Dear citizens, the leash is a necessary means for you to comply with civilized dog-raising regulations, and it is also an important part of the legality of your dog-raising behavior. From a dog's psychological point of view, the leash can strengthen the owner's status, increase t

The importance of leashes for dog walking

Friends of the public, leashes are a necessary means for you to comply with civilized dog-raising regulations, and are also an important part of the legality of your dog-raising behavior.

From a dog's psychological point of view, the traction rope can strengthen the owner's status, increase the dog's obedience, and make the dog more obedient, and there is no need to worry about the dog getting lost;

From the perspective of caring for the dog, traction rope The rope can minimize the probability of a dog getting into a car accident, ensure the dog's life safety, and also prevent the dog from accidentally eating toxic and harmful items. The

leash can prevent dogs from being injured by casual contact or fighting, reduce the risk of disease, prevent dogs from indiscriminate mating, and reduce disordered reproduction caused by unwanted pregnancies. The

leash can prevent dogs from urinating everywhere or engaging in other behaviors that damage public environmental hygiene. It can also prevent dogs from causing a certain degree of panic to others and prevent neighbors from getting annoyed and complaining or related disputes.

In order to be responsible for yourself, others, and your dog, please take your dog out and hold the leash firmly. This is your commitment to the public and your love for the dog. A dog's love is the beginning of your civilized dog-raising. Please make an effort to create a harmonious pet-raising environment!

Source: Wenming Yichun

Editor: Ren Dianjun

First trial: Zhang Ning

Second trial: Wang Xueliang

Third trial: Chen Yonggang

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