Qingcheng Media reported on June 30 that according to the "Hohhot Evening News" (reporter Ma Yan) so far this year, various animals in the Hohhot City Zoo have bred dozens of cute pet animal babies. They are soft, cute, naughty and lovable. , adding a lot of joy to the citizens w

Qingcheng Fusion Media reported on June 30 that according to " Hohhot Evening News " report (reporter Ma Yan) so far this year, various animals in the Hohhot City Zoo have bred dozens of cute pet animal babies. They are soft and cute, Naughty and lovable, it adds a lot of joy to the citizens who come to play. Recently, another piece of good news came from the Hohhot Zoo. A baby red-crowned crane was born, and this little guy is the only one that survived hatching by a male and female red-crowned crane under natural conditions in the zoo without human intervention. One baby bird.

html On the morning of June 29, the reporter saw this cute little red-crowned crane in the park whose feathers were getting fuller but still had brown feathers. "We have to wait until it grows older before the characteristics of the red-crowned crane will become more obvious. After more than 4 months, the body feathers of the red-crowned crane will gradually turn into a pure white color, and the exposed part on the top of the head will not appear until 10 months later. It will appear red," said a staff member at the Hohhot Zoo.

According to Guo Sheng, deputy director of Hohhot Zoo, on May 19, the little red-crowned crane hatched out of its shell and was able to stand upright after breaking out of its shell. The baby red-crowned crane is currently 40 days old and has passed the critical period. It will be able to fly in about three months and its body shape will be similar to that of an adult crane. The feed room prepares enough fish, earthworms, and specially supplied mealworms every day to ensure that the red-crowned crane parents can feed their chicks. Now that the little red-crowned crane is still small, its parents will chew food and feed it to its mouth.

"There used to be only two red-crowned cranes in the park. I didn't expect that this 'little couple' would successfully breed babies this year. The average lifespan of a red-crowned crane can reach 50 to 60 years. Its incubation process is very unique. It takes up to 30 days to incubate. "The red-crowned crane couple will take turns to be on duty 24 hours a day, and the father will also participate in the incubation. At regular intervals, they will also use their beaks to complete the process of turning and drying the eggs to ensure even heating," said Director Guo.

From hatching the eggs to the little red-crowned crane hatching out of its shell, then swimming with its parents, and now walking in the park to find food every day, the staff of the Hohhot Zoo record and preserve this by taking photos and videos every day. Happy precious moments.

"Nowadays, the red-crowned crane family in the zoo has an extra baby. The family of three walks around the park every day looking for food. Their carefree appearance has become a unique scenery in the park. Whether they can successfully survive this winter is The biggest test for this baby red-crowned crane is that we will go all out to create a comfortable environment for the little red-crowned crane to survive the winter," said Guo Sheng.