What to do if the dog doesn’t eat, what’s the reason? What’s the matter with only drinking water but not eating without dog food

2020/03/2514:48:05 housepet 269

Many shit shovel officers have encountered situations where dogs suddenly stop eating, but helplessly, dogs are not humans and cannot express the reason in words.

This is anxious. The shoveling officials don’t know where the problem is. Don’t worry at this time, analyze the specific situation, and then prescribe the right medicine

What to do if the dog doesn’t eat, what’s the reason? What’s the matter with only drinking water but not eating without dog food - DayDayNews


Change teeth During the period

Dogs will also suffer from loss of appetite during the tooth replacement period. Therefore, it is best to soak the dog food before giving it to the dog during the dog tooth replacement period, and prepare some toys and bones for the dog to bite and reduce the change of teeth. Pain.


Strengthen exercise

If the dog does not eat, it may be caused by the indigestion caused by the frequent staying indoors. Therefore, you should take your dog for a walk every day. Improve the dog's appetite.



Dogs should be dewormed regularly. If parasites grow in the dog’s body, it will cause the dog to lose appetite.


Nutrition paste

If the dog does not eat, you can go to the pet hospital to buy some different flavors of nutritional cream for the dog to eat, the nutritional cream is rich in nutrients, can improve the dog My appetite


The rice is not good, the dog food is not suitable for its appetite, the taste is unpleasant, and it is not good

What to do if the dog doesn’t eat, what’s the reason? What’s the matter with only drinking water but not eating without dog food - DayDayNews

What's wrong with the dog not eating?

1. Physiological anorexia

Dogs may not eat under physiological conditions such as estrus, pregnancy, and tooth replacement. It is mainly caused by hormonal changes in the body, which is reasonable and normal.

Note: Anorexia Physiologically generally has no pathological symptoms, and it is normal whether it is mentality, body temperature or urination.

2. Illness causes anorexia.

Dogs usually have symptoms of not eating at the beginning of the onset. At the same time, sick dogs will be accompanied by fever, diarrhea, vomiting and other symptoms. At this time, the host should pay more attention and get treatment in time.

3. Belonging to behavioral diseases

The feeding of dogs should also be scientific, and feed casually. When feeding too many snacks or human foods to dogs from time to time, it will lead to picky food, except for love. Do not eat other dog food, this is spoiled.

4. Eating bad stomach gastroenteritis

When the dog is out of the house while the owner is not paying attention, he eats flowers, plants, grass, or other things such as grass balls because of curiosity. Overeating can cause gastroenteritis. Stop eating at home.

5. Want the owner to care about

Sometimes the dog doesn’t eat, it’s not that he can’t eat. It may be that the owner and the dog have problems with their discipline and communication methods, which leads to non-eating situations. For example, it thinks that if it does not eat, it will get the attention of its owner.

What to do if the dog doesn’t eat, what’s the reason? What’s the matter with only drinking water but not eating without dog food - DayDayNews

The original cause of the disease

(1) Parasitic infections can easily cause dogs to vomit, not to eat, and other symptoms. At this time, parents can find worm bodies or parasite eggs in the vomit.

(2) Long-term unhealthy structure can easily cause acute or chronic gastritis in dogs. At this time, dogs will also vomit yellow water and not eat children.

What to do if the dog doesn’t eat, what’s the reason? What’s the matter with only drinking water but not eating without dog food - DayDayNews

(3) If the dog spit out white water in addition to yellow water, this is an obvious poisoning phenomenon. We should find the reasons for ourselves, whether we added cheap dog food to the dog, or misused some vitamins for the dog, or the dog ate a foreign body by mistake, etc.! But it must be too hot, the dog Excessive physical energy consumption, this phenomenon is distinguished.

(4) The most common cause is canine distemper canine parvovirus or coronavirus infection. These are allCan cause gastrointestinal diseases, but also other complications. Parents can pay attention to observe

(5) Just after eating dog food, go to strenuous exercise, which leads to abnormal gastrointestinal motility.

In addition to the above problems, the dog’s own health also needs attention. Usually, you can increase your dog’s exercise. If it is a small dog, give him more toys at home, such as dog chews and balls. They play and exercise, usually tease it to run and play to meet their exercise capacity, but medium and large dogs must go outdoors to exercise more, let them run more outdoors!

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