Most owners have raised dogs since they were puppies. When they take the dogs home, they may be less than 3 months old. Some owners even personally deliver their female dogs and welcome several babies at the same time. How should they take better care of their dogs at this time?

2024/05/1923:35:32 housepet 1659

Most owners have raised dogs since they were puppies. When they take the dogs home, they may be less than 3 months old. Some owners even personally deliver their female dogs and welcome several babies at the same time. How should they take better care of their dogs at this time? Here are some tips for raising healthy puppies.

Most owners have raised dogs since they were puppies. When they take the dogs home, they may be less than 3 months old. Some owners even personally deliver their female dogs and welcome several babies at the same time. How should they take better care of their dogs at this time?  - DayDayNews

0-1 month old

Staple food: breast milk, goat milk

Feeding times: 6-8 times

  • At this stage, puppies are very weak, so pay attention to keeping warm! Prepare a comfortable and warm environment for mother dog and baby dog.

Most owners have raised dogs since they were puppies. When they take the dogs home, they may be less than 3 months old. Some owners even personally deliver their female dogs and welcome several babies at the same time. How should they take better care of their dogs at this time?  - DayDayNews

  • It is best for newborn puppies to stay with their mother and be fed with breast milk. It is not recommended to buy puppies at this stage. They are very difficult to raise without their mother.

If the dog's mother does not have enough milk, she can use goat's milk instead, and feed slowly with a syringe, every 2-3 hours, about 5ml each time. Never feed milk to puppies, as it can easily cause diarrhea due to lactose intolerance .

Most owners have raised dogs since they were puppies. When they take the dogs home, they may be less than 3 months old. Some owners even personally deliver their female dogs and welcome several babies at the same time. How should they take better care of their dogs at this time?  - DayDayNews

1-2 months old

Staple food: Goat milk, goat milk or soaked in warm water Dog food

Feeding times: 4-5 times

Most owners have raised dogs since they were puppies. When they take the dogs home, they may be less than 3 months old. Some owners even personally deliver their female dogs and welcome several babies at the same time. How should they take better care of their dogs at this time?  - DayDayNews

  • Puppies are usually weaned at 1-1 and a half months, because their teeth have begun to grow, and they will bite if they continue to drink milk. Painful dog mother.

If you are ready to wean the puppies, you can feed them goat milk for a few days to make a transition, and then soak the dog food in goat milk or warm water. The water temperature should be controlled at about 40°C. Too high a water temperature will destroy the nutrition of the dog food, and too low a water temperature will damage the dog food. It is difficult to soak the dog food until it is soft inside and outside and can be pinched open, then it can be eaten by the dog.

Most owners have raised dogs since they were puppies. When they take the dogs home, they may be less than 3 months old. Some owners even personally deliver their female dogs and welcome several babies at the same time. How should they take better care of their dogs at this time?  - DayDayNews

  • At this stage, the puppies should also be dewormed for the first time. After the puppies are 45 days old, use the corresponding dose of deworming drug according to the dog's weight. The deworming drug should be chosen with a high safety factor.

Do not deworm your puppy when it is too young, as it may lead to poisoning.

Most owners have raised dogs since they were puppies. When they take the dogs home, they may be less than 3 months old. Some owners even personally deliver their female dogs and welcome several babies at the same time. How should they take better care of their dogs at this time?  - DayDayNews

2-4 months old

Staple food: dog food

Feeding frequency: 3-4 times

Most owners have raised dogs since they were puppies. When they take the dogs home, they may be less than 3 months old. Some owners even personally deliver their female dogs and welcome several babies at the same time. How should they take better care of their dogs at this time?  - DayDayNews

  • When the puppy is 2-3 months old, you can slowly teach it to go to the toilet at a fixed point. At this time, the dog is like a clean white Paper, if the master teaches it well, can develop better habits.
  • puppies are 3 months old and their deciduous teeth and have all grown. They can transition from wet dog food to dry dog ​​food, which is more conducive to training the dog to chew. If you continue to feed the dog soft dog food, it will not be conducive to the growth of its teeth. .

Most owners have raised dogs since they were puppies. When they take the dogs home, they may be less than 3 months old. Some owners even personally deliver their female dogs and welcome several babies at the same time. How should they take better care of their dogs at this time?  - DayDayNews

  • At this stage, puppies need to receive 3 shots of multi-vaccine + 1 shot of rabies vaccine . It is recommended to deworm the dog and ensure its health.

