Channel is king, which is still the current theme of the pet industry. In recent years, there are still many top dealers with high growth rates, or new players who have delivered impressive results after 2-3 years in the industry. There are also a large number of post-90s people

2024/05/2314:10:33 housepet 1279

Channel is king, which is still the current theme of the pet industry. In recent years, there are still many top dealers with high growth rates, or new players who have delivered impressive results after 2-3 years in the industry. There are also a large number of post-90s people from Kochi who are joining the seemingly "traditional" pet industry. Commercial state.

Innovation is changing the way pet dealers "make money" - some people have found a unique way and grown into leading agents in the province that cannot be underestimated in the county market, and some have become a new agent that has suddenly emerged in the local area by relying on the newly opened new generation wholesale showroom. Some business owners have doubled their business by activating the potential of their teams and old businesses... This pet industry dealer summit will discuss these progressive cases in business with dealer leaders to promote the further prosperity of physical channels.

At the second TOPS Expo held from July 22 to 24 this year, the TOPS curatorial team has accumulated many years of content polishing experience and co-created with senior practitioners. It will be held on July 23, the second day of the exhibition. Launched the "pidan" Cup TOPS Pet Industry Dealer Empowerment Summit exclusively sponsored by pidan.

Channel is king, which is still the current theme of the pet industry. In recent years, there are still many top dealers with high growth rates, or new players who have delivered impressive results after 2-3 years in the industry. There are also a large number of post-90s people  - DayDayNews

Live photos of the first IT Expo dealer summit

At this meeting, pidan founder Ma Wenfei, pet industry expert & IT Expo founder Shiro, as well as Jiangsu Exon Pet Industry Group founder Wu Wenbin and Guangzhou Junhong general manager Chen Hongfei, Sichuan Paimo General Manager Xiang Xudong, Xinruipeng Industry New Channel Business Department General Manager Hao Bo, Jiangsu Changzhou Chongge General Manager Li Yi, Anhui Bengbu Naughty Trading General Manager Liu Zhao, Shantou Quge Trading General Manager Jing Huai Feng, Shenyang Shangchong partner Che Lei, Hangzhou Xishan Chairman Chen Zhenyuan, Jiangsu Newtian CEO Peter and many other pet channel dealers will have candid discussions, share the "making money" and "transformation" cases of pet dealers, and discuss Channel development.

This year's "pidan" Cup TOPS Pet Industry Dealer Empowerment Summit has the theme of "What kind of dealers can make money this year?"


July 23, 13:30-17:30pm


Hangzhou International Expo Center Multifunctional Hall

Special thanks

Channel is king, which is still the current theme of the pet industry. In recent years, there are still many top dealers with high growth rates, or new players who have delivered impressive results after 2-3 years in the industry. There are also a large number of post-90s people  - DayDayNews

Summit agenda

Channel is king, which is still the current theme of the pet industry. In recent years, there are still many top dealers with high growth rates, or new players who have delivered impressive results after 2-3 years in the industry. There are also a large number of post-90s people  - DayDayNews

Opening speech

Channel is king, which is still the current theme of the pet industry. In recent years, there are still many top dealers with high growth rates, or new players who have delivered impressive results after 2-3 years in the industry. There are also a large number of post-90s people  - DayDayNews5 people, 500 million, profit, what next?

Channel is king, which is still the current theme of the pet industry. In recent years, there are still many top dealers with high growth rates, or new players who have delivered impressive results after 2-3 years in the industry. There are also a large number of post-90s people  - DayDayNews


Founder of pidan

Ma Wenfei

Keynote speech

Look at product selection from another angle
Relying on this product selection strategy, this dealer has grown by 50% every year

Channel is king, which is still the current theme of the pet industry. In recent years, there are still many top dealers with high growth rates, or new players who have delivered impressive results after 2-3 years in the industry. There are also a large number of post-90s people  - DayDayNews

Guest speaker

General Manager of Shantou Quge Trading

Jing Huaifeng

Keynote Speech

The heart-attracting method of dealer business management

Channel is king, which is still the current theme of the pet industry. In recent years, there are still many top dealers with high growth rates, or new players who have delivered impressive results after 2-3 years in the industry. There are also a large number of post-90s people  - DayDayNews


Jiangsu Aixon Pet Industry Group

Founder and Chairman

Wu Wenbin

Topic Seminar

The new generation of national fashion brand "Volume" offline

What do dealers think?

Channel is king, which is still the current theme of the pet industry. In recent years, there are still many top dealers with high growth rates, or new players who have delivered impressive results after 2-3 years in the industry. There are also a large number of post-90s people  - DayDayNews


General Manager of Xinruipeng Industry New Channel Division

Hao Bo


Chairman of Guangzhou Junhong Trading

Chen Hongfei

Chairman of Hangzhou Xishan Pets

Chen Zhenyuan

Shenyang Shangchong Partner

Che Lei

pidan Sales Director


Keynote Speech

New Generation Wholesale Store

How does a dealer who started a store stand out in 3 years

Channel is king, which is still the current theme of the pet industry. In recent years, there are still many top dealers with high growth rates, or new players who have delivered impressive results after 2-3 years in the industry. There are also a large number of post-90s people  - DayDayNews


Jiang Su Changzhou Chongge General Manager

Li Yi

Keynote speech

Seeing the sinking market

Focusing on the county market, you can also enter Provincial first camp

Channel is king, which is still the current theme of the pet industry. In recent years, there are still many top dealers with high growth rates, or new players who have delivered impressive results after 2-3 years in the industry. There are also a large number of post-90s people  - DayDayNews

Guest speaker

Anhui Bengbu Naughty Trading General Manager

Liu Zhao

Group portrait speech

Transformers say
Paimo: What is the progress of the B2B platform?
Newtian: From provincial agent to live streaming service provider

Channel is king, which is still the current theme of the pet industry. In recent years, there are still many top dealers with high growth rates, or new players who have delivered impressive results after 2-3 years in the industry. There are also a large number of post-90s people  - DayDayNews


General Manager of Sichuan Paimo

Xiang Xudong

Jiangsu Newtian CEO


Special Session

Sharing the results of a small survey of pet dealers in 2022

Channel is king, which is still the current theme of the pet industry. In recent years, there are still many top dealers with high growth rates, or new players who have delivered impressive results after 2-3 years in the industry. There are also a large number of post-90s people  - DayDayNews

Sharing guest

Pet Industry Home & It Blog In 2022, the founder of the association


, together with more advanced colleagues, will study the method of "making money" for pet dealers. Welcome to register and attend the 2nd Pet Dealer Empowerment Summit of IT Expo.

Want to register for the Dealer Summit?

Please scan the QR code on the poster below


Channel is king, which is still the current theme of the pet industry. In recent years, there are still many top dealers with high growth rates, or new players who have delivered impressive results after 2-3 years in the industry. There are also a large number of post-90s people  - DayDayNews

Join the pet industry certified dealer to open a joint invitation

You can get free early bird ticket quota

As well as product preview and manufacturer contact privileges

The number of participants is limited, first come first come First get

Scan the QR code below for consultation


Channel is king, which is still the current theme of the pet industry. In recent years, there are still many top dealers with high growth rates, or new players who have delivered impressive results after 2-3 years in the industry. There are also a large number of post-90s people  - DayDayNews

Please scan the code to add a dealer assistant (small agent) for consultation

Limited to pet dealer owners

TOPSIt is a professional audience pre-registration for the expo

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