Nowadays, more and more people are raising dogs, and the country has successively promulgated some dog-raising regulations, including a list of "forbidden dogs". It is a pity that many excellent dog breeds have been banned. But if your dog was banned, would you still keep it? Do

Nowadays, more and more people are raising dogs, and the country has successively promulgated some dog-raising regulations, including a list of "forbidden dogs".

It is a pity that many excellent dog breeds have been banned. But if your dog was banned, would you still keep it? Do you think it's worth it?

Let’s take a look at which dogs are banned! Hurry up and see if your dog is on the list?

1, Cane Corso

Cane Corso is a standard large-scale fierce dog, but among many fierce dogs, it is relatively difficult to raise, which is why so many people keep it!

However, the Cathrow dog is very easily excited. When excited, even the owner cannot control it. There is a certain danger, so it is also banned in many countries.

2, Chinese Garden Dog

Chinese Garden Dog is a native dog breed in my country. How could it be banned?

This may vary by city. Some cities have banned the breeding of pastoral dogs because the pressure on stray dogs is too great and the reproduction rate of pastoral dogs is very high.

So in order to solve the problem of stray dogs, many developed cities have banned them!

3, Pitbull

Pitbull is a standard large-scale fierce dog. It is a breed specially bred by people in ancient times for dog fighting. It is ferocious in nature and has a bad temper.

was born to fight. If he goes crazy, he will even attack his owner, so he should be banned!

4, German Shepherd

German Shepherd has strong working ability and detection ability, and is widely used as military dog ​​ and police dog. When it comes to it being banned, many people’s first reaction is that it is a pity!

How could such an excellent dog be banned?

This is because the German Shepherd is very vigilant and very loyal to its owner, but may be overly defensive to outsiders and cause harm to others.

The above dog breeds are all prohibited by the state. Now that you know it, will you still breed them?

If you really want to raise a dog, you might as well try the following types of dogs. They are all very cute and good-looking dog breeds. They are not banned by the country and can be raised with confidence!

1, Border Collie

The Border Collie's IQ ranks first in the dog world, equivalent to a 6 or 7-year-old child. It is extremely smart, and it is also humane and can easily understand its owner's meaning.

But because they are too smart, Border Collie is too independent. If you raise it, it is best to give it some obedience training from an early age so that it can be more obedient when it grows up.

You can take some snacks as an aid during training, and the effect will be better.

2, Bichon Frize

Bichon Frize can be said to be a very popular pet dog breed. Many people keep it every year, because it is not only good-looking and cute, but also has a very docile and clinging personality, making it an excellent family companion. dog.

However, when raising Bichons, you need to pay more attention to the problem of tear stains, because Bichons are born with more developed tear glands, so they are much more likely to have tear stains than other dogs.

Therefore, owners who raise Bichons must pay more attention. If you have time, you can take some cotton swabs and wipe the area around its eyes, preferably once every two days.

You should also pay more attention to your daily diet. It is best to choose a light and low-salt dog food that can manage tear stains.

The editor has something to say. Even if you like dogs that have been banned from breeding, please stop raising them!