death, and he even hides a huge golden python in his home. Yang Jie went home every day to eat and sleep with the golden python, and affectionately called it "son."

The golden python is not an independent python species, it is an albino mutant species of Burmese python . The body color of the Burmese python is tan, covered with cloud-like markings, and the back is yellow, making it look very domineering. As an albino species, the golden python's background color is white, and its brown markings have turned into golden yellow, making it less aggressive and more noble. Because of its special appearance, the golden python has become one of the most popular snakes in the world. In 1981, Americans first discovered this magical python, and then began to breed it artificially, and later spread it to all parts of the world. At present, Burmese pythons are mainly distributed in India, Myanmar, Thailand and other countries. Their numbers are rare and very precious.

The obedient python

Yang Jie is very close to the golden python. In 2007, he accidentally picked up an abandoned little snake. Because he has loved animals since he was a child, Yang Jie could not turn a blind eye, so he took the little snake home. . The golden python was still very small at that time, and the albino species was already weak and sickly. Yang Jie tried every means to save the little snake. He looked for food for the little snake everywhere and provided it with the most comfortable living environment. He held the little snake in his arms like a child every day and did not separate it when sleeping. Maybe it was because of Yang Jie's feeding, or maybe it was the result of eating and sleeping together for a long time. The golden python seemed to know Yang Jie and stayed on Yang Jie every day like a puppy. It never showed the slightest threat. Yang Jie was very happy to see the little snake being so obedient, but two years later something went wrong.

Send the golden python to the zoo

The golden python is not the kind of little snake that can be put into a cage casually. After two years of careful care by Yang Jie, it has turned into a giant python with an adult calf and a length of more than three meters. There is almost no room in the house. The first is the problem of living space. It is impossible to keep the golden python in a small room all the time. It's the reaction of the neighbors. There is no airtight wall in the world. The matter of Yang Jie raising snakes has spread a lot, and it will be difficult to end if it is not dealt with. In addition, the Burmese python is a first-level protected animal in my country and is not allowed to be kept privately. With no other choice, Yang Jie finally had no choice but to contact the Yunnan Wildlife Park, hoping to find a good home for the golden python.

I heard that someone was going to send a Burmese python. The zoo was naturally very happy. They were fully prepared and prepared a large park for the golden python. There are all kinds of things in it, which is no better than Yang Jie's small house. How much better to know. Yang Jie was very satisfied with this, and his "son" was taken to the zoo. The golden python was sent away, but Yang Jie began to have trouble sleeping. He missed the golden python very much. Finally, the zoo gave him an idea, "If you sign up as a volunteer, you can often see the golden python."

The python suddenly burst out and hurt people

The golden python quickly became the signature of the zoo. In order to take better care of it, it was equipped with a special breeder. The golden python lived very well here until two years later something went wrong again. On this day, python breeder Wang Qing hurriedly called Yang Jie and said that the golden python had been on a hunger strike for half a month. Hearing that something was wrong with his beloved snake, Yang Jie hurried to the zoo. As expected, the golden python was curled up in the corner motionless, looking very lethargic.

What on earth is going on? Wang Qing walked into the snake room with a chicken and wanted to try it again, but an accident happened suddenly. When Wang Qing approached the golden python and wanted to catch it, the python suddenly burst out and bit Wang Qing. The sight in front of them frightened the two of them. They had never seen this golden python bite a human in so many years. What was even more frightening was that the body of the golden python slowly wrapped around Wang Qing's body. This was the python hunting for food. They can even strangle a cow to death.

At this time, Yang Jie realized. He knew that snakes like hot and humid , so he quickly poured a basin of cold water on the golden python. Sure enough, the stimulated golden python let go of its mouth, and Wang Qing also took the opportunity to escape. The snake was raised by Yang Jie. Its temper was so gentle, how could it hurt others? Although the two of them had taken care of the snake for a long time, they were not professional veterinarians after all and could not find the problem for a while, so they found Xu Linmu, a wildlife expert. After careful inspection, Xu Linmu discovered the secret of the golden python's violent temper. There were some abnormal small black spots on its scales. A closer look revealed that they were scary little bugs.

"If you are right, the python was tortured like this by ticks."

The tortured golden python

Tick? Isn't it just a small blood-sucking bug that lives on animals? Can it really drive a python several meters long crazy? Don't underestimate these bugs. The mouthparts of ticks are very sharp. Once they bite the host, they will never let go. They not only suck blood, but also release toxins. The bitten animal will be very painful and itchy. The snake has no arms or legs at all, so it will drive him crazy.

After finding the cause of the disease, Yang Jie and others began to think of ways to treat the golden python. But now that the python has such a bad temper, how can they make it obedient? At this time, Yang Jie needed to appear. While he was comforting the golden python, the doctor began to give medicine to the golden python. But as soon as it comes into contact with the potion, the golden python's scales automatically close and become a natural protective umbrella for ticks.

If the medicine failed, the only option was injections. In order to get the python to cooperate, Wang Qing and Yang Jie hugged the golden python together. The python seemed to know that they were saving it, and it gradually calmed down and allowed the doctor to give it the injection. These needles contain a mildly toxic solution designed to deal with ticks. It is not harmful to the python, but will kill the ticks and cause them to fall on their own. Sure enough, after several courses of treatment, the golden python regained its energy, its temper became as gentle as before, and it would even play with its two keepers when they saw it. After this incident, the zoo conducted a thorough disinfection of the snake room to prevent parasites from harming the pythons again.