What problems can cause stress in cats?

2024/06/1813:25:32 housepet 1714

What problems can cause stress in cats?

With the emergence of cat owners, more and more cat owners know more and more about cats, but there are also some novice cat owners who treat cats without knowing anything about them. After you take the cat home, it will easily cause the cat to have any stress response . In fact, this is a very normal phenomenon. After all, any cat has a tolerance level when it accepts a new environment. If it is psychologically If the endurance is not enough, they will be prone to stress reactions. So for cats, they often have some stress reactions, what kind of damage will it cause to them, and what kind of problems will it cause. In fact, this is a problem that every poop scraper should know, so that we can It can better face the cat's stress reaction and provide it with good help. After all, they can’t speak. They can only use some of their behaviors to tell you that I have a stress reaction. I am very unhappy and anxious. At this time, the cat should observe what the cat should do. How to do it? Is it a positive stress or a reverse stress? If it is a positive stress, the problem will not be particularly big. At this time, the cat can give the cat a very simple processing and assistance. At this point, the poop collectors want to ask, what are the common behaviors of cats that show stress reactions, and where are they specifically manifested? In fact, most of cats’ stress reactions are manifested in emotions, behaviors, and bodies. A change, especially a change in mood, is the cat’s stress response that can be most intuitively understood by shit collectors.

What problems can cause stress in cats? - DayDayNews

First: The problem of stress response on cats’ emotions.

Cats are very quiet and gentle animals. Most of the time, their personalities are relatively aloof and indifferent. They are often in a leisurely and lazy stage. If cats have a stress reaction, they will usually The expression is tense and the spirit is anxious. For example, no matter how the scavenger calls the cat, the cat will respond, but now no matter how the scavenger calls the cat, it will not respond at all. Sometimes the cat will suddenly like to shout loudly. "Meow", and the sound is very miserable, showing a heartbreaking, howling and other abnormal state, or the cat is suddenly afraid, showing the phenomenon of exploding hair all over the body and running around the room. At this time, the cat owner must pay attention and try to contact the cat slowly. After all, it trusts you very much. Give it gentleness and care slowly. If the cat’s stress reaction is not too severe, slowly and slowly the cat will be touched by the owner. It will slowly disappear if you keep it company. We, the shit-sweepers, cannot take it lightly.

Second: Stress response affects cat behavior.

What problems can cause stress in cats? - DayDayNews

Cats sleep quietly during the day most of the time. If suddenly something happens to the cat, for example, in the past two days, the cat does not allow its owner to come near it, and often curls up in one place. Once the owner approaches, the cat will breathe. , hair-fried behavior, or the cat has often been waving its tail anxiously in recent days, with a very serious expression, or the cat often hides in a corner, hiding itself, and secretly observing the surrounding environment. Sometimes abnormal behaviors such as urinating and urinating at home suddenly occur, then most cats are experiencing stress reactions. At this time, the poop scavenger cannot scold the cats or beat them because they urinate randomly. After all, this is Sometimes they are very anxious, which can easily increase the cat's anxiety and aggravate the stress response. What the cat has to do is to accompany the cat, comfort it softly, and wait until it gets better - and must not stimulate it.

Third: Stress response affects cats’ health.

Once cats have a stress reaction, they will easily become anorexic, go to the toilet frequently, and become depressed. If the cat continues like this for a few days, the cat owner should quickly take the cat to the hospital for treatment. Don't take it lightly, after all, these guys are very fragile.

What problems can cause stress in cats? - DayDayNews

In our daily lives, as a qualified poop scooper, we must learn to avoid stress reactions in cats, especially behaviors that are harmful to the health of cats, and try to eliminate them as much as possible. After all, cats are not as powerful as we think. Once a problem occurs, they may leave us completely, so before these things happen, putting an end to them is the best way. Especially in today’s online world, you can often see cat owners on the Internet asking their cats to learn to walk, dance, etc. This is very bad, and cat owners must not do it easily. Going against cats’ wishes and instincts, and forcibly going against them, is not love to them, it’s harm. If you really love cats, then respect them and take care of them!

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