The Samoyed is all white and looks like a giant marshmallow, extremely fluffy. And their facial expressions always seem to be smiling, so they are also called "smiling angels". For Samoyed lovers, a cafe in Hongdae, Seoul, South Korea is definitely full of happiness. There are mo

Samoyed is all white and looks like a giant marshmallow and extremely fluffy.

And their facial expressions always seem to be smiling, so they are also called "smiling angels".

For Samoyed lovers,

is located in a cafe in Hongdae, Seoul, South Korea, and it is absolutely full of joy.

There are more than a dozen Samoyeds in the store, feel the gaze of the "marshmallow group".

Each one is white and hairy, and feels super comfortable to hold.

This Samoyed cafe is named after "Winter", the oldest dog in the store.

Before entering the store, the staff will inform customers of relevant precautions and remind customers to change their shoes.

The store adopts a relatively open design, and Samoyeds can be seen everywhere.

In addition to the basic sofas and chairs, there are not many tables and decorations.

tries to leave a relatively large space for customers to interact and play with dogs.

After customers enter the store, they can choose their favorite location to sit down.

Maybe in the next second, these "marshmallows" will automatically come towards you as if they are being sensed!

"Let's play games together!"

"Are you really not going to let me have a taste?!"

Whether standing in a row or lying down lazily,

"Marshmallows Tian Tuan" always exudes healing charm.

Looking at this situation, it’s definitely a good idea to come to “Yeh Club” to have fun.




faintly sad,

has a perfect smile,

is cool and cool.

accidentally laughed like a seal.

Most people may find it difficult to raise a Samoyed.

Needless to say, the cost of dog food, daily poop shoveling, hair loss, and house demolition.

Just wanting to maintain beautiful long white hair is not easy to achieve.

Here, as a customer, you can easily enjoy the swelling feeling of more than a dozen "marshmallows" surrounding you.

After a week of tiring work, I came to Samoyed Cafe just to relax.

The dog is very good rua,

cooperates with you to take pictures,

shake hands,


gives you something to rely on,

can even be used as a pillow for you to sleep on (not...)

Even if you see the cute dogs,

No matter how much stress and worries you have, you should be able to relax temporarily.

If you have the chance, you can come and experience it!