Finally healed the cat’s abdomen, share the experience of the people who came here, please accept this dry goods.

2020/06/2908:48:03 housepet 2773

The cat master is the coldest member of the family. Many shit shovel officers must have followed them to "seeking attention". They have also been ravaged by the master while sleeping. Think about the furry touch and cute sleeping posture. , It really makes people feel better. But how much do you know about the masters of the life of the shovel officer day after day? Today, we are going to talk about one of the most terrifying diseases in the cat world-cat transmission.

Finally healed the cat’s abdomen, share the experience of the people who came here, please accept this dry goods. - DayDayNews

What is a cat's belly?

The full name of the cat's abdomen is feline infectious peritonitis, also known as FIP, which is mutated from the feline coronavirus. The disease mostly occurs in kittens of 3-9 months old. The culprit cat coronavirus is lodged in the cat’s intestines, and the cat will detoxify through the odor, which makes it easy to infect cohabiting cats through the nose and mouth. Of course, the cat coronavirus can also be transmitted through other parties, and sometimes there is no way to avoid it. For example, drinking fountain toys shared by cats, etc. Therefore, most cats carry feline coronavirus. The fact that it is easy to be contagious sounds bad, but the good news is that most of the time, the cat coronavirus stays in the intestines and coexists peacefully with the cat. The cat coronavirus only occurs when the cat is stimulated and has a stress response. Mutation, leaving the intestine to attack other organs.

It should be noted that the feline coronavirus is highly infectious when it is not mutated, but after mutation, that is, after causing cats to suffer from feline infectious peritonitis, it is not infectious, so There is no need for isolation.

What are the symptoms of cat transmission?

Cats usually have a strong tolerance for illness. In addition, cats like to be quiet and independent. Therefore, in many cases, it is necessary for the shoveling officers to pay more attention to the status of their masters to make preliminary judgments. Their health status is even more so. Under normal circumstances, the early symptoms of cat transmission are not obvious. It may be sudden picky eating, eating less, may be constipation, or extreme lethargy, etc. At the same time, according to different disease levels and different individuals of cats, there will be other physiological reactions. Next, we will take a closer look at the reactions that cats have to pay attention to.

Finally healed the cat’s abdomen, share the experience of the people who came here, please accept this dry goods. - DayDayNews

First of all, there are dry and wet types of cat abdominal transmission. Compared with dry abdominal transmission, wet abdominal transmission is better to judge. The most significant feature of wet abdomen is the presence of ascites, pleural fluid, or both. Pleural effusion may not be easy to judge, but ascites has obvious characteristics and is mainly concentrated in the cat owner’s abdomen. Therefore, if the cat owner’s stomach in the family increases for no reason, there is a sense of fluctuation when touched, and the contents are watery, pay attention. Because whether it is passed on or not, cat owners have ascites is bad news.

And dry abdomen transmission is not as easy to judge as wet abdomen transmission, usually some external symptoms, such as large-scale convulsions and convulsions, cloudy eyes, pupils large and small, nystagmus and so on. But for different individuals, the symptoms are not the same. Maybe some cats with dry abdomen turn to wet abdomen, maybe some cats only have pleural fluid, or some cats are just lethargic than usual. Generally speaking, cat transmission is not a minor disease. The above judgment method is only the most intuitive and typical example. As a qualified feces shoveling officer, we also need to evaluate from multiple sources. The following will summarize a series of transmissions. Physiological manifestations of the body, part of the upper part is repeated to the front:

1. Ascites. Cause the abdomen to bulge for no reason, and continue to enlarge;

2. Pleural fluid. It can cause breathing difficulties, the breathing range is wrong, the intensity is large, and the water accumulation will cause the cat to breathe abdominally or open the mouth;

3. Eye diseases. Eye tremor, eye inflammation, pupils that are large on one side and small on the other side, iris discoloration, etc.;

4. Epilepsy convulsions. It may be caused by virus infection of the nerve center;

5. Jaundice. In the late stage of transmission of the virus to the liver, the shoveling officers can turn over the master’s ears or body parts to see if there is any obvious yellowing, or observe the master’s cat litter and urine for abnormalities;

