Hello fellow aquarists! If you have any questions about raising ornamental fish, you can directly search for fish farming experts and keywords on the entire Internet, so that we can easily raise water and happily raise fish. Aquarists who often read my articles or videos will fin

Hello fellow aquarists! If you have any questions about raising ornamental fish , you can directly search for fish farming experts and keywords on the entire Internet, so that we can easily raise water and happily raise fish.

If you are an aquarist who often reads my articles or videos, you will find that Many of the big things that novice aquarists say are big things, in the eyes of experienced aquarists, are not important at all and are completely normal phenomena.

Today we will give a brief summary:

Slight blindfolding, biting of incomplete fins, and body surface problems are not a problem

My piranhas have been blindfolded countless times. The most I can do is change the water, wash and filter them. Cotton, and then I just waited for it to recover on its own. I don't know how many days exactly. Anyway, I suddenly discovered one day that the blindfolded it healed on its own.

Various minor body surface problems, shark fins being mutilated, and slight ulceration caused by factors such as fights between ornamental fish and poor water quality are nothing to worry about.

Most tropical ornamental fish can recover in a short period of time. Cold water fish may take a longer time, but that also depends on issues such as density, water quality, water temperature, and feeding.

includes the map, Arhat, incomplete pectoral fins, and some white spots that many aquarists have recently reported, and there is no need to worry about .

If we put our thoughts on water quality management and food, it will be fine.

Even if the pectoral fins are rotten, they can still grow back.

and what was mentioned in yesterday’s video, the slight whitening of scaleless fish , the phenomenon of Lucky Cat molting, etc.

Yellow water or green water is not a problem. Unless it is too serious, intervention should be done.

Why water quality turns yellow due to the discoloration of various things, this is not a problem in fish farming at all.

Many aquarists who keep South American ornamental fish deliberately turn the water quality into yellow, which actually makes them enjoy the fish better.

However, the water quality has turned yellow due to impurities, excessive feces, brown algae aging and other problems.

That means the water is not changed frequently or our physical filtration has not kept up.

There is no need to look for other reasons, and there is no need to ask everywhere. Just change the water and strengthen physical filtration yourself.

The same is true for green water. Since green water can raise fish, there is no need to treat micro-green water.

Only Chlorella excessive outbreak or excessive aging of brown algae and moss need to be dealt with. It is still a matter of light, density, and physical filtration.

Small bugs are not a problem unless you are not used to it.

A small number of protein worms, small fish worms, and small black worms on the filter cotton are found in the fish tank...

Whether it is for small fish, large fish, or Fish in hot or cold water is no big deal.

If you manage the water quality and stocking density of your fish tank honestly and diligently, it will not have so many things to worry about.

Even if you want to deal with it, you need to deal with it slowly, try to treat it biologically, change the water frequently, and wash the cotton . These problems will pass, but one day you suddenly find that they are gone.

Why do many novice aquarists always struggle with these things?

It’s because I can’t wait any longer and I’m too anxious.

remember that the arrival of things like is due to your own carelessness.

If you want to deal with it, you must first develop good fish keeping habits.

As long as the fish farming habits are in place, the problem will naturally be solved.

As long as you want to quickly manage, most of them will be counterproductive.

Why? I don’t have enough effort. The problem has already appeared. Don’t you want to make up for the previous homework? How can anything be so easy in the world? Therefore, it must be damaged.

Even if it is not damaged, it will happen again next time because the management is too easy.

Moreover, if you neither develop good fish farming habits nor observe the water quality and fish status, if you use the same quick treatment method next time, the situation may change again, and it will eventually turn into a tragedy. It’s that simple. thinking logic.

When a new fish enters the tank, it won’t open its mouth, and its condition and body color are not right. Is this a problem?

We say that the water should be raised appropriately, the water temperature and quality are reasonable, and there is no big problem in choosing fish.

After the ornamental fish enters the tank, it is not a problem if it does not eat for three to five days, is in poor condition, occasionally has a bad posture, lies down in the tank, or the body color is not as good as before purchase.

We may not be accustomed to the climate in a foreign country, and the same is true for ornamental fish. Why didn’t we think of it?

Giving them a sufficient adaptation and recuperation period is not a bad thing.

Similar to the above questions, there are many, many, many more...

I can't remember them for a while. In fact, these questions are repeated, repeated, and repeated in my articles and videos. , and I have practiced it many times myself.

But every day, many, many aquarists are here, asking questions repeatedly, repeatedly, and repeatedly.

I am an experienced fish farmer. Please stay tuned for more ornamental fish issues. Thank you!