Uncle Li, who had just retired, felt uncomfortable at home all day long, so he would go out for a stroll in the community, take a walk, and play ball to pass the time. But on this day, while Uncle Li was walking in the community, a puppy suddenly jumped out of the grass. Uncle Li

2024/07/0217:09:33 housepet 1230

Uncle Li, who had just retired, felt uncomfortable at home all day long, so he would go out for a stroll in the community, take a walk, and play ball to pass the time. But on this day, while Uncle Li was walking in the community, a puppy suddenly jumped out of the grass. Uncle Li stepped on it without paying attention. The dog turned around and bit Uncle Li, and then disappeared after the bite. Uncle Li saw that the wound on his leg was not big and only bled a little, so he went home and washed it with water. His family members advised Uncle Li to go to the hospital to get a rabies vaccine but Uncle Li was worried about money. Because the wound was so small, I refused to go to the hospital and simply bandaged it.

In the blink of an eye, more than a year has passed, and Uncle Li's body has not shown any abnormalities. He is even secretly happy that he has not been vaccinated. Suddenly, one morning, Uncle Li suffered from dizziness, headache, photophobia, difficulty in swallowing, drooling and other symptoms after getting up, and then became confused. He was rushed to the hospital, where he was rescued in the intensive care unit. God, he eventually died. 's family members cried loudly, finding it difficult to accept this fact. "It has been a year since he was bitten by a dog. How can people say that he is gone if he is gone?"

Uncle Li, who had just retired, felt uncomfortable at home all day long, so he would go out for a stroll in the community, take a walk, and play ball to pass the time. But on this day, while Uncle Li was walking in the community, a puppy suddenly jumped out of the grass. Uncle Li - DayDayNews

In fact, there are many cases of people like Uncle Li dying after being bitten by dogs because they were not vaccinated in time. Most of the patients who died from rabies were bitten by animals. Due to carelessness, concern about money, and a sense of luck, they failed to inject rabies vaccine in time. Once the disease occurs, the mortality rate is almost 100%.

1. Why is rabies so dangerous?

Rabies is an animal-borne infectious disease caused by rabies virus infection. After being bitten by an animal, the rabies virus can enter the human body through broken skin, start to replicate in the human muscle tissue, and then invade the human body's central nervous system. System induces diseases, and the main clinical manifestations are acute, progressive, and almost irreversible encephalomyelitis. Of course, before the onset of disease, rabies virus generally has an incubation period, which ranges from 5 days to several years, usually 2-3 months, and rarely exceeds 1 year. The length of the incubation period of is related to the quantity and toxicity of the virus. Once it develops, the clinical manifestations are hydrophobia, photophobia, dysphagia, salivation, mania, etc., and the mortality rate is as high as 100%.

2. After being bitten by an animal, how should you deal with it promptly?

If you are accidentally bitten by an animal, don’t panic. Before seeking medical treatment, we can take the following measures in time:

① Squeeze out the blood from the wound and rinse the wound repeatedly with soapy water or other weakly alkaline cleaning agents. Generally, Rinse for more than 15 minutes.

② Gently rub the wound with alcohol or iodine. Do not bandage the wound without permission. Go to the hospital for treatment in time.

③ Within 24 hours of being bitten, go to the hospital immediately for an injection of rabies vaccine .

④ If the wound is deep, in addition to rabies vaccine, rabies immune serum or globulin should also be injected.

Uncle Li, who had just retired, felt uncomfortable at home all day long, so he would go out for a stroll in the community, take a walk, and play ball to pass the time. But on this day, while Uncle Li was walking in the community, a puppy suddenly jumped out of the grass. Uncle Li - DayDayNews

3. Does the rabies vaccine have to be vaccinated within 24 hours to be effective?

If you are accidentally bitten by an animal, the earlier the rabies vaccine is injected, the better. However, vaccination after 24 hours is not completely ineffective because rabies has an incubation period. Vaccination during the incubation period will block the rabies virus from invading neural tissue. Opportunities for . Therefore, you can get rabies vaccine before you get sick. It should be noted that the later the vaccine is administered, the greater the risk of contracting rabies.

4. After being bitten by an animal, as long as there is no bleeding, does it mean that there is no need for rabies vaccination?

I believe that many of us have had the experience of being scratched or bitten by our pet cats or dogs. After being scratched or bitten, many of the injuries were minor, and the skin was not even broken, with only some traces. In this case , is rabies vaccination required?

Generally speaking, rabies virus exposure is divided into three levels:

Level 1 exposure: No skin damage, no vaccination required.

Secondary exposure: The skin is broken but there is no bleeding. At this time, the wound should be treated promptly and vaccinated.

Level three exposure: not only the wound bleeds, but the damaged mucosa is contaminated with animal saliva. At this time, not only the rabies vaccine but also the rabies immunoglobulin injection is required.

However, it is difficult to judge whether there is damage to some wounds with the naked eye. At this time, you can use alcohol to test. Rub alcohol on the injured area. If it just feels cold, it means that the skin is not damaged and it is a first-level exposure; if there is pain on the skin, it means that it has been exposed. Breakage requires wound management and vaccination.

Uncle Li, who had just retired, felt uncomfortable at home all day long, so he would go out for a stroll in the community, take a walk, and play ball to pass the time. But on this day, while Uncle Li was walking in the community, a puppy suddenly jumped out of the grass. Uncle Li - DayDayNews

Although we currently do not have any method to treat rabies, there is no need to panic. As long as reasonable prevention and control are carried out and wounds are treated properly, rabies is completely preventable. Do not take chances and regret it for life.

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