6. constipation. Cats suffering from abdominal transmission are not simply constipation, but because the intestinal function is severely damaged, the intestinal peristalsis is slow, many masters lose appetite or can not eat food at all, and the body cannot digest the food ingested well. , Causing the masters to appear to be constipated, but in fact they did notGood defecation;

7. Weight loss. Passage cats usually lose weight visible to the naked eye, especially the muscles on both sides of the spine, which will be thin enough to give people a skinny feeling;

8. Lethargy. Increase sleep or rest time abnormally, but still mentally slack and lose interest in any toys or things;

9. Hen squats. Cat owners usually squat the hen only when they are unwell. The passer-belly cat will squat the hen in one place for a long time without moving;

Finally healed the cat’s abdomen, share the experience of the people who came here, please accept this dry goods. - DayDayNews

10. The hind limbs are weak. When the belly-borne virus develops to a certain extent, the virus attacks the nervous system of cats, causing cats to have a series of neurological symptoms, such as weakness of hind limbs, weakness of movement, convulsions, etc.;

11. Continuous fever. Persistent fever is one of the common symptoms of infectious peritonitis in cats, and it has certain characteristics. Fever is non-persistent fever, usually when the body temperature is higher in the evening, and the body temperature slowly drops after the night. This kind of fever is usually impossible to use ordinary The fever is cured with medicine (for cats).

How to diagnose cat abdomen?

The diagnosis of the cat’s abdomen is a long and arduous process. From the time the shovel officer discovers that the cat owner is abnormal, it is a difficult psychological warfare. Most of the time, the suspected symptoms of abdominal transmission can not be the evidence to determine that it is abdominal transmission. Further systematic and scientific examinations are needed. Biochemistry, CT, and B-ultrasound all need to be done, and in the end, it can be accurately determined with a high probability of cat transmission. It is also necessary to take out the effusion in the body for Li Fanta test, and the time spent in the process of submitting the test and the process of obtaining the results can easily make a belly pass cat miss the best treatment time. Let me talk about the indicators in the biochemical report for reference of impatient parents, but only as a reference sample.

Finally healed the cat’s abdomen, share the experience of the people who came here, please accept this dry goods. - DayDayNews

Several indicators in the biochemical report sheet are worthy of our attention:

1.saa (serum amyloid A), saa is used to detect whether there is inflammation in the cat’s body An indicator, cat abdominal transmission usually causes an abnormal increase in SAA, the reference range of normal SAA value is 0~8ml/l, and abnormal SAA values ​​will increase to about 100~200;

2. White For protein, the cat will be accompanied by pleural fluid or ascites fluid. Serum albumin maintains the vascular osmotic pressure. When the value is low, the fluid in the blood will leak out of the blood vessels and produce effusion. Therefore, the albumin value is usually low in the diagnosis of abdominal transmission;

3. Globulin, high globulin represents chronic inflammatory diseases, such as heartworm, virus, parasite or bacterial infection;

4. White globular ratio, which refers to the ratio of albumin and globulin The ratio, when the white ball ratio is lower than 0.4, and there are related symptoms of cat abdominal transmission, it should be highly suspected of cat abdominal transmission.

Some abnormalities in CT and B-ultrasound reports:

In addition to pleural fluid and ascites, dry abdominal transmission can also cause granulomas in various organs of the cat, such as kidney, spleen, small intestine, etc.

Generally speaking, the diagnosis of cat’s abdomen transmission takes a long time. If systematic biochemical, CT, and B-ultrasound examinations have been done, and highly suspected symptoms have appeared, then the reverse method can be used. Start symptomatic treatment, and if the treatment is effective, the judgment is correct.

How to treat cat abdomen?

If unfortunately, the cat is eventually diagnosed as a cat passing the abdomen, then there is another extremely difficult road before the shoveling officer. Is it treatment or comfort? In the early days, cat passing the belly was terminally ill in the cat world, and was sentenced to death when basically suffering from it, but nowadays, there is hope of treatment for the cat passing belly. Currently, there are two mainstream drugs on the market, GC376 and GS441524. According to relevant data, the cure rate of the new drug 441 is higher than that of 376. However, the actual medication situation and dosage require professional guidance.

