Whether you are a veteran cat owner, a novice cat owner, or someone who has never raised a cat, you may not have heard of "backyard cats". What exactly is a "backyard cat"? I believe it is the first time for many people to hear it. When it comes to this kind of cat, everyone is f

2024/05/2609:46:32 housepet 1461

Whether you are a veteran cat owner, a novice cat owner, or someone who has never raised a cat, you may not have heard of " backyard cat ". What exactly is a "backyard cat"? I believe many people have never heard of it. When I first heard about this kind of cat, I was full of curiosity, so let’s explain some things about “backyard cats” in detail.

Whether you are a veteran cat owner, a novice cat owner, or someone who has never raised a cat, you may not have heard of

What is a backyard cat?

In order to make money, some unscrupulous cat dealers, without knowing the knowledge about breed cat breeding or knowing how to deliberately fail to follow it, let cats that are not qualified to breed offspring or have defective breed cats to be mated with each other, as well as cats bred from inbreeding. This kind of cats basically have congenital genetic diseases, and most of them will get sick. They are called "backyard cats"

Why are "backyard cats" prone to getting sick

This is similar to humans

First, inbreeding, humans are prohibited from marrying close relatives Yes, because inbreeding will cause many congenital diseases, and the same goes for cats.

Secondly, the purpose of pre-pregnancy check-ups for human pregnancy is to avoid the birth of unhealthy children. Wuliang merchants will not do pre-pregnancy check-ups. In order to save money, they will give birth regardless of whether they have defects or not.

Third, regular catteries basically have two litters a year, while unscrupulous catteries breed multiple fetuses. Regardless of the health of the cats and how many they can give birth to, cats with poor health will be prone to disease.

Fourth, in order to save money, if you don’t take good care of the mother cat, the health of the kittens will not be guaranteed.

Whether you are a veteran cat owner, a novice cat owner, or someone who has never raised a cat, you may not have heard of

What are the dangers of “backyard cats”?

"Backyard cats" basically have congenital diseases and acquired diseases, such as: cat plague , cat-borne infection, etc. Once the disease occurs, the loss is not just the money to buy the cat. You spend 1K to buy the cat, 2K to treat the disease, and finally the cat If he still dies, that would be a tragedy. Spending money is a small thing, but the most important thing is that the kitten suffers. It is unacceptable to have to endure pain after birth.

Why would someone buy a backyard cat?

If you knew it was a "backyard cat", no one would buy it. In fact, it's just because you don't understand. Buying a garden is like a Persian and you are cheated. Some people just like the appearance of cats and are not specific. To consider other factors, or because the price is cheap, you don’t think so much, and end up accidentally buying a “backyard cat”. Therefore, when buying a cat, it is better to go to a regular cattery, observe it several times, be cautious, and avoid buying a cat easily. Got cheated.

Whether you are a veteran cat owner, a novice cat owner, or someone who has never raised a cat, you may not have heard of

Why do "backyard cats" appear? In fact, it is a word for profit, and it is all about money. Just like hunting nationally protected animals , there is harm when there is buying and selling, and some stray cats are also bought. The disease of "backyard cats" is caused by being abandoned, so I would like to advise all those who want to raise cats to keep their eyes open and do not buy "backyard cats", which will completely lose the market for "backyard cats".

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