With dog food for extended after-sales, bundling consumption is still a business experience

A few days ago, Miss Xiao Zeng bought a Pomeranian puppy through a pet shop in Shangcheng District, Hangzhou. She said that the store offered to buy it with dog food, but she refused. Later, the dog became ill not long after being taken home.

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There is a family of pets near Changhong Road, Dingqiao, Hangzhou. The sign says a boutique cat and dog shop. On the 11th, Xiao Zeng bought a two-month-old Pomeranian for 1,260 yuan. She said that the dog was not quite right when he picked it up the same day.

Xiao Zeng: "When I got home, I vomited, I vomited, and coughed a few times, but I was okay. Then the next morning it looked okay, but I also had runny nose at that time. At that time, on the evening of August 12, I started to cough and coughed all night, and then we took it to the pet hospital at 9 o’clock in the morning.”

Xiao Zeng said that the dog was found to have inflammation at the time and his physique was relatively weak. .

According to the pet shop's agreement, the dog has detected and small within 24 hours, and it is replaced in the store. Other issues are not explained.

Xiao Zeng also mentioned that she and another buyer, Xiao Li, encountered the same problem when buying dogs, and the store asked them to buy them together with dog food.

Xiao Zeng: "It should be three months' worth of dog food. He will pack three months of health or something. Then the price of dog food is quite expensive. If you don't buy it, you won't include health. The contract only has 24 hours. The bag is not as small as canine plague, and it will be ignored for more than 24 hours."

Xiao Li: "He said that if the puppy does not eat this dog food, he will have diarrhea, and in the end it will be small or something, we will not be responsible. Now, I said, isn’t this a kind of bundled consumption.”

Neither of the girls bought the dog food in the store in the end. Xiao Li bought a bichon puppie for 1,100 yuan. She said that the dog is still healthy at the moment, but she is also worried that there will be no after-sales protection for Xiao Zeng's situation.

Manager Lu of Hangzhou Haopet Pet Store: "To be honest, we can also earn some money by buying dog food, and we can also give him a cold or something. We help him treat him for free and teach her how to feed her medicine.

Manager Liu of Hangzhou Haopet Pet Shop: "Generally, dogs get sick for two reasons. The first is to change the environment, and the second is to change the staple food. If she feeds as we do, we provide time, There are supplementary items here, we can wrap it up a bit longer. If you don’t follow this, just follow the agreement. That’s what it means (24 hours on the agreement) Yes, that’s the agreement (if you buy it with dog food). Month."

The two store managers said that when dogs are sold, they would recommend not to exchange dog food, but it is up to consumers to choose whether to buy dog ​​food in the store. There is no small dog plague in the store, which is also reflected in the agreement.

Manager Liu of Hangzhou Haopet Pet Store: "Canine plague and smallness are fatal to dogs. Like others, they are minor problems and will not cause death. She can take the certificate from the hospital if it is the same day. She can send her a dog, and we help her condition it for free and don’t charge her money. But if she goes home, because now in summer, the air conditioner is turned on every night, causing it to catch a cold, then we can’t blame it."

Xiao Zeng and Xiao Li disagree with the store's statement, they plan to report the situation to the local market supervision department.

is the source of 1818 Golden Eye
