I believe that many dog ​​owners want to get close to dogs, but their dogs always have a smell of "keep away from strangers"? Don’t worry, collect these 6 methods to help you cure your dog’s bad breath! Dogs are prohibited from eating garbage and excrement. Some dogs will dig thr

2024/06/0813:57:32 housepet 1048

I believe that many dog ​​owners want to get close to dogs, but their mouths always smell like "keep away from strangers"? Don’t worry, collect these 6 methods to help you cure your dog’s bad breath!

I believe that many dog ​​owners want to get close to dogs, but their dogs always have a smell of

Dogs are prohibited from eating garbage and excrement

Some dogs will dig through trash cans and eat excrement out of curiosity or greed, which can also lead to bad breath. Therefore, the poop scooper must strictly control it, place the trash can where it cannot reach and find it, and strictly prevent it from eating excrement.

I believe that many dog ​​owners want to get close to dogs, but their dogs always have a smell of

Regulate the gastrointestinal tract

Dog’s bad breath may also be related to its gastrointestinal tract. If your dog’s teeth are not yellow but the bad breath is obvious, and accompanied by soft and loose stools, it is most likely that the bad breath is caused by gastrointestinal problems. The poop scraper should start with the dog's daily diet. You can choose some dog food containing probiotics to help the dog regulate its stomach. You can also eat more fruits and vegetables that are beneficial to the dog's stomach, such as pumpkin, Carrot , apple, etc.

I believe that many dog ​​owners want to get close to dogs, but their dogs always have a smell of

Reduce the dog’s fire

The dog’s bad breath may also be caused by the fire. The dog owner can try to reduce the dog’s fire by feeding some duck meat, cucumbers, apples, pears and other foods.

I believe that many dog ​​owners want to get close to dogs, but their dogs always have a smell of

Go to the hospital for a checkup

If the dog has persistent bad breath that cannot be relieved, it is recommended that the dog owner take the dog to a regular hospital to see a pet doctor for a comprehensive examination of the dog’s dental and oral health and other issues. Even if it is not to treat bad breath, even if it is for the health of your dog, regular check-ups are necessary.

I believe that many dog ​​owners want to get close to dogs, but their dogs always have a smell of

Cleaning the mouth

If the dog has bad breath because there are often leftover food residues in the mouth adhering to the surface of the teeth, causing bacteria to breed, the scavenger must clean the dog's mouth frequently. This can be done after meals. Or before going to bed at night, brush your dog's teeth with pet cleaning products, or spray your dog with pet mouth spray to make his breath fresher.

I believe that many dog ​​owners want to get close to dogs, but their dogs always have a smell of

If your dog doesn’t like to brush his teeth and clean his mouth, you can also buy some wear-resistant teeth-cleaning dog snacks for your dog to eat, which can also help clean your dog’s teeth.

I believe that many dog ​​owners want to get close to dogs, but their dogs always have a smell of

Control your diet

Some dog owners will feed their dogs human food. Human food contains too many additives and is too salty and oily. Eating human food for a long time will also make dogs prone to bad breath. Dog owners should carefully choose high-quality dog ​​food. They should choose dog food that is low in salt and oil, resistant to chewing, and can effectively relieve the odor in the dog's mouth.

I believe that many dog ​​owners want to get close to dogs, but their dogs always have a smell of

Conclusion: Does your dog have bad breath? Do you have any other good methods?

I believe that many dog ​​owners want to get close to dogs, but their dogs always have a smell of

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