The cryptid is also known as the shadow bug and green-rumped worm. It looks like an ant with wings. It is a small yellow and black bug with strong acidic venom. It will appear on a large scale from June to September every year. .

In summer, along with the hot weather, there are all kinds of bugs.

Recently, topics such as "Don't photograph this bug when it flies on you" and "Have you been crawled by the cryptid " have been on the hot search list on social platforms.

Why are the cryptids so scary? Which insects are most likely to appear in summer? " Life Times " (search "LT0385" in WeChat to follow) interviews authoritative experts to remind you to pay attention to several types of dangerous bugs.

Experts interviewed

Chief Physician of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University Huang Yan

Associate Researcher at the Disinfection and Pest Control Institute of the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention Zhou Xiaojie

What kind of insect is Cryptoptera?

Cryptopterus, also known as shadow bug and green-rumped worm, looks like ants with wings. It is a small yellow and black bug with strong acidic venom. It is found from June to September every year. month, will appear on a large scale.

Cryptopterygoid worms are most active after rain in summer and autumn, and usually appear in wet grassland. Cryptoptera are phototaxis and will fly toward lights at night.

This insect does not bite humans, but its body contains toxins and is highly acidic. After accidental contact with the skin, cryptodermatitis :

  • will develop strip-like and flaky edematous erythema, with light yellow and white blisters or pustules arranged on it, sometimes linearly, sometimes irregularly, accompanied by burning. Burning pain and itching;

  • Skin lesions can cause secondary erosion, scabs and epidermal necrosis. Even after the skin heals, scars will remain. In severe cases, systemic symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and fever will occur.

Many netizens have shared their experiences of being harmed by cryptid worms↓↓

If cryptid worms fall on the skin, do not slap or rub them with your hands. You can blow them off gently or use other objects to remove them. If your hands come into contact with cryptids, do not touch other parts with your hands and wash them immediately with soap and water.

If the skin is stained with the venom of the cryptid, the injured area should be washed as soon as possible. If cryptid dermatitis occurs, you should go to the hospital in time for anti-infection or anti-allergic treatment.

There are 5 kinds of bugs to be wary of in summer.

In addition to cryptids, mosquitoes, ticks, moth gnats, , etc. will also become active in summer, resulting in an increasing number of insect-borne diseases.



Ticks often live in forests, grass, and animal fur. When people are bitten by them, the viruses they carry may cause tick disease and other diseases. Tick ​​disease can be transmitted from person to person through blood or bloody secretions, and there is currently no specific drug or vaccine.

The head will penetrate into the skin, leaving only the tail outside. It looks like a black mole. Patients will experience symptoms such as fever, local skin redness and swelling, general weakness, headache, nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea.

Never pull hard after being bitten. First paralyze the tick with alcohol, use tweezers to clamp its head close to the skin, slowly lift it up and take it out, and then put the tick in an airtight container. Bring it with you when you go to the doctor to assist the doctor in diagnosis and treatment.



Chiggers are almost invisible to the naked eye, but they bite very hard. They always like to bite parts with soft skin that are not easily found, such as armpits, groin , perineum, etc.

There is a risk of scrub typhus infection lurking in weeds. This bug likes to parasitize on wild animals, especially rodents . It usually only bites the host once in the larval stage and falls off after 3 to 5 days of feeding. However, The bacteria carried by scrub typhus can infect the host during the bite.

Scrub typhus often manifests as itching, eschar or ulcers at the bite site, fever, rash, lymph node enlargement, etc. In severe cases, it can cause complications such as meningitis, myocarditis, septic shock, and even death; A small number of scrub typhus carries Rickettsia scrub typhus, which can cause acute febrile typhus, epidemic hemorrhagic fever, etc.


moth gnat

There are often small black thread-like maggots in the water in the bathroom of many families. After a while, they will grow wings and fly around. This kind of flying insect is called a moth gnat, also known as moth midge and gutter fly. It usually breeds in sewers, potholes, sewage, floor drains and other places.

