Everyone should be familiar with the Schnauzer. It is a black and white dog that looks quite fashionable. It does not have a strong body odor, loses little hair, and is very loyal to its owner. It is a very suitable dog for families.

Schnauzer should be familiar to everyone. It is a kind of black and white dog. It looks quite fashionable, has a light body odor, sheds less hair, and is very loyal to its owner. It is a very suitable dog for families. .

Although it has many advantages, there are still many irresponsible people who keep it and abandon it midway. Do you know whether the abandoned Schnauzer can adapt to a wandering life? It definitely won’t work. I hope you can treat it well after reading it.

The reason why the abandoned "Schnauzer" could not adapt to the wandering life:

became ill and died without treatment

The Schnauzer itself was in good health, but it was limited to the period when it was raised at home. If you let it go out Wandering, it eats and sleeps in the open every day. It is easy to get sick, and no one will treat it. It has been suffering from long-term illness, and it can only wait silently for death, so it cannot adapt to the wandering life.

I hope all you dog owners, no matter what kind of dog you raise, don’t abandon it so easily!

Without enough food, it will starve to death

As a domestic dog breed, the Schnauzer has long lost its ability to hunt. If you let it go out to fend for itself, it will be difficult for it to survive. First of all, it cannot be found. If it doesn't have enough food, it will starve to death. Secondly, even if it finds it, it may be robbed by other stray dogs, and its fighting ability is very poor.

I don’t know if you have ever seen a video like this. A domestic cat saw a stray cat outside and started fighting with someone. In the end, it ended up with a bruised nose and a swollen face and a lame leg. The same is true for domestic dogs when they go out to compete with stray dogs. s consequence.

It has put pressure on society and brought more stray dogs.

There are already many stray dogs. In addition, they are not sterilized and will be bred indiscriminately, resulting in more stray dogs, which will bring serious consequences to society. pressure.

So you gave up raising a Schnauzer. Although you feel relieved, it has brought trouble to society. Do you feel guilty about it?

entered the shelter and may be euthanized.

Schnauzer may be taken in by the shelter. Do you think this will be fine? The shelter has limited capacity, and if a dog is left unadopted for a long time, they will arrange for euthanasia.

Do you think this is fair to Schnauzer? You abandoned the Schnauzer, and you just let it end its life faster. I hope everyone can treat their dogs well.

Not only Schnauzers, but also many breeds of dogs are forced to start their own wandering lives due to irresponsible owners. In fact, mastering some dog training skills will save you a lot of worry, although the process is not so smooth. , but stick with it and the results will be great.

About training:

The best golden training period for dogs is 3-6 months. If you train as early as possible, the dog will be more likely to cooperate with you. It doesn’t matter if you miss it. Just spend more time in the later period. It is recommended to shovel the dog They adopt a reward and punishment mechanism. If they perform well, they will be rewarded with snacks, so they will be more motivated. When they perform poorly, they should be punished appropriately, so that their obedience will be high.

About breeding:

There are also some dog owners who tried their best to take care of the dogs before they got sick. However, when the dogs got sick, they found that the expenses were too high, and they hesitated and abandoned them. In fact, it was all related to the breeding. Inseparable from relationships. When raising a dog, you need to pay attention to a few points:

1. Take your dog for more exercise

Raising a dog should not save time. Do not skip the necessary exercises. Regular exercise can make the dog's body stronger and its resistance will increase, so that it will not You get sick easily, and even if you have an occasional minor illness, you will recover quickly!

2. A balanced diet

If a dog has a single nutrition for a long time, it will inevitably affect its physique and make it easy to get sick. Therefore, attention should be paid to a balanced diet. It is best to have a balanced mix of meat and vegetables, so that protein and vitamins can be supplemented. In addition, daily Control your dog well and don’t let it eat randomly!

Conclusion: Would you adopt a stray Schnauzer?