In nature, animals have their normal body colors, body structures, etc., but some animals have different body colors and even more organ parts due to genetic mutations and other reasons, such as two-headed turtles, two-headed turtles, and two-headed turtles. Head snake etc.

In nature, animals have their normal body colors, body structures, etc., but due to genetic mutations and other reasons, some animals will have different body colors , and even more organ parts, such as double Head turtle , double-headed snake , etc. Recently, in a farm in Pakistan , a little goat quickly became popular because less than a month after it was born, it had a pair of long ears, 48 ​​cm long, longer than the ears of many adult goats , and it walked At that time, it was not the hair that mopped the floor, but the long ears that mopped the floor.

This little goat belongs to a Nubian goat. The ears of the Nubian goat are the longest among all breeds of goats. sheep , but The ears of adult Nubian goats generally droop to the goat's jaw. does not continue to grow, unlike this little goat with such unique long ears.

Farm owner Narejo introduced that the little goat was named Simba, just like Simba in the movie "The Lion King", is an Internet celebrity animal that becomes the focus of attention wherever he goes, and at the same time, he will help Simba. Simba has applied for the Guinness World Records. No sheep has such long ears in the Guinness World Records, so Simba will soon be the goat with the longest ears in the world.

  • Why do Simba goats have such long ears

In the animal world, ears are generally used to enhance hearing or dissipate heat . For example, rabbits’ long ears can help them hear sounds from farther away, while pigs’ ear area They are also relatively large, which helps them dissipate heat. The Simba goat is a Nubian goat. The long ears of the Nubian goat are also used for heat dissipation. Sometimes the temperature in Pakistan is as high as 47 degrees Celsius in summer. The Nubian goat needs to adapt to this. High temperature and hot climate.

As for the standards of Nubian goats, the length of the baby goat's ears is also too amazing. It has obvious obstacles to running and cannot better help it adapt to the environment. Therefore, some experts believe that the Simba baby goat is very likely to be . Genetic mutations, or genetic diseases that cause their ears to become longer than the population , will make their survival more difficult.

Since the Simba baby goat has become an internet celebrity, the farm owner said that he will take good care of the baby goat and will not let it return to the flock for the time being. He will even take care of and feed it personally. The health of the Simba baby , The living conditions are very good and there are no other problems.

  • Nubian goat is a goat breed famous for its long ears

Goats are more adaptable than sheep, so in Pakistan, they prefer to raise goats instead of sheep. Goats can adapt to various terrains , especially Nubian goats are adapted to the local high temperature, so many farms will raise Nubian goats.

The ability of sheep is not as strong as that of goats, because they are called goats because they like to climb very much. Goats only need to find a little flat surface on the rock wall or tree trunk to step on and stand firm. This is the hoof of mountain sheep. The sub-special structure is determined by !

Nubian goats are subtropical goats and are also relatively large goats. Rams generally weigh more than 300 kilograms, and adult ewes can weigh more than 200 kilograms. The ears are wide and long and droop to Jaw, a goat breed famous for its long ears. In addition, Nubian goats have strong reproductive capabilities and high meat production rates. They are introduced and raised in many places. is a world-famous goat that is used both for milk and meat.

pay attention to the six-dimensional nature, let nature take its course and understand nature !