Not everyone in this world has good intentions. Speaking of cats and dogs, some people like them, and some people hate them. People who like them think that cats and dogs are human beings. They are companion animals that can bring people a lot of fun, happiness, and attachment. T

Not everyone in this world is kind-hearted.

Speaking of cats and dogs, some people like them, and some people hate them. People who like them think that cats and dogs are human beings. They are companion animals and can bring a lot of fun and happiness to people, as well as attachment. The ancients said that "cats and dogs are members of the family." This sentence means that families who raise cats and dogs will treat cats and dogs as part of the family, and they will develop feelings for them after a long time.

In fact, it is a personal choice whether you like to keep cats or not. No one can interfere. If you don't like them, you don't have to keep them or you can stay away from them. But if you hurt them, it would be a bit cruel.

An old teacher in Shanxi felt that his neighbor's cat was too noisy and annoying, so he brought a pot of boiling water and scalded the cat to death.

A piece of news is outrageous!

html On June 28, the Shanxi Small Animal Rescue Association released the following news:

html On June 26, a cat in Tianning Town, Jiaocheng County, Luliang City, Shanxi Province was maliciously scalded with boiling water. Rescue is in danger of life.

At the same time, some netizens broke the news about the video and photos of this matter. A kitten that had been severely scalded was lying in an animal clinic. A large area of ​​its body was burned red. The cat opened her small eyes feebly and let out a hoarse pain. The cry seems to be asking, why do you hurt me so much?

Suddenly I heard the cat scream.

It is understood that the incident occurred on June 26 in Jiaocheng County, Luliang City, Shanxi Province. The owner of the kitten is an old man in his 60s. The old man is kind-hearted and likes small animals. He Being so good to this cat may be because in his old age, having a small animal to accompany him is also a kind of spiritual sustenance for him. Neighbors often see the old man holding the kitten and walking outside with a smile.

But at noon on the 26th, the old man found that his cat could not be found. While searching everywhere, he asked his neighbors if they had seen my cat?

After searching around and failing to find it, the old man suddenly heard the scream of the cat. He ran out and heard the sound, but found that his cat was locked up in a cage by another neighbor, who used boiling water. Pour it on the cat's body and head.

Seeing this scene, the old man was very sad. The cat's screams also attracted other neighbors. Everyone quickly rescued the cat and sent it to the animal clinic for doctors to start first aid.

The person who hurt the cat turned out to be a retired teacher.

According to netizens, the neighbor who scalded the cat with boiling water is also an old man. The old man used to be a teacher and has retired.

In our impression, teachers are very kind, educated and moral people. They preach, teach and resolve doubts. They have rich cultural knowledge and deep moral cultivation.

But why could a retired teacher do such a cruel act?

Faced with the accusations from the neighbors, the old teacher said plausibly:

Who makes your cat often run at my door and bark? I suspect it stole food from our house.

So this old teacher who taught people brought up a pot of boiling water and poisoned the cat.

Some netizens testified that the old teacher had done this more than once, and had previously scalded another neighbor's cat to death with boiling water.

After some rescue efforts from the clinic, the poor cat still passed away because of its serious injuries.

After this incident happened, angry neighbors and netizens from the Small Animal Rescue Association exposed the incident on the Internet, which immediately aroused the anger of netizens.

The most incomprehensible thing about this incident is that as a highly respected retired teacher, why could he do such a thing? It’s completely inconsistent with his identity!

Perhaps this teacher thinks, isn’t it just a cat all the time? If you kill him, you'll kill him. What's the big deal?

Indeed, it is just a cat, but this incident has aroused the anger of netizens. What people care about is the teacher's disregard for life and the cruelty of his actions. As a people's teacher, how can he To do something cruel to a poor and weak little animal? Why can we ignore life so much? Still don't care?

Teacher, when that poor little kitten is screaming and struggling under your kettle, how can you bear it?