Teddy is a very popular dog breed due to its small size and clingy personality, and there are many people who keep it! But many owners who have raised Teddy have encountered the same problem, which is Teddy's tear stains. Teddy is a dog breed that is prone to tear stains. Once te

Teddy is a very popular dog breed due to its small size and clingy personality. There are also many people who breed it!

However, many owners who have raised Teddy have encountered the same problem, which is Teddy's tear stains.

Teddy is a dog breed that is prone to tear stains. Once tear stains appear, it will easily affect the appearance and become ugly!

Why did Teddy suddenly have tears? What are the reasons for this, and what should officials do?

Part 1: Reasons for the formation of Teddy's tear stains

(1), not regularly trimming

Many owners are always lazy when raising Teddy, and do not often take Teddy to the beauty salon to trim the hair, so that the hair around the Teddy's eyes Too long.

This can easily irritate the eyeballs, thereby stimulating the eyeballs to secrete tears. Over time, the tear stains will naturally become more and more serious!

(2), there are ear mites

Many poop cleaners often neglect cleaning the ears when cleaning Teddy, which leads to Teddy being infected with ear mites.

The nose and ears are connected. The presence of ear mites will irritate the Teddy's eyes, which will cause the Teddy to secrete more tears and form tear stains.

(3), well-developed tear ducts

The reason why Teddy has tear stains more easily than other dogs is precisely because it is born with more developed tear ducts and more secretions around the eyes. This is also the reason why Teddy has serious tear stains. one!

(4), Getting angry

Teddy has no sweat glands. They only use their tongues and foot pads to dissipate heat. But when summer comes, when the weather gets colder, it gets hotter. If they don’t dissipate heat in time, they can easily get angry.

Coupled with the carelessness of pet owners, they often feed Teddy some irritating food. Doesn’t this add to the fire?

Getting angry is also one of the causes of tear stains, so pet owners must pay more attention!

Part 2: How to effectively manage Teddy’s tear stains

(1), clean around the eyes more

Teddy’s tear stains are serious, mostly related to the secretions around his eyes, so pet owners usually have free time.

You can dip a cotton swab in water and wipe it around Teddy's eyes to remove some secretions, which can effectively relieve tear stains.

(2), drink more water

The reason why Teddy gets angry may be caused by many reasons, but no matter what the reason is, make sure that Teddy drinks enough water every day!

Drinking more water can speed up the metabolism in Teddy's body, expel excess fire from the body in time, and play a certain role in reducing fire.

If your Teddy doesn’t like to drink water very much, or even refuses to drink water, you can try soaking some freeze-dried in water to induce it to eat. This can effectively increase the amount of water your Teddy drinks!

(3), Eat a light diet

As I just said, if Teddy’s daily diet is too salty, it will cause tear stains, so shit-sweepers should pay more attention to this aspect.

When feeding Teddy, it is best to choose a dog food that is light in taste and can reduce irritation.

The editor has something to say, there is no perfect dog breed in the world, no matter what kind of dog it is, there will be more or less shortcomings, but since you decide to raise a dog, you have to learn to accept these shortcomings!