Its body is covered with fine hairs and is covered with various germs in the growth environment. If the larvae or eggs accidentally enter the human body or attach to wounds or mucous membranes, it may induce "myiasis".

Don't usually shoot it with your hands. If you want to find the source of gnats, you can seal a certain drain outlet with tape. If you find gnats stuck the next day, you will have found the source and clean it up in time.


Red imported fire ants

Red imported fire ants are invasive pests. They often live in warm and humid climates. They are aggressive to people and have the ability to sting repeatedly. After being bitten, symptoms such as erythema, blisters, and hardness will appear, accompanied by Burning pain. is also extremely destructive and can cause electrical short circuits or facility failures.

The anthills of red fire ants are generally about 10 to 30 centimeters high and 30 to 50 centimeters in diameter. If you see such small red soil mounds on roadsides, grasslands, parks, etc., try to stay away.

Once bitten, wash the bitten area immediately with soap and water. Do not scratch the wound. You can use ice to reduce the burning sensation. If you have a strong reaction after being bitten, seek medical attention as soon as possible.



Mosquitoes can spread more than 60 kinds of insect-borne diseases through bites. Mosquito bags will become more red and swollen the more you scratch them. This is because scratching spreads the infectious agents (mosquito saliva) in the skin, triggering a larger area of ​​inflammatory immune response. If infection occurs, the consequences will be more serious.

After being bitten, the itching usually subsides significantly within 15 minutes. If the itching is unbearable, you can use soapy water, toilet water, Fengyou essence, etc. to relieve itching. Ice compress can also effectively relieve itching. If swelling expands, exudation continues, or ulceration occurs, you must seek medical attention in time.

Tips for home insect repellent

If you want to get rid of bugs at home, you should start with environmental management, and use some physical and chemical control methods if necessary.

Clean frequently

Household pests are mainly cereal pests and storage pests.

  • Rice bugs , cockroaches and other grain pests:

mainly hide in rice jars, flour bags, cabinets and other food containers. Dead spots such as kitchens and bathrooms must be cleaned regularly. Seal flour, sugar and other ingredients; do not leave food overnight and dispose of garbage promptly.

  • Ants, mites and other storage pests:

often appear in closed environments such as closets and attics. Pay attention to turning them regularly, drying them frequently, and shaking them. The water storage corners in the bathroom should be kept dry, and the accumulated water in flower pots, vases, floor drains, etc. should be cleaned promptly.

Hot water boiling

Items that come into direct contact with people, such as rags, tableware, kitchen utensils, etc., can be steamed at high temperatures. Even some dishes and chopsticks that are not used frequently should be cleaned frequently to avoid contamination with each other.

It is recommended to clean clothes that have not been worn for a long time, as well as frequently touched household items such as sofa covers, carpets, towels, etc. at least once a month.

Ventilate frequently

When cleaning sofas, mattresses or carpets, a large number of hidden bacteria, dust mites , and dander will also float in the air. At this time, it is best to wear a mask and ensure ventilation by opening windows.

Keep in mind the 368 principle

Adopt the "368 principle" of "block three holes, seal six seams, and check eight holes":

Block three holes: block the holes through which pipes such as water pipes, gas pipes , and heating pipes pass.

Seal six seams: Use putty , cement and other materials to block and seal the holes and gaps in walls, floors, door frames, window sills (frames), pools and sewers.

Eight searches: Check tables, cabinets, chairs, mouths (sewer outlets), pools (sinks), cases (kitchen chopping boards), seams, and piles (pile of debris).

Use less medication

It is not recommended to use a large amount of medication when removing pests, but if there are still bugs after treatment, you can use appropriate medication.

For example, in places where cockroaches are often found, such as kitchens and bathrooms, the principle of "small quantity, large number, and wide coverage" is used, and the focus is on putting cockroach-killing bait.

When spraying insecticides, try to spray the agent on the walls, gaps, and corners instead of in the air to reduce harm to the human body. ▲

Editor of this issue: Wang Xiaoqing

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