Many people like large dogs. They not only look handsome and majestic, but also give people a sense of security. Anyone who has ever raised an Alaskan dog knows that the Alaskan dog is a "good-for-nothing" dog. Although they look domineering, they are very gentle, honest and hone

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Many people like large dogs. They not only look handsome and majestic, but also give people a sense of security. However, some large dogs are banned in cities, so today I will tell you about 5 types of large dogs that you can raise in cities without worrying about being caught.

1, Alaskan dog

Personality: docile, honest

Anyone who has ever raised an Alaskan dog knows that Alaska is a dog that is “not good at all but useful”. Although they look domineering, they are very gentle, honest and honest in character, and very Clingy, like a child who won't grow up.

So even though Alaskan dogs are very large, they are not included in the scope of banned dogs in cities. They can be raised without worrying about being caught. Moreover, their tall size can also serve as bodyguards for their owners, scaring away bad guys.

2, Samoyed

Personality: gentle, clingy, kind

Samoyed has a sweet smile and good looks. It is many people’s dream dog. Although Samoyeds are big, they are very docile, kind, and friendly to humans. Even strangers will wag their tails at them.

Samoyeds rarely bite or attack people, so they are very popular and are not banned in cities. But they especially like to get themselves dirty and are always rolling in mud, so be careful when going out.

3, Husky

Personality: neurotic, smart

Although Husky has a neurotic personality, sometimes it is timid, sometimes it is inexplicably bold. Although it looks like a wolf, it has become quite docile after being domesticated.

Huskies are also "strong on the outside but hard on the inside". If they can't beat them in a fight, they will talk nonsense. Basically no one can beat them in a quarrel because they are so good at howling. Although Huskies like to cause trouble, they are still easy to get along with.

4, Border Collie

Personality: smart, lively, loyal

Border Collie not only has a high IQ, but also has a relatively stable personality. They are docile and friendly to others, wary of strangers, but have a sense of propriety and will not attack easily. Will wait for the master's order before executing it.

Therefore, border collies can also be raised in cities, and because they are smart and trainable, they are very popular. When training a border collie, you can use some snacks as an aid, and the dog will cooperate with you more.

5, Golden Retrievers

Personality: Enthusiastic, friendly, cheerful

People who have raised Golden Retrievers, all know that Golden Retrievers are very enthusiastic and cheerful dogs. Whether they are towards strangers or their owners, they are very friendly and always smiling. Yes, wagging its tail to welcome people. Sometimes I worry that it will be abducted because of my excessive enthusiasm.

Golden retrievers can be said to be very good companion dogs except that they exercise a little too much, are greedy, love shedding, and have body odor.

In fact, it is not just golden retrievers. Other dogs also have problems with hair loss and body odor. Therefore, before raising a dog, you must think carefully about whether you can accept the problems of hair loss and body odor in dogs. Otherwise, you will regret it halfway through.

To alleviate dog hair loss, it is best for pet owners to choose a low-salt, light, and high-meat dog food as the main food, which can enhance the luster of the dog's hair and alleviate the problem of hair loss.

Conclusion: What is your favorite large dog?