Recommendations for buying pigeons for working pigeon fanciers

often those pigeons that are well advertised are not cheap. Of course, there are a lot of good pigeons and there are also a lot of bad pigeons. Businessmen need packaging to sell things, and racing pigeon needs packaging to sell well. You see that the picture is very beautiful, it may be P, um, basically it is P. So it is not suitable for working pigeon fanciers. Once heard from a pigeon fancier, it was very realistic. I want to buy pigeons and also buy air tickets. It's not cheap to go to the pigeons. I can buy a cow for all the money. Then I might as well take a look nearby. This is helpless, but it is also a method.

Working pigeon fanciers must get started when buying pigeons. It is best to choose pigeons when you arrive. Although a good pigeon may not be accurate, it will definitely give you a certain feel, which is completely incomparable when you can't get started. Of course, saying that you want to pick up the pigeons in person is actually to let you see the pigeon owner, to see if the pigeon owner is hiding and tucking, and whether he is sincere in his words. Sometimes buying pigeons is not the most important thing, but looking at people is the most important thing.

For working pigeon fanciers, it is better to introduce them from nearby pigeon fanciers. Such pigeons will definitely be more adaptable to your local environment. Foreign pigeons may be very good, but it takes a long time to adapt to the environment. Some pigeons are innately unable to adapt to your local environment. For working pigeon fanciers, the introduction of pigeons naturally hopes to have early results. We do not So much time and money to see if the pigeons introduced by the heavy money are suitable for the race you want to participate in.

For working pigeon fanciers, it’s actually a good choice to find a good pigeon at a time.Spend a little more time. For working pigeon fanciers, some late pigeons from one loft are also good choices. They are cheap and often good pigeons for local races. Of course, no matter what the pigeons are choosing, it can be said that the fewer choices, the better. You can choose several times, for example, after a few rounds of selection of ten birds, one bird is left.