Finally healed the cat’s abdomen, share the experience of the people who came here, please accept this dry goods. - DayDayNews

However, although there are specific drugs for abdominal transmission, for some reasons, 376 and 441 are currently imported drugs, which means that they are expensive and do not guarantee 100% recovery. Or it will be effective as soon as it is hit, and at the same time,Regardless of whether it is 376 or 441, the research report shows that it takes at least 12 weeks of treatment to reduce the probability of later recurrence. Yes, even if the treatment is effective, there is the possibility of recurrence in the later stage. Many shit shovelers even bite their teeth and embark on the road of treatment. , It may not be able to insist on stopping the needle at the end, even if the needle can be stopped at the end, it does not mean that everything is well.

In addition, 376 and 441 are oily injections, which are corrosive to a certain degree, and the pain is more intense than ordinary injections. Even cat owners with first-class pain tolerance are mad at the injection, and every injection is a shovel. The process of fighting the wits and courage between the feces officer and the cat owner, let alone a 24-hour injection for 12 weeks. And pay attention to not leaking fluid during the injection process, otherwise it will burn the skin and be prone to skin diseases in the later stage of the treatment. Although there are oral medicines that do not require injections and the new KP-01 injections that are less painful on the market, they have different effects and cannot be verified. The price is also more expensive than the traditional 376 and 441. No matter how you choose, it is all about shoveling shit. The most contradictory problem facing officials.

Finally healed the cat’s abdomen, share the experience of the people who came here, please accept this dry goods. - DayDayNews

Of course, the specific medicine is not the only medicine used in the treatment of abdominal transmission. In the process of abdominal transmission, the treatment is divided into three parts and the third part depends on nutrition. Abdominal transmission of cats usually causes constipation, liver and kidney damage, anemia, non-eating and other symptoms. While conservative injections are given, medications are also needed to treat constipation, protect the liver and kidneys, and nourish blood. Cat owners who eat meals also need to be forced to ensure that the cat owners have the necessary water and nutrients intake. In addition to these, shit shovel officers also need to always pay attention to the physical condition of the cat owner to ensure that there are no other complications.

But no matter what kind of treatment, the hardships and difficulties are hard to measure with money.

How to prevent cats from passing belly?

Cat coronavirus is a time bomb that we cannot avoid, but what we can do is to avoid the mutation of cat coronavirus. So what should we do? In fact, it's very simple. There are only two things we need to do:

1. Prevent the cat owner from stress. As we mentioned earlier, cat stress can cause cat coronavirus mutations, so we must avoid stress. In fact, the cat owners look very cold, but in fact the cats are very courageous. They have a stronger perception of the external environment than we think. They move, bathe, sterilize, go out, come to strangers at home, are frightened, Being under high-intensity pressure for a long time... even changing food for cat litter may cause stress. In this way, cat owners are actually very vulnerable. If the stress level is low, it may just cause vomiting and diarrhea or some minor diseases. In severe cases, the cat will pass the abdomen. But don’t be too careful. Just keep a relatively quiet and clean environment and leave a small corner where the cat owner can hide without frightening the cat owner.

Finally healed the cat’s abdomen, share the experience of the people who came here, please accept this dry goods. - DayDayNews

2. Improve the immunity of cat owners. Cat owners with low immunity are more likely to be attacked by viruses, while cat owners with high immunity are more resistant to viruses and viruses are less likely to attack them. Only when the cat owners are strong can they eat it! Of course, the most effective way to improve immunity is to eat. A balanced diet and no shortage of nutrients are the most supplementary ~

Finally healed the cat’s abdomen, share the experience of the people who came here, please accept this dry goods. - DayDayNews

No matter which shoveling officer is unwilling to get his baby With this terrible disease, I hope that every baby can grow up healthy and peacefully and fall in love with the shovel officer. I also hope that every shit shoveling officer can accompany and observe the meows more. They can't speak, and only you can rely on them all.

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