What punishment do you give your dog when he makes a mistake? do you know? Each of the "6 major tortures" for dogs will really make the dog tremble with fear. Let's see how many of them you have done! 001 Suddenly scolding the dog in its ear ==== ==== When the dog makes a mistake

What kind of punishment do you give your dog when he makes a mistake? do you know? Each of the "6 major tortures" for dogs will really make the dog tremble with fear. Let's see how many of them you have done!

001 Suddenly scolding the dog in its ear ==== ==== When the dog makes a mistake, some owners will want to punish the dog. Sometimes, when they are angry, they will suddenly shout loudly in its ear. Scolding the dog.

A dog’s ears are very sensitive and very important. It is not very courageous and can be easily frightened.

If the owner often uses this method to scare the dog, it will only cause the dog to be nervous, and it will also cause the dog to be always wary and even not like the owner to be close to him.

002 Copy guy beats the dog ==== ==== Some owners firmly believe in the saying "filial sons come out of the stick", so every time their dog does something wrong, the owner will start beating the dog. .

Once or twice, the dog may really know that he has made a mistake, and he may not dare to do it again in the future. However, after a long time, the dog may feel that the owner does not love him.

Because the dog feels that the owner does not love him, the owner often beats him, which will cause the dog to be timid and fearful, or the dog will have a rebellious mentality.

003 Punishing dogs to stand and think about their mistakes like humans ==== ==== Some owners will punish their dogs to stand in the corner and think about their mistakes after their dogs make a mistake, not to let the dog's limbs fall to the ground normally. , but standing on two feet like humans.

Such behavior is actually very harmful to the dog's body, because the bones of the dog's limbs are very delicate. If the dog does this for a long time, it will easily damage the dog's bones.

Letting a dog stand on two feet is a bad behavior as a punishment, and it is also a bad behavior as something to force the dog to do.

004 Ignore the dog and let it alone ==== ==== Some owners seem to hate the dog very much after their dog makes a mistake, and will have a cold war with the dog.

This behavior of leaving dogs alone is very bad, because most dogs have relatively delicate minds.

Therefore, the dog will think that the owner is ignoring him because he does not love him, and the dog will think a lot, which is very harmful to the dog's psychology.

005 Locked in a cage ==== ==== Some owners will keep their dogs in a cage for a period of time after their dogs make mistakes. This is because the owners feel that the dogs can reflect in a small dark room.

But it is very bad to keep dogs in cages often, because dogs yearn for freedom very much, and they don’t like living in small places.

Dogs are often kept in cages. In the long run, dogs may be under great psychological stress and may easily suffer from depression and other conditions.

006 Don’t feed your dog ==== ==== Some owners will not feed their dogs when they make mistakes, just to take this opportunity to make their dogs remember. This is actually very bad. method of punishment.

Because the dog will only remember that the owner does not love him, so he often withholds food from the dog. This is a way of punishment that will make the dog hate you.

And often not feeding the dog will affect the dog's gastrointestinal tract, causing the dog's intestinal tract to be unhealthy, which will be bad for the body in the long run.

This method should be used as little as possible. Do not let the dog's health deteriorate in any case. It is recommended that the owner feed the dog some dog food containing probiotics , which can protect the intestinal tract.

It is normal for dogs to make mistakes. After all, dogs are just small pets. Humans also make mistakes, let alone dogs.

Dogs usually make mistakes. The owner must not use the above methods to punish the dog. This will make the distance between the dog and the owner farther and farther.

It is best for the owner to educate the dog well, let the dog know that this is wrong, and try not to do it again in the future. During the education, you can feed the dog some snacks.

The editor has something to say, when your dog makes a mistake, will you do these 6 kinds of torture to it?