As more and more people keep pets, the definition of pets becomes wider and wider. Nowadays, many people keep pets no longer limited to cats or dogs. They include all kinds of flowers, birds, insects and fish, as long as they are not illegal. Many people keep them as pets. Becaus

As more and more people keep pets, the definition of pets becomes wider and wider. Nowadays, many people keep pets no longer limited to cats or dogs, but all kinds of flowers, birds, insects and fish, as long as they are not Against the law, many people keep them as pets. Because of this, people are becoming more and more picky when it comes to keeping pets. But no matter how many types of pets there are, when most people think of pets, the first thing that comes to mind is still cats or dogs.

When the little brother found the stray cat, the cat was carefully hiding in the corner.

However, people will think of them when they mention pets. When they mention stray animals, they basically include cats and dogs. . A big reason for this phenomenon is that they are kept by the most people and are also the two most popular types of pets. Since the number of people raising them is constantly increasing, and there are no additional requirements for raising them, it is extremely easy for people to get the cat or dog they want through various channels as long as they are willing.

Without waiting for the little brother to get close, this stray cat scurried directly to the opposite corner.

However, compared with the casualness of obtaining them, raising them is much more troublesome, especially as people become more and more interested in civilized pet keeping. With the requirements getting higher and higher, keeping a pet well will test the owner's sense of responsibility and financial ability. However, when many people raise them, they often do not make corresponding preparations, nor do they consider whether they can ensure that they will be taken care of for more than ten or even twenty years after taking them back. He didn't even know what kind of changes it might bring to his life after raising them, so he took them back very casually.

Faced with the pursuit of the little brother and his companions, the stray cat quickly jumped on the fence

Therefore, whether it is a cat, a dog or other pets, as long as the number of people keeping them increases, it is inevitable that It may happen that someone abandons them randomly or accidentally gets lost. And this situation will also increase as the number of people raising them increases. In recent years, the problem of stray animals that has caused headaches in many cities may be none other than stray cats, because stray cats are relatively flexible and are more suitable for raising indoors. At the same time, most of them Stray cats have not been sterilized. Therefore, whether they are abandoned or bred, there are a large number of second-generation stray cats. Therefore, the proliferation of stray cats will inevitably have an impact on people's daily lives...

After catching this stray cat, the brother asked his companion to transfer it to the flight box.

There is a kind brother in Sichuan who often rescues stray animals. Because the brother often rescues some stray animals in the local area, over time, the brother in the local area The popularity in the stray animal rescue circle has also increased, and I often receive help from some local well-wishers. On this day, this little brother once again received a request for help from a kind-hearted local netizen. The netizen told the little brother that there was a stray cat with an injured foot in the local area that needed help. Therefore, the netizen hoped that the little brother could come and take it away.

The little brother took the cat back to the pet hospital

After receiving this help message, the little brother immediately rushed to the scene with his companions and related tools. When the little brother and his companions came to the scene and found the stray cat under the guidance of netizens, the stray cat may have become extra vigilant because it had been harmed by humans.Even before the little brother and his companions approached, the stray cat immediately hid, and when the little brother and his companions used food to lure it, it did not pay at all, and even faced the little brother and his companions. During the roundup by Brother and the others, it jumped up the wall very dexterously, and finally disappeared from the sight of Brother and the others...

After the cat came out of the flight box, it ran away

Because the cat's vigilance is too high, The little brother and his companions could only change their plan to capture the stray cat. They returned to the car, got the trap cage, set up the trap cage, and then asked the helper to help pay attention to the situation of the trap cage. He took his companions and left first. The next day, I received good news from netizens that the stray cat successfully entered the trap cage. So, the little brother rushed to the scene with his companions again. When he arrived at the scene and saw the stray cat up close, he realized that one of the cat's leg bones was exposed.

The cat ran to the door of the office, trying to escape

What was even more worrying was that when the brother and his companions transferred the cat into the flight box, the brother's companion also discovered that the cat's leg had fallen off. It fell down, and the leg that fell down was shriveled and turned black. Since I didn’t know the specific condition of the cat, I decided to take it to the pet hospital for follow-up examination so that I could accurately determine the cat’s condition. However, when the brother brought the cat to the pet hospital, the cat was still very vigilant. Even when the brother released it and prepared for the pet doctor to check the cat's condition, it ignored the leg injury and struggled and messed up. Running...

I found that the stray cat that could not escape could only limp and run around uneasily in the pet hospital

Because the cat was relatively uncooperative, and at the same time, according to the preliminary diagnosis of the pet doctor, the cat's leg could no longer be reattached. There may even be a risk of infection. It will take some time to wait for the infection test results. At the same time, I have other things to be busy with, and the cat’s condition does not look like it is life-threatening. Therefore, I finally decided to keep it in the hospital first. In the pet hospital, we will confirm the cat's status before deciding on its specific treatment plan...

#cat# #cat# #pet# #animal# #stray animal rescue #