The average lifespan of a Pomeranian is 14-18 years. In the dog world, it is a very long-lived dog. If it is raised scientifically, there is no problem for it to live to this age, but if you do not take good care of it, it will be difficult to say. Pomeranians with short lifespan

2024/06/2404:11:32 housepet 1289

The average lifespan of a Pomeranian is 14-18 years. In the dog world, it is a very long-lived dog. If it is raised scientifically, it will have no problem living to this age, but if you don't take good care of it, it will be difficult to say. Pomeranians and that don’t live long will most likely have the following 7 major phenomena. I hope your dog doesn’t have them.

The average lifespan of a Pomeranian is 14-18 years. In the dog world, it is a very long-lived dog. If it is raised scientifically, there is no problem for it to live to this age, but if you do not take good care of it, it will be difficult to say. Pomeranians with short lifespan - DayDayNews

1. Easy to get sick

A healthy dog ​​is actually not easy to get sick. Their physique is good. On the contrary, if your Pomeranian is always sick, it means that his physique is very poor. This is a sign that his life is not long and he often gets sick. It is very harmful to your health.

The average lifespan of a Pomeranian is 14-18 years. In the dog world, it is a very long-lived dog. If it is raised scientifically, there is no problem for it to live to this age, but if you do not take good care of it, it will be difficult to say. Pomeranians with short lifespan - DayDayNews

2. Long-term poor digestion

An obvious phenomenon of short-lived Pomeranian dogs is that they have long-term poor digestion, either diarrhea or constipation, which are abnormal. Healthy dogs have smooth bowel movements. , and not too hard or too soft, enough to be picked up with bare hands.

The average lifespan of a Pomeranian is 14-18 years. In the dog world, it is a very long-lived dog. If it is raised scientifically, there is no problem for it to live to this age, but if you do not take good care of it, it will be difficult to say. Pomeranians with short lifespan - DayDayNews

3. Thin body

The Pomeranian itself is not big. If it is still thin, it will be obvious. At this time, you need to see if it has been dewormed. Is it because the growth of worms affects the absorption of nutrients? If If not, it's probably because of insufficient nutrition. Remember to supplement it.

The average lifespan of a Pomeranian is 14-18 years. In the dog world, it is a very long-lived dog. If it is raised scientifically, there is no problem for it to live to this age, but if you do not take good care of it, it will be difficult to say. Pomeranians with short lifespan - DayDayNews

4. Rough hair

The physical condition of a short-lived Pomeranian can also be seen from its hair. If the hair is rough and dull, and there is a lot of hair loss, if it is not improved, it is easy to develop skin diseases. It is recommended that the owner feed it some hair-beautifying food and take it out for more exercise to promote hair growth.

The average lifespan of a Pomeranian is 14-18 years. In the dog world, it is a very long-lived dog. If it is raised scientifically, there is no problem for it to live to this age, but if you do not take good care of it, it will be difficult to say. Pomeranians with short lifespan - DayDayNews

5. Dirty eyes

Pomeranian dogs that are short-lived will also have dirty eyes. You will see that their eyes are full of tears, which are tear stains. If they are not wiped in time, they will easily leave traces and affect their appearance. .

The average lifespan of a Pomeranian is 14-18 years. In the dog world, it is a very long-lived dog. If it is raised scientifically, there is no problem for it to live to this age, but if you do not take good care of it, it will be difficult to say. Pomeranians with short lifespan - DayDayNews

6. Too fat

Pomeranians should not be kept too fat. If they are too fat, they will cause diabetes , pancreatitis , spinal disc herniation and other diseases. It is better to be more symmetrical, so do not always feed too much fat. Don't overfeed foods that are high in fat.

If your Pomeranian is already too fat, it is recommended that you lose weight for it. In addition to taking it for exercise from time to time, you should also control its diet. Choose a low-fat dog food to feed it. I want to choose it for the dog. If so, take a look at the following ones.

The average lifespan of a Pomeranian is 14-18 years. In the dog world, it is a very long-lived dog. If it is raised scientifically, there is no problem for it to live to this age, but if you do not take good care of it, it will be difficult to say. Pomeranians with short lifespan - DayDayNews

7, low mood

A healthy and long-lived dog must be in a good mood every day. If your Pomeranian is always in a low mood and depressed every day, how can it live a long life? So owners should not always ignore their dogs. Pomeranians are dogs that need companionship, so play with them from time to time!

The average lifespan of a Pomeranian is 14-18 years. In the dog world, it is a very long-lived dog. If it is raised scientifically, there is no problem for it to live to this age, but if you do not take good care of it, it will be difficult to say. Pomeranians with short lifespan - DayDayNews

Conclusion: How many of the above characteristics does your Pomeranian have?

The average lifespan of a Pomeranian is 14-18 years. In the dog world, it is a very long-lived dog. If it is raised scientifically, there is no problem for it to live to this age, but if you do not take good care of it, it will be difficult to say. Pomeranians with short lifespan - DayDayNews

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