Can kittens take a bath? What size cat can take a bath

2020/10/0618:28:08 housepet 2265

If your pet loves you, he will love you forever, no matter what you do, what happens, and how much time has passed.

Bathing cats can not only be beautiful, but also prevent skin diseases and parasites, but not all cats can be bathed at any age. If it is too young, such as a kitten under three months old, It is not suitable for bathing, so how old is the kitten to bathe?

Can kittens take a bath? What size cat can take a bath - DayDayNews

1. How old is the cat to take a bath?

cats can take a bath, but two-month-old kittens cannot take a bath. It should be at least three months before the cat can be bathed. Generally, kittens just born can't bathe them. Two-month-old kittens have poor resistance. If they are bathed, they will easily catch a cold, so it is best to wait for a while.

If the kitten is really dirty, the owner can wipe it with a warm towel. If you have to bathe the kitten, it is not impossible, but the owner must prepare the things before bathing, and ensure that the kitten is kept warm during the bathing process to avoid catching a cold after bathing, so prepare what you need before bathing It’s necessary to avoid rushing when bathing the kitten.

Can kittens take a bath? What size cat can take a bath - DayDayNews

2. Choose a shower gel suitable for cats

is like a human bath. Bathing shower gel for baby cats is essential, because shower gel not only helps cats clean their hair, but also protects the hair and prevents skin diseases, fleas, etc. Therefore, the choice of shower gel is very important. It cannot be used by people. It is best to use a cat-specific shower gel, which can deeply clean and care the cat's hair, improve the hair quality, and make the hair more beautiful.

Can kittens take a bath? What size cat can take a bath - DayDayNews

3. Precautions for bathing cats

1. Prepare some utensils for bathing kittens, such as bathtubs, bath towels, body soap, combs, eye ointment, hair dryers, etc.

2, the bath water should not submerge the kitten. The best water temperature is between 30 and 35 degrees. You can test the water temperature by hand, and it can be mild.

3. After making preparations, slowly put the kitten in the bathtub and scrub the head, nape, back and tail, abdomen, and limbs in the order; finish it in a short time as much as possible, and use it immediately after changing the water Dry bath towels soak up the water on the kitten's body to prevent the kitten from catching cold.

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