Usually puppies can receive the first dose of vaccine after 45 days of age. Thereafter, the interval between each dose is 21 days. The rabies vaccine can be vaccinated at the same time as the third dose of multi-linked vaccine.

Most owners have raised dogs since they were puppies. When they take the dogs home, they may be less than 3 months old. Some owners even personally deliver their female dogs and welcome several babies at the same time. How should they take better care of their dogs at this time?  - DayDayNews

4-6 months old

Staple food: dog food

Feeding times: 2-3 times

Most owners have raised dogs since they were puppies. When they take the dogs home, they may be less than 3 months old. Some owners even personally deliver their female dogs and welcome several babies at the same time. How should they take better care of their dogs at this time?  - DayDayNews

  • Puppies enter the teething period, lose their deciduous teeth, and grow permanent teeth. They will gnaw and destroy behaviors, commonly known as "destroying the house." You can prepare molar snacks and molar toys of moderate softness and hardness for it, and provide appropriate calcium supplements to prevent the growth of double rows of teeth.
  • After the puppy has been vaccinated, you can take it out appropriately. At the same time, you must start training it to follow and come back as soon as it hears the owner's command. Starting training from a young age can prevent the dog from rushing and letting go when it grows up.

Most owners have raised dogs since they were puppies. When they take the dogs home, they may be less than 3 months old. Some owners even personally deliver their female dogs and welcome several babies at the same time. How should they take better care of their dogs at this time?  - DayDayNews

  • At this stage, the puppy's body will enter a period of rapid growth. It is necessary to feed it nutritious and balanced dog food to avoid malnutrition. You can take a look at the following pictures.

Most owners have raised dogs since they were puppies. When they take the dogs home, they may be less than 3 months old. Some owners even personally deliver their female dogs and welcome several babies at the same time. How should they take better care of their dogs at this time?  - DayDayNews

6-8 months old

Staple food: dog food + homemade complementary food

Frequency of feeding: 2-3 times

Most owners have raised dogs since they were puppies. When they take the dogs home, they may be less than 3 months old. Some owners even personally deliver their female dogs and welcome several babies at the same time. How should they take better care of their dogs at this time?  - DayDayNews

  • At this stage, the dog’s body is still developing, and the digestive system has developed relatively well. In addition to feeding dog food, you can also give it homemade complementary food. , choose some meat and vegetables suitable for dogs, cook them in clean water and feed them to make them more nutritious.
  • Pay attention to feeding at regular intervals so that the dog can maintain good eating habits, which is more conducive to gastrointestinal digestion and can also reduce the dog's behavior of begging for food at other times.

Most owners have raised dogs since they were puppies. When they take the dogs home, they may be less than 3 months old. Some owners even personally deliver their female dogs and welcome several babies at the same time. How should they take better care of their dogs at this time?  - DayDayNews

  • Puppies usually enter their first estrus period at 7-8 months old. If you want to sterilize your dog, you can do it before the dog goes into estrus, or one week after the dog has finished estrus.

It should be noted that the dog's estrus period means that it has reached the age for mating, but the dog is in heat for the first time and is not fully mature physiologically. It is not recommended to breed the dog at this time, at least until after 1 year old.

Most owners have raised dogs since they were puppies. When they take the dogs home, they may be less than 3 months old. Some owners even personally deliver their female dogs and welcome several babies at the same time. How should they take better care of their dogs at this time?  - DayDayNews

  • After the puppy is 6 months old, it is already more thoughtful. You can teach it some simple actions, such as "shake hands", "sit", etc., and then slowly transition to some slightly more complex commands, such as picking up things.

Don’t be impatient when training. If you combine some snacks as rewards, the dog will accept it faster.

Most owners have raised dogs since they were puppies. When they take the dogs home, they may be less than 3 months old. Some owners even personally deliver their female dogs and welcome several babies at the same time. How should they take better care of their dogs at this time?  - DayDayNews

Conclusion: What experience do you have in caring for puppies?

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Most owners have raised dogs since they were puppies. When they take the dogs home, they may be less than 3 months old. Some owners even personally deliver their female dogs and welcome several babies at the same time. How should they take better care of their dogs at this time?  - DayDayNews

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