Akita Inu, do you like it? As the prototype of the Chinese Eight-Kilometer Dog, the Akita can be said to have shocked many people. With one movie, Akita dogs can be said to have been popular for decades. However, although many people like it, not many keep it. Why is this? Akita

Akita Inu , do you like it?

As the prototype of the Chinese Eight Kilometers, the Akita can be said to have shocked many people.

With one movie, Akita dogs can be said to have been popular for decades.

But, although many people like it, not many of them keep it. Why is this?

Akita dogs are not allowed to be raised in many places.

In many cities, there are very strict regulations on raising dogs.

Dogs with a shoulder width exceeding 60 centimeters and a body length exceeding 100 centimeters will be classified as prohibited dogs in cities.

In the opinion of many people, raising large dogs will bring more dangers, such as injuries to people.

Although large dogs like Qiu are very docile, they may not be able to control them when encountering emergencies.

Akita dogs have great personalities, and stubbornness is inevitable

The Akita dogs we see are polite and sensible, so we think they are very easy-going.

However, only after raising it did we realize that this dog is actually very stubborn.

As a dog with a full personality, Akita dogs are very opinionated about things and hold different views on things and their owners.

Whenever it starts to be stubborn, even if ten donkeys pull it, it will not move even half a step.

If you confront an Akita Inu, you may not be able to win it.

Akita dogs are very vigilant and their barks are scary

Although Akita dogs are very friendly to people, they are not low on people's vigilance.

will especially attract its attention when it hears something commotion outside.

In order to embolden itself, it will start to bark, and the cry is fierce and scary.

Therefore, if you have an Akita dog at home, you need to strengthen the management of its barking problem, otherwise it will affect people nearby.

The Akita Inu has plenty of energy, and housebreaking is common

As a large dog, the Akita Inu has plenty of energy.

However, when the daily energy cannot be fully consumed, it will turn its attention to demolishing the home.

Therefore, if you want to reduce the Akita dog’s mischievous behavior in daily life, energy consumption is very important.

If you want to use up your energy better, it is recommended that you walk a few more laps when you go out for a walk to let it release its energy.

Akita dogs have their own little temper and will make trouble with their owners.

Although they have good personalities, Akita dogs also have a small temper.

Especially when facing its owner, it will become even more arrogant and act unscrupulously relying on the owner's favor.

Moreover, it is not an easy task to improve the character of Akita dogs.

Akita dogs have severe hair loss, and hygiene issues need to be paid attention to.

Akita dogs have multiple layers of hair, and hair loss is very serious.

Especially when the seasons change, hair is everywhere in the house.

Therefore, when raising Shiba Inu , special attention should be paid to hair management.

But in fact, there are reasons for severe hair loss. For example, feeding high-oil and high-salt food will aggravate the hair loss of Akita dogs.

Therefore, in order to effectively alleviate the hair loss of Akita dogs and play a role in hair management, it is best to feed a low-oil and low-salt dog food, which is also more beneficial to Akita dogs.

Akita dogs are very greedy, and they never stop having snacks in their mouths.

This is their lifelong pursuit.

As long as you have snacks in hand, it will listen to you and behave immediately in front of you.

But don’t feed it too many snacks, otherwise it will keep pestering you.

If you want snacks to play their biggest role, the suggestion is to add snack training.

As long as it completes your instructions, you can reward it with a snack. This can not only improve its obedience to you, but also satisfy its greedy mouth.

Conclusion: Do you like Akita dogs? I’ll raise it for you, do you want it?