Recently, news of the successful breeding of African elephant babies has come one after another from the Chimelong National Provenance Base of World Rare Wild Animals and Plants in Qingyuan, Guangdong. It is understood that one African elephant cub was born on May 23, just one mo

Recently, news of the successful breeding of African elephant babies has come one after another from the Chimelong National Provenance Base of World Rare Wild Animals and Plants in Qingyuan, Guangdong. It is understood that one African elephant cub was born on May 23, just one month old, and the other was born on June 28. This is the first time in the seven years since the Zimbabwean government commissioned Qingyuan Chimelong to carry out ex-situ conservation of African elephants that it has successfully bred African elephant cubs in succession. The two newborn cubs are currently in good health. They are also the only remaining individual African elephants born in my country. Academician Xie Kechang, former vice president of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, gave a pertinent evaluation of the base when he inspected the Qingyuan Chimelong Provenance Base: "Advanced concepts, grand perspectives, profound vision, innovative leadership, complete systems, standard support, provenance No. 1 in the world in resource protection.”

African elephants continue to welcome new members, and China-Africa cooperation has yielded fruitful results.

Zimbabwe is one of the countries with the densest distribution of African elephants. However, successive years of drought, food shortages and human-elephant conflicts have caused the living environment of African elephants in Zimbabwe to deteriorate year by year. In order to better protect African elephants, the Zimbabwean government has been seeking to bring more help and effective support to African elephant protection through international cooperation.

Under the joint promotion of National Forestry and Grassland Administration , General Administration of Customs and other relevant authorities of Zimbabwe and China, and in accordance with plans related to China-Africa animal protection cooperation, in July 2015, a group of African elephants I came to Chimelong, Qingyuan to settle down and started my ex-situ conservation journey. Chimelong donated US$200,000 to the Zimbabwe National Conservation Fund through China Wildlife Conservation Association, and continued to inject capital into the fund through ex-situ conservation cooperation to solve local problems such as elephant drinking water and fighting against poaching.

After Chimelong took on the project, it first carried out scientific research on African elephants, organized technical research, and overcame one problem after another in the ex-situ conservation of African elephants, and established a number of standards related to the environment, nutrition, and health. It has filled many gaps in the ex-situ conservation of large populations of African elephants in China. At the end of 2015, Ms. Muchinguri, Minister of the Environment of Zimbabwe, and her delegation came to the Qingyuan Chimelong National Provenance Base of World Rare Wild Animals and Plants to visit the "folks" living here and praised the elephants' living environment.

It is reported that most of the more than ten female elephants in the provenance base have been successfully conceived. As time goes by, more baby elephants will be born in the provenance base, thereby establishing a sustainable development of African elephant relocation. Protecting species has added a lot of color to my country's biodiversity conservation undertakings, and also provided a Chinese case for the protection of rare animals in the world.

Abandoned mines are reborn as a peach blossom garden, with ecological restoration and animal protection as two-pronged measures

Qingyuan Chimelong World Rare Wild Animal and Plant Provenance Base has received great attention and strong support from many central ministries and commissions, and leaders at all levels in Guangdong Province, including the Qingyuan Municipal Party Committee and Government. Qingyuan Chimelong is listed as a major project to "reshape green waters and green mountains and build a harmonious coexistence between man and nature". Academicians from the two academies have visited Qingyuan Chimelong many times to guide the work and get the pulse of how Qingyuan Chimelong develops scientifically and with high quality. Academician Ma Jianzhang of the Chinese Academy of Engineering once visited Qingyuan, organized expert demonstrations on the South China Tiger breeding and wild training base, and used most of the mines to build a South China tiger breeding and wild training base. At present, the former mine has restored a diverse natural environment with Lingnan characteristics, and has achieved tiger population expansion and preliminary rewilding training.

Based on the development concept of large populations, nature, and large ecology, Qingyuan Chimelong World Rare Wildlife Provenance Base has now become China's largest conservation site for African elephants, rhinos, giraffes, zebra, antelope, tigers, etc. These large-scale conservation achievements of rare wild animal resources reflect the continuous innovation and progress of Chimelong conservation technology over the years. They also verify the feasibility of ex-situ conservation and reintroduction of endangered species, and contribute to global biodiversity conservation. In particular, the protection of animal resources has set a benchmark.

Entering the Qingyuan Chimelong World Rare Animal and Plant Provenance Base, you will find lush vegetation, shadowy trees, and a variety of rare animals living freely. It is difficult to imagine that this place was once an open-pit abandoned mine with exposed mottled surfaces, flying sand and rocks, and exposed ravines.

In 2014, the Qingyuan Chimelong World Rare Animal and Plant Provenance Base, located in the Yinzhan section, was used as the first phase demonstration site. It relied on the landform construction of the mine and gradually restored the local ecological environment through afforestation, becoming a paradise for animals. It is understood that the first batch of 413 animals of 32 species in the Qingyuan Provenance Base was admitted in May 2015. After 7 years of conservation and breeding, it has grown to more than 2,000 animals of 100 species, achieving a sustained increase in the size of the rare animal population. expansion.

Responding to the national call, Qingyuan Chimelong implements the guidelines of "ecological civilization construction is the fundamental plan related to the sustainable development of the Chinese nation" and "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", and is committed to the ecological restoration of Qingyuan area, which will be full of mines. The mountains and fields have turned into green waters and mountains, and a green paradise for thousands of rare animals, demonstrating human determination to jointly build a community of life between man and nature.

The Qingyuan Chimelong World Rare Wild Animal and Plant Provenance Base has not only made outstanding contributions to species reproduction and local ecological restoration, but also provided a solid scientific foundation and connotation for the science education and cultural tourism of the Qingyuan Chimelong project.

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