The Past of Huai Coal: The Blind Dog

(Author: Jiang Yunxia)

When I was young, I had a dog in my family. It was taken from a student of my sister in Daguadi (a place name in Huainan). It is a shameless dog. I only remember a vague image, I can't remember its exact coat color anymore. In short, it is the Chinese pastoral dog that people often say today. It has never been picky eaters, poor families broke their businesses, and we seldom eat meat, so naturally what we can give it is leftovers.

It is very good, never bullying others or biting out of thin air. It was very quiet. The owner greeted him cordially when he got home, and then lay or slipped away. It never steals, and of course there is nothing to steal. Our family occasionally makes some delicious foods, which are all to replenish my father's body. My father was doing the work of going down the coal mine, which was dangerous and heavy. A person earns a salary to support a large family of more than ten people. There are too few things, and our children still don’t get a piece of the pie, let alone dogs?

In that era, delicious food was distributed in order, and father came first. He had to support his family and keep his father in order to guarantee our jobs. The child is ranked second, and the distribution is uneven, and the child will say that the parents are partial. The mother who is ranked third is the mother, and it is said that it is the third, but there is no third at all, and there are no children when they are assigned. When it comes to the dog, it is fortunate to not be hungry.

The dog lives in my house without fear. One day, my brother took the dog to the dam west of peace village to play. Without paying attention, a few naughty children came over and hit the dog with bricks and stones. The dog was smashed and barked. My brother was still young at the time and didn't dare to argue with many naughty children, so he hurriedly took the dog home.

Since that day, the dog's condition has gotten worse. Gradually, we found that the dog couldn't see it. It was probably the optic nerve that was injured by the naughty child. It either hit this or hit it when it walked. We were extremely angry, but we couldn't find a murderer to hurt it. There are too many mischievous children in Daba, who commit evil collectively. Who will admit the consequences? If the dog can talk, maybe he can find the murderer who hurt it.

Whenever we think of this, we feel very guilty.If we protect this dog, where is the catastrophe of the dog. The dog was innocent and didn't bite anyone, but was hurt by those naughty children for no reason, just because they like to watch the dog run away in embarrassment. In a certain corner, there are always some people who like to watch the disadvantaged groups, or like to bully or discriminate against the disadvantaged groups. Such people have never disappeared. We can only feel distressed, but there is nothing we can do. There was no dog hospital at that time, and there was no way to seek medical advice.

Later, a kind man taught a secret recipe, saying that eating spiders can help dogs recover their eyesight. My brother and I were busy driving, holding bamboo poles everywhere, looking for spiders on the Internet, and when we found them, we delivered them to the dog's mouth. The dog is out of sight, it will eat anything you give it. Just like a patient, its only trust is relatives.

My brother and I caught all the spiders on the Internet, and we did not heal the dog’s eyes. From then on, the dog has no daylight, and only darkness remains in its world...

The dog is already unlucky, but it was bad luck to patronize it again. It gradually loses its chewing function and gets stuck in everything. Every day, the mother chews the bun and feeds it. At this time, the dog seems to be running out of oil and the lamp is gone...

I don't spend much time with a dog. Every time I am busy with school, I feel distressed when I see my mother chewing the bun and feeding it, but I can't help it. It was a deep regret, helpless and helpless...

Some neighbors saw a dog like this, and they all persuaded the mother to kill the dog. It's really not cost-effective to not be able to look after the home nursing home and have to wait on it. In their eyes, it is justified to kill it for nothing. For us, who can handle the doggies who depend on each other? What's more, we have regarded it as a member of the family. The dog seemed to know something. One day, he left without saying goodbye and went west along the road...

That day, we were busy going to school. My mother was busy with housework as usual, and when she was about to feed the dog, she realized that the dog was gone. After searching all over the front room of the room, there was no trace. The mother was not reconciled, and went to ask questions from house to house. Finally, someone said that he saw the dog heading towards Daguadi. Mother looked for it again, but never found it. The poor dog, who has been here, has come back...

(Jiang Shan Tells Stories: Huainan Coal Mine Stories Series)

September 4, 2021 in Huainan Palgong Mountain

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