What kind of dog is Teddy? Teddy is actually a grooming method for poodles. Poodles include mini, standard and giant poodles. "Teddy" usually refers to the first two smaller poodles. Why is Teddy said to be a worthless pet dog? 1. Oversupply When Teddy was first introduced to Chi

What kind of dog is Teddy ?

Teddy is actually a grooming method for poodles . Poodles include mini, standard and giant poodles . "Teddy" usually refers to the first two smaller poodles.

Why is Teddy said to be a worthless pet dog?

. Oversupply

When Teddy was first introduced into the country, many people liked it because it was cute, small, lively, and very good at pleasing people. There are many people who want to raise teddy bears. When merchants see that there is a market for teddy bears, they will naturally breed many of them.

From an economic point of view, when the supply of Teddy is greater than the market demand, the price of Teddy will fall back. Nowadays, a Teddy in ordinary condition on the market can be bought for 800-1500.

. The reputation of Teddy has become worse.

Because there were many people who liked Teddy at the beginning and kept it. Many of them really don’t know how to keep dogs. They keep free-range Teddy at home and outside. They are spoiled. It pampers it, causing Teddy's shortcomings to be exposed.

There are many shortcomings such as barking at people, chasing people, provoking other dogs, etc. When passers-by see Teddy with so many problems, they will have a bad impression of the dog. From one word to another, many people who have never raised a teddy bear mistakenly believe that teddy bears are just so annoying. If their reputation deteriorates, their prices will also be affected.

. There are many impure Teddy

Many people have heard or seen that Teddy loves to ride astride. This dog does ride astride a little more frequently than other dog breeds. In addition, Teddy loves to play, and sometimes he accidentally rides when going out. Paired with other dogs, resulting in many impure teddies.

Impure Teddy generally has a poorer appearance, but you can still see the general appearance of the Teddy. You can usually buy it for around 500, but some pet owners pay more attention to the dog’s bloodline and don’t want to buy an impure Teddy. Died.

. Influenced by other dog breeds

Nowadays, there are many varieties of pet dogs, and people have a lot of choices. Teddy is just an ordinary pet dog among many, and the price is not that high. In fact, in the final analysis, there are too many

, which leads to people not cherishing Teddy enough. Human beings always discard the things that are easily available and regard the rare things as treasures.

In fact, Teddy is a very cute and smart puppy, which deserves people to cherish it. We should not ignore its value because of some external factors, not to mention that every life is precious.

Teddy is also a very easy pet dog to keep. If you like it, you can learn more about its advantages. It is not difficult to raise it.

Here are some tips for raising Teddy:

① Teddy’s hair is curly, so you need to comb it every day and take it for grooming regularly.

② Teddy’s bones are relatively thin, fragile, and easy to fracture. Avoid jumping from high places.

③ Teddy is very naughty, but also very smart. As long as you educate and train it more, it can become a very obedient and sensible puppy. You can reward it with some delicious snacks during training, and the effect will be better.

④ Teddy doesn’t get much exercise, but you can’t keep it at home all the time. It’s best to take it out for a walk every day.

⑤ Deworm Teddy externally every month and internally every three months.

⑥ Teddy’s appetite is not big, but his stomach is relatively fragile and he needs to be fed regularly and quantitatively. It is best to choose a high-quality dog ​​food that is easy to digest and absorb, such as the ones in the picture below.

Conclusion: Do you like Teddy? What advantages do you think it has?
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