Some people say that keeping pets is a matter of personal interest and preference. Of course, this may not have been a problem in the past. After all, whoever keeps pets and who feeds them will not have any impact on other people. Many people even think that these pets can help t

2024/06/2916:00:33 housepet 1809

Some people say that keeping pets is a matter of personal interest and preference. Of course, this may not have been a problem in the past. After all, whoever keeps pets and who feeds them will not have any impact on other people. Many people even think that these pets can help take care of their homes. They are happy with activities such as playing in the yard or catching mice. However, with the changes of the times, although the living environment between people is getting closer and closer, in daily life, the psychological distance between people is getting farther and farther. It's no longer just a personal hobby.

Some people say that keeping pets is a matter of personal interest and preference. Of course, this may not have been a problem in the past. After all, whoever keeps pets and who feeds them will not have any impact on other people. Many people even think that these pets can help t - DayDayNews

The cat keeps licking the mat

Because whether you are raising cats or dogs, in the process of raising them, it will definitely have some impact on the people around you, especially dog ​​owners, because dogs Their natural barking behavior, coupled with the dogs' instinct to guard homes and homes and protect their owners, will affect nearby residents. When taking them out for a walk, dogs are often attacked because of their natural instincts. Sex makes many people fear them, and some may even be harmed by them. Therefore, in the process of raising, these pets will still have an impact on other people to a greater or lesser extent.

Some people say that keeping pets is a matter of personal interest and preference. Of course, this may not have been a problem in the past. After all, whoever keeps pets and who feeds them will not have any impact on other people. Many people even think that these pets can help t - DayDayNews

After the cat licked the mat, he went to eat the cotton swab.

Although cats are not as serious a nuisance as dogs, in daily life, whether they are cleaning up their feces or the cats accidentally get lost and run to other people At home, it is an influence on other people. Not to mention, as the cost of acquiring pets decreases, it is very simple for many people to acquire a pet cat or dog, and raising them does not require any prerequisites. Therefore, raising pets The quality of people is also uneven.

Some people say that keeping pets is a matter of personal interest and preference. Of course, this may not have been a problem in the past. After all, whoever keeps pets and who feeds them will not have any impact on other people. Many people even think that these pets can help t - DayDayNews

Found that the cat was too hungry, the volunteer hurriedly fed it some canned food

Some people insist on raising them for a long time because they love them. But there are also many people who only keep them out of temporary preference. When they get tired of them, they are unwilling to continue taking care of them, so stray animals follow. As the number of stray animals increases, these stray animals are synonymous with trouble to many people who don’t like them that much. Even when the number of these stray animals begins to affect people’s normal lives, many People who used to like them will also be unhappy with them. Therefore, nowadays, keeping pets is no longer just a matter of personal interests...

Some people say that keeping pets is a matter of personal interest and preference. Of course, this may not have been a problem in the past. After all, whoever keeps pets and who feeds them will not have any impact on other people. Many people even think that these pets can help t - DayDayNews

Cats wolfing down cans

There is a stray cat rescue team in Guangdong. Because the volunteers in this stray cat rescue team have been in the local area for a long time Rescue injured and sick stray cats. Over time, many local netizens will take the initiative to contact them when they see those stray cats. There are even many kind-hearted people who, when they pick up some stray cats, will take the initiative to bring them to this stray cat rescue base, and let the volunteers in this stray cat rescue team help treat them and help them recover. Finally, they found an owner who was willing to continue to take care of it...

Some people say that keeping pets is a matter of personal interest and preference. Of course, this may not have been a problem in the past. After all, whoever keeps pets and who feeds them will not have any impact on other people. Many people even think that these pets can help t - DayDayNews

The volunteer touched the cat's head distressedly

On this day, a kind-hearted lady brought a cat with skin diseases to the stray cat rescue base. According to the elder sister who brought the cat, the cat was raised by a person who ran a canteen at their gas station. However, the canteen later closed down, so the cat was abandoned by its former owner at the gas station. The eldest sister couldn't stand it, so she took it to the stray cat rescue base. After understanding what happened, the volunteers were ready to check the cat's body, confirm the cat's condition, and then conduct more detailed classification and care for the cat based on the cat's condition.

Some people say that keeping pets is a matter of personal interest and preference. Of course, this may not have been a problem in the past. After all, whoever keeps pets and who feeds them will not have any impact on other people. Many people even think that these pets can help t - DayDayNews

The cat lay carelessly on the mat

Just when the volunteers were about to check the cat’s physical condition, a scene that surprised all the volunteers happened. Perhaps because it was too hungry, when the volunteers put the cat on the mat. , it suddenly started to pull up the mat, and began to lick the mat non-stop. Later, after discovering that the mat could not fill its stomach, the cat shifted its target to the cotton swab on the side. Seeing the hungry cat looking for food, the volunteers felt sorry for it and immediately prepared some food for it.

Some people say that keeping pets is a matter of personal interest and preference. Of course, this may not have been a problem in the past. After all, whoever keeps pets and who feeds them will not have any impact on other people. Many people even think that these pets can help t - DayDayNews

Volunteers checked the cat's condition

Facing the food prepared by the volunteers, the stray cat showed no signs of wariness and started eating directly at the food. Moreover, when it was eating, everything around it It doesn't seem to be important to it anymore. Moreover, after eating and drinking, the cat put down all its guard and instantly regarded the stray cat rescue base as its home. It even took the initiative to step on the breasts of the volunteer who picked it up. At the same time, when lying on the mat, the cat also looked carefree...

Some people say that keeping pets is a matter of personal interest and preference. Of course, this may not have been a problem in the past. After all, whoever keeps pets and who feeds them will not have any impact on other people. Many people even think that these pets can help t - DayDayNews

The cat's condition seemed to be very good

. And after the subsequent examination, treatment, In a series of behaviors such as petting the cat, the cat is always very accompanying. Even when the volunteers pet it, the cat enjoys it very much. It seems that the cat is very familiar with all this, and all this is also its nature. The daily routine that it should be. After seeing the series of changes in this stray cat, the volunteers also hope that more and more people will choose to adopt instead of buying pets when choosing pets, and at the same time, they can also do the same when raising them. There is a beginning and an end. After all, raising them may be just a hobby for you, but for them it is a life-long decision...

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